MechsiCo Heavy Industries .:MCHI:.
MechsiCo Heavy Industries .:MCHI:.
6 April, 2021
ABOUT MechsiCo Heavy Industries

MechsiCo Heavy Industries - Building a Better Tomorrow not-using Mechs, today!

MechsiCo Heavy Industries is a manufacturer of vehicles and heavy equipment. After a bright start on the ice planet of Ningues in the Empyrion dimension, we continued a steady pace of growth until we developed classified interdimensional transportation technology and have begun operations in the Space Engineers realm!

Today, MCHI manufactures a fine selection of original combat and industrial vehicles and will modify other companies' vehicles to suit more specific or alternate needs. We are also more than happy to showcase our own products to potential customers as well as business rivals.

Praise be to Centermass!

ARMCO Discord[]
Daddy Morph's YouTube channel
Space Engineers Server
Here is some information on our Space Engineers server.

Torch is being installed. There could be several unannounced uptimes and downtimes while this is underway. If you still see this message, the implementation of Torch and its plugins is still in progress.

The server rent is due soon, if you want it to continue please consider donating:

Server Status: ONLINE
Last Restart: 19 May, 4:23 PM UTC (20 May 1:23 AM KST)
Last Downtime: 7 May, 2:00 AM UTC (11:00 AM KST)
Last Maintenance Performed:
  • 19 May: Update WeaponCore to Build 99, Modular Encounters
  • 18 May: Update WeaponCore to Build 98, adding new dependency Camera Panning
  • 12 May: Update WeaponCore 1.6 to build 93 - Cameras can be associated with weapon groups, and from that camera use Manual and Painter control modes
  • 9 May: Mod Updates
    • WeaponCore 1.6(88): Shield shrapnel fix, phase 1 of new drone detection code
    • UNSC Ship Weapons: Tweaked targeting, Archers select target blocks semi-randomly
    • Defense Shields 2.0(10): Decreased heat reduction for the first 5 stages
    New Mods
    • Deuterium Reactor: Adds new resource, reactor, and specialized components for its construction
    • Aklaid Heavy Ship Tools: New, bigger grinders and drills for use on small and large grids.
  • 7 May: Mod Updates
    • WeaponCore 1.6(86) - New HUD and /wc commands
    • Defense Shields 2.0(3): HUD tweaks via new /ds command
    • NorthWind Weapons: 300mmx3, 400mmx2 heavy turrets
    • Modular Encounters Spawner
  • 4 May: Mod Updates
    • WeaponCore - Replace Vanilla Weapons: Missiles now deal ENERGY damage
    • Orks: The Great WAAAGH!
    • (AR) Frames: Small blocks recipe update
    • UNSC Ship Weapons: Archer Retargeting Nerf, Spitfire+Breakwater AP/Shrapnel damage rebalance
Upcoming Actions: Installing Torch (Expect some server downtime while it is being configured), once the main faction's PCU issues are resolved and the Modular Station Project is off the ground. Torch could turn out to be a major step for the gameplay experience, as we will need to install plugins on the client side for some functions (such as projecting subgrids) to work.

Host: GTX Gaming UK
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA (It's in the Oak Lawn district if you know the area.)
Password: None
Any additional donations will likely be used to increase server RAM. As it turns out, the Process RAM load is much higher than the GC load - it will use 4.5GB when the GC is just 1.5GB. All CPU upgrades have been purchased. However, there may be other non-standard upgrades to CPU power we might be able to get.
Donations Link:

  • The server is now set so only members of this group may join. If you have a friend who wants to join the server, we ask they join the ARMCO Discord (link in group description) and this group.
  • Scripter role is enabled. On our previous save, we experienced significant server performance issues due to a proliferation of mods.
  • Do not use PAM unless you stay present with the miner. Turn off PAM and any associated screens when PAM is not in use. It's mostly to keep unnecessary scripts from reducing sim speed, but also so the machines don't take over while we're not looking.
  • When possible, shut down a ship when it is not in use. DO NOT SIMPLY PRESS Y AFTER YOU CONNECT. This is to conserve resources, both uranium/ice as well as sim speed. Also, do not power down whatever grid you just connected to.
  • AFK kicking is off, but do not abuse this. Admins may kick you if you are impacting sim speed by idling and keeping your area loaded.

Server Admins:
  • MechPilot524 (Owner)
  • House of Sin <Chapstick> (Admin)
  • Shadowtech (Admin)
  • Quigley32 (Space Master)
  • jmore5 <Simmy> (Scripter)

Interdimensional Deliveries

The MCHI Ningues Facility boasts an ITS (Interdimensional Transport System) which can send resources and empty ships (and human bodies, but not their consciousness) to some other dimensions. It is a lifeline between the MCHI facilities in the Space Engineers dimension and the Empyrion dimension. However, due to the amount of energy and exotic resources required for use, it can sends objects no sooner than 24 hours. Additional time would be required for large deliveries. In an emergency, it could send significantly more, but the system will need to be offline for a period of time while the Ningues Facility prepares it for use.

News from Ningues (April 23rd)

Originally posted by Ningues Facility Administrator:
Currently, the MCHI HEV cannot be manufactured easily due to sophisticated tool-switching mechanics. The Ningues facility has sent another ready-to-fly unit and will occasionally do so until the technology to create them exists in this dimension.

Resource Preservation:
Originally posted by Ningues Facility Administrator:
MCHI sensors detected a possible Stellar Fabric Rift some weeks prior. Due to this, protective measures were taken. When the Stellar Fabric Rift occurred, the ITS preserved the resources of the Asteroid Base and Ice Lake Base, and is now beaming them back into FlexSeal Station as additional storage units come online.

"Petrel" Recon Fighter:
Originally posted by Ningues Facility Administrator:
The new MCHI Petrel prototype recon fighter packs a best-in-class sensor for detecting valuable resources at over 1km range in a small, maneuverable and economical package!
Unfortunately, the cutting-edge electronics can only be produced on the main facility at Ningues at this time. Until the technology is produced to manufacture them locally, new units will have to be sent from Ningues via the ITS.

  • "Interdimensional Deliveries" is basically a roleplay term for admin spawning MCHI assets. The ITS has a recharge timer because this is a survival game and it's kinda BS to admin spawn things constantly.
  • "Ningues" is the ice planet from Empyrion: Galactic Survival where the first MechsiCo Heavy Industries factory was built. It's pronounced "ninjas".
  • "Stellar Fabric Rift" refers to resetting the server's game save.


We do not currently have a function to keep mods automatically up to date. If you notice the server has an out of date mod, please contact MechPilot524 or House of Sin (Chapstick) and we can install the update. Long-Range Ore Detectors
(AR) Cooling System
Triple Efficiency Hydrogen Engine
HUD Compass on Planets
Hover Engines
"Inventory Full" replaced with "Nope"
OOF (death sound)
Armored Hangar Doors
AR Frames (completed)
Safina - Desert Planet
Akiad Heavy Ship Tools
Deuterium Fusion Reactors
Camera Panning - rotate camera view

Enter chat room
6 April, 2021