Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Aerodynamic Physics
3 431 commentaires
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 31 janv. à 21h00 
Increase the max speed of the world. You can also disable the reentry function if your only interested in driving around.
LukeNukem 30 janv. à 18h38 
sorry think i had a stroke explaining that, let me try again. x

ive got a normal'ish car. without the mod its fairly stable, but if i hit a big jump 9/10 times it will hit the floor roll, break. so on.

with this mod installed, the same car i can basically do anything without consequence. hit ramps at 70+, land sideways, ive tried to crash and burn (within reason) and just cant.

(feels OP) is my issue. for ground vics anyways, is there any settings i could change to fix that feeling of no threat to driving like a lunatic?

thanks in advance x
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 30 janv. à 12h35 
If your vehicle is turning into a glider sure
LukeNukem 30 janv. à 11h36 
love the idea here, but for me at least it feel like i cant break or crash my ground vic anymore. no matter how hard the ground or not fast i hit a jump, even landing sideways its sooo stable i cant crash :D this normal?
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 28 janv. à 16h49 
Bob, there is a simulated speed LCD script that will let you know what speed the mod thinks your ship is going. Its probably going mach 3. Its going to be very hard to push mach 10 with regular thrusters.
Abisius 28 janv. à 7h45 
hmm, the old blocky respawnship from before we had survivalkits could go around 20m/s at that time without modifications.
i have a miner build that i can push up to ~110m/s without burning up and i would say that one is already quite blocky.
in case youwant to take a look at that miner
Ezbob 28 janv. à 7h22 

My plane has a Wing shape, small grid with 83k kg and 7 large thrusters (i keep putting more to see the effect) and its very strange that i cant go above 60-65 m/s GOING DOWN...full nose down and max thrust power direct to the ground...its the same speed if i go up or just flying around, i dont have any speed mods, in space its normal.
Abisius 27 janv. à 13h29 
depending on grid shape and amoutn of thrust avaible you can be flying with just 2m/s at max thrust or burn up in just a hundred meters or fly with hundreds meters a second without probs.
Ezbob 27 janv. à 13h13 
Difficult to gain speed even when diving with nose down & full forward....cant pass 60 m/s, is this normal? my ship has a "hang glider" shape
hyphoenix 26 janv. à 12h34 
Atmosphere entry/exit looks absolutely amazing, can't believe it isn't in the base game. Actually incentives you to make proper ship shapes
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 21 janv. à 15h50 
custom planet?
quanquan 16 janv. à 9h00 
This MOD allows the wind turbine to produce only 1KW of electricity
m3 1 janv. à 13h30 
i cant find a thing to turn off the re entry damage
Sky 27 déc. 2024 à 8h45 
Sky 27 déc. 2024 à 8h45 
just a heads up of a potential bug ive noticed. it seems that anything i hold in my hand tool wise is able to cover the wind speed and direction part of the HUD like its a scren a bit further away almost rather than a HUD element
Masterbuilder2.0 23 déc. 2024 à 13h00 
not just a red overlay
Masterbuilder2.0 23 déc. 2024 à 13h00 
@Abisius it is one of the videos listed in the mod i want the orange sort of thing that washes over your build
SANDE iG. 22 déc. 2024 à 18h13 
guys wwhat is the hot key for lift test :(
ExCaedibus 22 déc. 2024 à 10h45 
@Aranchorro: See "Preferences Menu" on the description page. I too experienced your problem and it got unmanagable, i even could not safely fly the ship, and so far i only deactivated wind. But that menu is that the mod has.
trakinoia 21 déc. 2024 à 19h09 
do it have some multiplyer command? playing on big planets results on super fast windspeed and the character is thrown arround back and forth.
Abisius 10 déc. 2024 à 9h19 
make sure you have "text hud api" in your worlds modlist and then look in then upper left corner after pressing alt+f10 there should be a button named "mod settings" and if you clock on that it opens up a menu.
Ronchi 10 déc. 2024 à 2h38 
Heyo, for some reason I cannot access the mod settings menu from the alt+10 menu. When I click on it nothing happens, anyone have experience with this ? likely a conflict from my long list of mods but hoping someone knows where I can look.
Abisius 9 déc. 2024 à 19h52 
if you did joi nan npc faction you need to reroll back to before you joined that faction or you need to start over compeltly as for mmy experience in that case the whole npcspawnsystem is shredded.
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 9 déc. 2024 à 17h35 
both mods dont touch npc spawns
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 27 nov. 2024 à 19h56 
Because I'm not being paid.
officer omnicide 27 nov. 2024 à 5h38 
why is the keybind to change lift test direction not listed anywhere at all on this page?
Deloptin 24 nov. 2024 à 2h47 
If I want to make re-entry easier (with a speed increase mod) would i need to bring Simulation Max Speed to a higher value or to a lower value?
Abisius 17 nov. 2024 à 1h36 
@Klench FOR Kench
its a chatcommand, so open up the chat, throw in the whole command including the / and press enter. then save the world and load it anew.
on a server you need to either wait for an autosave or trigger a manual saving as it doesnt save on world unload to my knowledge.
Klench FOR Kench 17 nov. 2024 à 1h28 
also how do i use that over ride command
Klench FOR Kench 17 nov. 2024 à 1h24 
@abisius im just asking before i had no spawns since adding this mod. its making the server feel very dead
Abisius 16 nov. 2024 à 0h25 
@Klench FOR Kench
that depends on the mes spawned grid in question.
from my experience it causes no shipcrashes and most npc grids are just a bit slower and a few have some flight control oddities due to they aerodynamic profile.

though it might stop stuff from spawning in, see statement about mes inside the moddescription about that.

why do you ask?
Klench FOR Kench 16 nov. 2024 à 0h14 
willl this mod affect MES npcs and make them unable to fly or just cause them to crash and burn when ever they spawn
Abisius 11 nov. 2024 à 21h01 
possibly due to the question beeing too vague.

you you mean with "burning effects" dmag beeing applied to blocks if you heat up the sgrid too much by flying too fast than that doesnt need to be added cause it is there.

if you mean with "burning effects" some graphical effects then that is something i cant answer you cause the reference you did pull there is one i dont know at point of writing.
Masterbuilder2.0 11 nov. 2024 à 20h59 
i still want the whole giant ball of fire thing where there are sparks i want the red to be replaced with the will it burn effects
Masterbuilder2.0 11 nov. 2024 à 20h57 
my question was not answered
Blade001 2 nov. 2024 à 13h12 
Do you have to adjust the mod settings on a DS in the server files itself? When I adjust the top speed of the world in-game, that seems to save, but changing the simulation speed doesn't, and always resets to 1000.
Space Ace 1 nov. 2024 à 11h30 
Either its new or I'm blind but I see the global multiplier now XD
Space Ace 28 oct. 2024 à 12h27 
@DraygoKorvan is that the <mult> setting in the config? If so my mistake. I thought that was a setting for the heat
G-han 28 oct. 2024 à 4h58 
Is the drag being calculated from bounding boxes? I want to make blocks that doesn't interfere drag of the ship. Rotors and hinges for example.
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 27 oct. 2024 à 22h21 
Yes you can tweak the wind settings in the config.
yawnos 27 oct. 2024 à 8h53 
This may be an impossible thing but adding areas of up draft and down draft could allow for long distance glider style game play.
Space Ace 26 oct. 2024 à 12h44 
Is it possible to change the wind severity in a config? The wind on Pertam can get excessive sometimes. Just dusty air and I'm getting up to 100m/s winds rolling vehicles
Masterbuilder2.0 26 oct. 2024 à 11h15 
can you bring back the burning effects from the will it burn vids?
Rivierium 24 oct. 2024 à 22h37 
Yep, just did some digging and made a new save without your mod. Wasn't Aerodynamics, my bad!
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 24 oct. 2024 à 21h27 
note the keen patch today or yesterday broke wind turbines, hopefully they will hotfix it soon.
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 22 oct. 2024 à 23h24 
joe lasagna 22 oct. 2024 à 22h25 
Got a new crash:

2024-10-23 00:21:39.163 - Thread: 1 -> MyInitializer.OnCrash
2024-10-23 00:21:39.163 - Thread: 1 -> var exception = System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SEDrag.CharacterDrag.Update()
at SEDrag.CoreDrag.Update()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Run>b__0()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop()

Let me know if you need the full crash log and how you want me to provide it.
DraygoKorvan  [créateur] 22 oct. 2024 à 22h13 
I did find a possible workaround for the keen issue. I noticed how i was detecting planets was a bit different for grids than it was characters. I switched to using the same method grids use, hopefully that clears up the issue.

Gas giants projecting atmosphere into space still is an issue for the Gas Giants author to figure out, but this might be a good workaround for this mod.
Abisius 21 oct. 2024 à 23h34 
you could put in real orbits without using real solar system.
Flecktarm 21 oct. 2024 à 23h30 
@Abisius Okay, I understand now. I hope Real Gas Giants finds some compatibility with this in the future. It's a shame because this mod is so entertaining when applied to Real Orbits.