Space Engineers

Space Engineers

MES NPC Expanded Universe Encounters
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
TheFinalEvent97  [developer] 26 Aug, 2020 @ 3:40pm
Any bugs, balance issues etc go in here.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Drizzt 9 Nov, 2020 @ 2:41am 
hi - awesome mod - but just a few things i noticed while on a planet (have only played planetside so far)

- there was a neutral ship (the elephant) which spawned in and gradually made its way to the ground and stayed there - is that what it is supposed to do? (it's a refueller so maybe it is - just wanted to be sure)

- also i was following a hostile frigate (defiant i think), and was only just over 1km away when it suddenly despawned - are they on a timer? maybe if they are not engaged they despawn?

i am only playing with the additional mods needed for this one (MES, RivalAI and perturbed pirates), as well as 3 visual mods (whip's screen gunk be gone, aviegarien's window washer and a clean camera overlay), and an 1000m's speed mod

haven't changed any MES settings or admin settings from default except to enable creative tools, invulnerable and terminal access (just having a play before i do a proper survival playthrough)

i can imagine that the speed mod might mess some ships up, but both ships were going very slowly anyway - i can still see how the refueller landing may be intentional, but the despawning frigate is more of a mystery

anyway - really awesome mod that i am really looking forward to exploring more - thanks!
Last edited by Drizzt; 9 Nov, 2020 @ 2:46am
TheFinalEvent97  [developer] 9 Nov, 2020 @ 2:49am 
Speed mod might be messing with it somehow (even though it shouldn't), with the frigate they will travel to their despawn co-ordinates then disappear. I'm not sure as to the exact distance but you have to be onboard or pretty close when it reaches those co-ordinates to stop it despawning.
Drizzt 9 Nov, 2020 @ 3:13am 
ah gotcha - that's good to know - now that i engage my brain and think about it, of course they just travel from a to b and despawn at b unless the player is super close

i just now followed the glasshouse for a bit and it didn't despawn - but i expect it may well have done if i continued for much longer without getting in weapon range (and once i was i got obliterated lol)

thanks for setting me straight - all makes sense now :-)

(and i will have a play without the speed mod and see how the elephant behaves - but now you have got me thinking right i can actually look in the xml rather than ask random silly questions! :-))

thanks again!
Drizzt 10 Nov, 2020 @ 10:47am 
ok - so again i may be wrong here - but here's what happened:

so i have some hostiles chasing me, and i encounter a neutral ship - the hostiles start attacking the neutral ship, which then starts firing on me - in the faction screen we are not enemies, but this ship now hates my guts

had that one happen twice - just wondering if once they are fired on they assume every ship or player in the areas to be an enemy? (i was just in my spacesuit at the time playing around in creative)

again, apologies if i have misunderstood intended behaviour

TheFinalEvent97  [developer] 10 Nov, 2020 @ 1:05pm 
Since Rival AI can't determine which faction damaged it most neutrals will turn target neutrals on when they take damage. They shouldn't actively pursue unless they are faction-hostile to you though.
Drizzt 10 Nov, 2020 @ 1:16pm 
ah - cool - good to know - so in that scenario i just need to avoid that ship (since i guess attacking it will affect my faction relations)

thanks for the info! :-)
Rooster 20 Sep, 2021 @ 11:05pm 
One of the OIPC drones is just completely OP. I thinks its the demolisher or something. But it's just a wall of gatling guns and rocket launchers and nothing stands a chance. I watched a war go on and the only things left were these things.
Drakray 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:22pm 
In the Faction tab, I can't seem to see the faction icons, is there a reason for that?
Do you need some kind of logs?
TheFinalEvent97  [developer] 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:24pm 
Originally posted by Drakray:
In the Faction tab, I can't seem to see the faction icons, is there a reason for that?
Do you need some kind of logs?

That's been broken on Keen's end for a while unfortunately (though I'm hopeful with all the updates/changes to ModAPI coming in the Warfare 2 update that might change.)
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