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Created by - ZetaZ98
This guide covers some basic tips, tricks, and advice that can help you out of tough spots, improve your playthroughs, or simply teach you about a mechanic you did not know about! Many of these tips will be obvious to experienced players but you never know
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Created by - lonerunner
2,510 ratings
This guide is intended to help you easier find all transmissions and set them to their final location where they should receive transmission.
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2,336 Hours played
I used to have this game thumb downed, then I realized the only way to make people actually realize how bad an idea it is to play this game is to thumb it up and let you see my playtime and have that speak for itself.
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A fantastic follow-up to the already amazing RE7 that together have basically revitalized Resident Evil.

To get a few minor issues I have out of the way first:
-There are a few bugs and glitches that virtually every player will encounter but they are more immersion-breaking than game-breaking.
-One of the more common enemy types has an over-ranged grab attack that gets really annoying to work against but is not game-ruining.
-The game makes it to where you have to sell fully-leveled weapons to make room for your new and improved ones. This isnt an issue when a new weapon is better than its predecessor in every way, but if you really go the distance in NG+ you will encounter the need to pick between beloved weapons due to inventory (unless you use the unlockable infinite ammo perks and literally just load up your inventory grid-square by grid-square with guns)

With that out of the way, the game has exceptional replay value even by RE's standards and you have a lot of freedom to fight and play how you want to. The visuals are jaw-dropping and the environments are some of the most detailed I have ever seen in a game. The entire world feels lived in and storied. The character design was also top notch this time and while RE will never escape its cheesy dialogue writing, the actors and actresses did a fantastic job making it work as best as it was ever going to.
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Flawless 29 Apr, 2020 @ 8:50pm 
Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "conter strik" and i want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil and i am global elite 2.