Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Malfunction a NZombies Config
Hudi_Who  [developer] 17 Oct, 2024 @ 7:25pm
EE and other stuff tutorial
A tutorial showing you how to beat the EE

  • PAP: PaP is behind the ritual door in power room. The knife to complete this ritual is by 1 of 4 dead bodies in either power room or up stairs. The Skull for the ritual is located in the main research room (unlocked by completing step 2 of the EE).
  • DG2: The power box is located in the main research room after completeing step 2 of the EE. The Barrel is located in the armory after completing step 3 of the EE. The Fuse is located in Speed Cola room.
  • Dynamite: The fuse is found on DG2 crafting table. The timer is on a table in the main research room. The dynamite is in the room with Explosive Ever-Clear (unlocked after completing step 6 of the EE).
  • Shield: The parts for the shield can be found in either of the two red areas (near jug or double tap). They can also be found in speed cola room. It can be crafted down the hall from Jug.
  • Lawn Mower Turret: Ammo can be found on a create next to double tap. The lawn mower can be found in speed cola room. RPD can be found in the armory(room unlocked by completing step 3 of EE) next to DG2 table. This can be crafted down the hall from double tap.

    Main EE
    You only need to complete steps 1, 2, and 3, to unlock PaP and get all buildables. Everything else is for cool rewards.

    Step 1: Turn Power on

    Step 2: Hit 4 buttons around the map to open the main research room in the upstairs area.
    • Spawn room on the far left panel if you are looking towards the doors that leave.
    • In Stamin-up and PhD room on one of the panels closest to the power room. It is next to a window.
    • In Death Perception or circular room on a panel closest to power.
    • In power room on one of the panels near the back left stair case.

    Step 3: Blow up 3 generators to unlock armory off of power.
    • When you open the doors right out of spawn there is a room there with two interconnecting windows. It is in that room.
    • When you open the doors left of spawn the second window on the left has the generator behind it.
    • When in power there is a window between two doors. It is in the room that is behind this window
    These generators are brown and you're trying to hit the grey box attached to them.

    Step 4: Collect all DG2 part and craft it.

    Step 5: Fill up 3 soul boxes around the map with DG2
    • In Speed Cola room
    • In the upstairs area
    • In Death perception or circle room

    Step 6: Use hand scanner the has now unlocked in the main research room upstairs.

    Step 7: Collect all dynamite parts and use dynamite in death perception or circle room.

    Step 8: Activate panel after you've dropped down in the new area.

    Step 9: Shoot 3 power pillars around the map
    • In spawn if you go out the left door and look out the first left window you can see the pillar.
    • At Jug if you're facing power. Looking out the first right window will allow you to see to pillar just around the corner
    • In Speed Cola room there is a box location. if you look right of this location and peek through the boxes you can see the last pillar.

    Step 10: Use Tele in ritual room and enjoy the rewards


    Points(Cup Cakes):
    • In Spawn If you look up through the ceiling you can see a cup cake on the rafters.
    • If you buy the door from mid into Speed Cola and look up at the shelves you will see a cup cake.
    • There is a window next to reserve soda. Looking out this window you will see a cup cake on the left shelf.

    • Across from Mule Kick there is a window. Crouching and looking up in the window will show a teddy bear sitting on a barrel. Shooting this Teddy will give everyone a free perk.
    • When At Mask Mascado, if you look towards power you will see two windows. Looking in the right one at the upper walkway will be another teddy. shooting this teddy will PAP your held weapon.
Last edited by Hudi_Who; 19 Oct, 2024 @ 5:02am