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Garry's Mod

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[VJ] Payday 2 Police SNPCs
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: PNJ
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Scénique
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1.129 GB
7 sept. 2020 à 13h12
12 sept. 2020 à 8h49
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[VJ] Payday 2 Police SNPCs

VJ Base required:

76 SNPCs:
SWATS, Cops, Bulldozers, Tasers, Shields, Cloakers, Snipers, Medics and Captain Winters.

4 Factions:
Police, Murkywater, Mexican Federal Police, Akan Mercenaries

21 Payday NPC weapons:
Car-4 , Compact-5, Reinfeld 880, Bronco 44, Chimano 88, Izhma 12G, Jackal, JP36, Eagle Heavy, PSG-1, Minigun, KSP, AK Rifle, Krinkov, Valkyria, RPK, CMP, Hheather, M1014

Console commands
(All 0 by default):
vj_pd2_disablecrouchidle 0/1 (Enables/Disables SNPCs crouching when idle.)
vj_pd2_coppassiveidle 0/1 (Enables/Disables idle passive animation for cops.)
vj_pd2_copfriendly 0/1 (Makes all SNPCs on the Police, FBI, GenSec and ZEAL tabs friendly.)
vj_pd2_murkyfriendly 0/1 (Makes the murkywater friendly)
vj_pd2_akanfriendly 0/1 (Makes the Akan mercenaries friendly)
vj_pd2_federalesfriendly 0/1 (Makes the Mexican police friendly)

Overkill (Payday 2, models, textures, sounds)
DrVrej (VJ Base, Cloaker charge code)
Shadow Bonnie (RUS) (Payday Animations, Blue SWAT, FBI SWAT, Gensec SWAT, New ZEALS, Captain Winters, Phalanx, Zeal Taser, Taser, Medic, Cops, Heavy FBI, Heavy SWAT, Snipers, SWAT Shield, FBI Shield)
MARK2580 (Old ZEALS, ZEAL Dozer, ZEAL Cloaker, Bulldozer, Cloaker)
Reemiel (LA Cops, Russian Bulldozer, Russian Cloaker)
The Frankster (Cop voices, Russian voices)
Lee Enfield (Medic & Minigun dozer textures)
Bashar-al Assad (Chimano 88 Model and a few weapon sounds)
Voikanaa (Guard texture & some of the decals on the guards)

The bulldozers dont lose their faceplates if you shoot them in the head, the faceplate breaks if their health is low
Cloakers cant charge from very far away
FBI, Gensec and ZEAL heavies take less damage if they get shot in the stomach or chest
SNPCs can crouch walk and shoot
Russian specials and all mexican units dont have voices

Map in the screenshots:
Discussions populaires Tout voir (10)
15 nov. 2024 à 20h09
31 oct. 2024 à 8h43
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug reports
Human Grunt
1 mars 2023 à 14h14
small suggestion for cloakers and shields (and mexican faction)
The Supreme Combine
270 commentaires
宋聖和卡齐娜2011年 2 févr. à 6h39 
We also hope he would update this mod in the next 11 month.
宋聖和卡齐娜2011年 2 févr. à 6h34 
No, you can't do that now because it doesn't add it yet.
animefrog001 1 févr. à 22h47 
how do i kick using the cloaker
宋聖和卡齐娜2011年 1 janv. à 4h57 
Entered the year 2025 i hope he would give us the updates soon in this year early or lately before 2026
Control. 11 déc. 2024 à 11h32 
i hope this mod gets finally updated, a helmet pop off on headshot thing with it aswell
Prkr 24 nov. 2024 à 17h31 
would love if the marshals or gang members were added, ik the thugs aint cops but neither are the akan mercs
jwf 24 nov. 2024 à 6h10 
Is the "Get the fuck up", "Shit", "You motherfucker!" and " Its only a bit of fucking blood" voicelines in the game; like for affect yeah but young children might download this wanting a police pack.
citizen_Male_02 13 nov. 2024 à 10h19 
can you make playermodels of these please?
BLANK OFFICIAL 31 oct. 2024 à 23h23 
Control. 24 oct. 2024 à 5h35 
pls make VJ base payday the heist enemies with the headshot helmet fly off thingy if that will be possible, :steamhappy: