Arma 3
Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)
623 kommenttia
Oezcan 26.1. klo 5.09 
Will there be a plugin update for Teamspeak 6 in the near future?
Buzztr0n 20.1. klo 13.06 
This is what I tried to use:

private _settings = (oldUnitLR call TFAR_fnc_getLrSettings);
private _activeRadioInfo = (call TFAR_fnc_activeLrRadio);
[(_activeRadioInfo select 0), (_activeRadioInfo select 1), _settings] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSettings;
Buzztr0n 20.1. klo 13.01 
How can I copy over the LR settings from the old radio (on corpse) to the respawned player (keeping all setttings) ?!

I tried "TFAR_fnc_getLrSettings" && "TFAR_fnc_setLrSettings" but those dont work properly because you need a "Radio ID" for the function and THERE IS NOT A SINGLE FUNCTION LISTED TO RECIEVE THE ID FOR LONG RANGE RADIOS.... hm?!

Also whats the point of sending the radio ID to the function when you already have the radio object (backpack) thats being send to the function
Ace 10.1. klo 6.27 
Hey, does anyone know the init script to turn an object into a TFAR relay? Like the communications tower?
Dedmen Miller  [tekijä] 2.12.2024 klo 13.18 
In a sub-mod (your on config.cpp, not copying TFAR's files) yes.
You can make any additions you want to TFAR, just please don't copy TFAR's files if there is no need.
maxischaa 12.11.2024 klo 10.38 
Would i be allowed to edit the Load capacities and weights of the LR backpacks?
NyteMyre 10.11.2024 klo 13.45 
Mind unbanning me from the Discord? (because i got unbanned for a stupid reason)
Glendening 4.11.2024 klo 8.25 
Strange question. Is there a way to disable this mod without removing it/the radio items? Switched to Single player (antistasi) and forgot to disable TFAR. So I have the radios as items in my armory. If I remove TFAR, the radios show up at blank items and I want to prevent that from happening.
SVaughan 1.11.2024 klo 16.33 
@Good Nut
They're under TFAR in the addon options for controls.
Good Nut 1.11.2024 klo 11.41 
Where are the keybind settings at? Could not find them in addon options
SatiricalZero 20.10.2024 klo 21.32 
It allows radio usage in multiplayer games
Asuka 15.10.2024 klo 4.57 
whats the function of this mod?
Ghost Man 9.10.2024 klo 13.55 
Hey i have a problem. When i go into zeus mode, i can only hear the players talk when i am nearby with the radio ore when they wisper. Is there a way where i can hear everithing the players are taking about in the game. No mather where i am on the map?
ToxicGhost141_TTV 2.10.2024 klo 9.32 
is there a way to use this on steam os
Abogado 30.9.2024 klo 12.59 
I am not able to load the addon on a Nitrado server, because the name has incompatible symbols, such as "()" and specially "!!!", how can I load it? Could you please change the folder name fos something more normal??
S.King 14.9.2024 klo 6.11 
i have this loaded and everything is setup but when i build a mission tfar doesnt show up in mission editor to force tfar on
albanec (80s style) 7.9.2024 klo 15.55 
im crying im shitting and pissing my pants dedmen im crying im eating sand over here im sobbing im rolling around on the floor writhing and wriggling
[ACPL] Jon_Gra_TTV 14.8.2024 klo 5.02 
Dedmen, do you guys plan on making a TS 5 plugin?
Dedmen Miller  [tekijä] 14.8.2024 klo 2.09 
"PLEASE make the teamspeak plugin work on Mac"
That's not possible, and its not up to me.
albanec (80s style) 27.7.2024 klo 20.16 
PLEASE make the teamspeak plugin work on Mac
crystalsexton31 7.7.2024 klo 0.42 
CHEN 10.6.2024 klo 2.04 
When can BETA's version be updated with independent underwater communication
Oster 4.6.2024 klo 20.31 
@kucharkm You need to go to arma 3 directory, tfar beta, teamspeak folder and run the installer for the addon
DELL_Kuchar 3.6.2024 klo 4.22 
Hello, I can't install the TFAR addon as in teamspeak, I remove it as if on steam, I can see it in the game, but I can't download it in it! I click on Workshop/teamspeak and nothing asks me what I want to open it in.
Hanz0013 31.5.2024 klo 11.51 
five81actual same problem here
Nixon 16.5.2024 klo 9.01 
installed TS 3.5.6, trying to open tfar plugin - nothing happens. it just switches to TS3 window, but plugin window doesn't appear. Tried the same with 3.6.2
SVaughan 16.5.2024 klo 2.47 
MAke sure it's TeamSpeak 3. Not TS5 or whatever the new one is. Then look literally on YouTube on how to get TFAR Beta to work on TeamSpeak 3.
Instead of complaining, maybe ask for assistance.
F0X 16.5.2024 klo 2.36 
Fuck teamspeak for not having a way to download/manage plugins without finding the folder hidden away first; I'm a gamer not a damned scientist, who in their right mind thinks I want to spend my time attempting to find a folder that seemingly doesn't exist anywhere. I'll just stick with arma reforger thanks. cool mod but teamspeak, they can suck the sweat off of a discord mods lower back
SVaughan 7.5.2024 klo 0.27 
@five81actual same question. Do you have TeamSpeak 3 installed?
five81actual 6.5.2024 klo 19.40 
Im missing it too. All I have is an internet explorer plugin file.
SVaughan 3.5.2024 klo 0.39 
@Fabulous Beast, do you have TeamSpeak 3 installed?
Fabulous Beast 2.5.2024 klo 21.57 
There is no teamspeak application to start. Ive followed directions, im simply missing something
Big Soup 27.4.2024 klo 15.45 
cant execute the task force radio file
X_SavBlue_X 25.3.2024 klo 10.11 
i'm confused everytime i try do the plugin for teamspeak it just takes me to internet explorer and doesn't work
Sweet Baby Jesus 24.3.2024 klo 13.04 
There is no teamspeak install file in the tfar folder... Am I missing something?
PradoJr 11.2.2024 klo 17.58 
any fix for the transmit sound? i can't hear the transmit sound when press caps lock
BOB 30.1.2024 klo 14.25 
Love your mod. does it work with spearhead’s radio backpacks?
[TR] ItsGaliptv 29.1.2024 klo 3.09 
update ?
SVaughan 14.1.2024 klo 18.38 
@J-Money what Braenor said. Have your teammates do the same. There is a audio limit though, as it's meant to simulate real hearing.
Rabbid X33p 14.1.2024 klo 16.59 
@J-Money. If you press Ctrl+Tab u should see an icon that goes from "whisper"-up to around 10 meters, "normal"- around 50 meters and "shout" around 75 meters
J-Money 11.1.2024 klo 15.37 
Anybody know how to turn the local VOIP volume up so you can hear your teammates talk further?
Petrich 6.1.2024 klo 20.38 
SVaughan 6.1.2024 klo 20.14 
Sim, um dos pré-requisitos para o funcionamento do Task Force Radio é ter um canal para ele no TeamSpeak. E você pode definir a senha como 123. Tenho meu próprio servidor TeamSpeak, pelo qual pago mensalmente, e meus amigos e eu o usamos com frequência.
Se você tiver algum problema adicional, me avise. Estou mais do que feliz em ajudar.
Petrich 6.1.2024 klo 20.05 
Pelas minhas pesquisas, acho que tenho de ter um servidor no TS3 (já tenho) e preciso abrir um canal nomeado taskeforceradio, senha 123. Sou Host no servidor e jogamos eu e meu filho sempre que possível e queremos usar o rádio.:steamthumbsup: Hoje ainda farei isso e realizar testes. Obrigado pela ajuda.
SVaughan 6.1.2024 klo 6.54 
Estou usando o Google Tradutor para ajudá-lo, então me perdoe se algo não fizer sentido.
Você também está executando este mod com o Arma 3 Launcher além de ter o plugin habilitado no Teamspeak? Porque para usar o Plugin, o mod também deve estar habilitado no Arma 3.
Petrich 6.1.2024 klo 6.50 
Eu me inscrevi e instalei o plugin no teamspeak, mas no teamspeak não aparece nada de server. Nunca usei é a primeira vez. Não tem de fazer mais nada no Teamspeak? Estou desorientado kkkk
SVaughan 6.1.2024 klo 3.37 
Yes. I tested it today.
Coolhand24 6.1.2024 klo 0.05 
Does this work with the new update?
Xiki 4.1.2024 klo 5.29 
When is the update for the new team speaker?
The Grandest 24.12.2023 klo 17.07 