Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

424 ratings
FiLzO's Tactical Weaponry [BASE]
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: NPC
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
17.477 MB
23 Mar, 2016 @ 3:12pm
21 Dec, 2019 @ 12:24pm
52 Change Notes ( view )

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FiLzO's Tactical Weaponry [BASE]


You need those MATERIALS to enjoy this addon:

What the hell is this?
Indeed "FiLzO's Tactical Pack 2.0 x) but who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? In brief... You can create your own sweps for NPCs with this base. Piercing bullets, incendiary ammunition, explosive ammunition, cryogenic ammunition, custom tracers, reloading sounds and for now... Few weapon bonuses:
> NPCs with silenced weapons can insta-kill enemy if the (enemy) hasn't been alerted.
> Change of difficulty level, from now, would also affect NPC's accuracy.
> Weapons with incendiary ammunition can ignite enemies. Bullets deals lower damage and have weaker penetration.
> Weapons with explsoive rounds can massacre groups of enemies (Especially Headcrabs). Bullets deals really low damage but it's all about splash damage, right? Splash damage deals normal bullet damage (with no reduction) + addional 50% damage bonus. Radius of explosion is based of weapon damage.
> Cryo Rounds are able to freeze any kind of the enemy (NPCs and Players). Bullets have lower damage (25% of base weapon damage) but every shot have chance to freeze target (1-3 + 10% of the weapon base damage or if target has only 20% of his base health). Frozen enemies do take damage (also receive 3x damage from all sources) every second and explode in pieces after death, but be careful cuz they can thaw after a while :^)
> You can "AirBlast" rockets using pirmary fire of Your GravityGun.

> 4 Pistols:
- Glock VA5,
- TT,
- Walther P99,
- Beretta PX4 Storm,

> 6 SMGs:
- TMP,
- PP 19 Bizon,
- Tommy Gun,
- HK USC Tactical,
- MP5k, (Incendiary Ammunition)

> 7 Assault Rifles:
- Aks74u,
- G36C,
- M4A1,
- XM-8,
- HK SL8,
- XM29 OICW,

> 6 Shotguns:
- Remington 870,
- Winchester 1300,
- Fabarm SDASS Tactical,
- Striker,
- M3 S, (Aka BoomStick)
- WarHammer, (Incendiary Ammunition)

> 5 Heavy Machine Guns:
- HK23,
- M4 C-MAG,
- RPK,
- MINIGUN, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Bianchi FA-6 LMG,

> 7 Sniper Rifles:
- AS-50,
- M14,
- SR-25,
- Overwatch Sniper Rifle, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Arctic Warfare Magnum,
- Arctic Warfare Police,
- Sako TGR 42,

> 1 ???:

There will be no player weapons in this pack... Never.

> "ft_menu" - Mod Menu.

1. *DEV* Added new command "SWEP.CSpreadRecoil", by You can chose if NPCs should be able to control spread/recoil with Your weapon.

Me - Coding,
Me - Icons,
Cpt. Hazama - Tracers,
Gamebanana Community[] - Amazing Models,
Valve - Steam

Have Fun! :B1:

PRESS ME \/ -- Item Donation.
If you feel that my shi**y job is worth something.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
20 Feb, 2019 @ 10:53am
17 Dec, 2019 @ 3:54pm
12 Jul, 2017 @ 11:46am
Nate 16 Feb, 2023 @ 2:00pm 
i wish this was for players to:(
TPR129 21 Jan, 2023 @ 9:28am 
[FiLzO's Tactical Weaponry [BASE]] lua/weapons/swep_ft_base/shared.lua:955: attempt to call method 'GetHullType' (a nil value)
1. Correction - lua/weapons/swep_ft_base/shared.lua:955
2. ShotThatThing - lua/weapons/swep_ft_base/shared.lua:534
3. PrimaryAttack - lua/weapons/swep_ft_base/shared.lua:341
4. unknown - gamemodes/base/entities/weapons/weapon_base/init.lua:95 (x3)
Nope.avi 22 Dec, 2021 @ 7:32am 
Well, update broke the addon. Unless there is someone interested in reworking the mod, gg.
ZeldiaKun 26 Mar, 2020 @ 8:03pm 
can you give them to Vj npc
Vladicus 16 Mar, 2020 @ 2:45pm 
theres no sound from the guns
how to fix this
Alarm 9 Jan, 2020 @ 7:59am 
DEATHER кулаковSpikesKill
wolfrcats 22 Dec, 2019 @ 7:04pm 
I don't want a full biography, I just want something to get to the fucking point. God this pisses me off so much.
MightyEagle327 3 Nov, 2019 @ 4:34pm 
is there a way to disable grenade launchers?

guns are hot as shit but its sort of annoying when one side instantly kills the other and themselves in the process with grenades
HeadHuntingSniper 2 Nov, 2019 @ 9:14pm 
just read the warning message and :C
HeadHuntingSniper 2 Nov, 2019 @ 9:03pm 
Non-NPC weapon/SWEPS??