

Girder Tweaks - Fix Only
Nemo Jr.  [author] 22 Oct, 2019 @ 10:05am 
All four of these mods change one single file; the file and what it does is in the description.

Shreddys' adds a new file for its girders, along with a new girder item. No conflicts there. I can't make any promises regarding FU, but I highly doubt it.

ALL that said, this is a simple graphical change. The worst that could happen is one mod's file overwrites the other, and you end up with weird looking girders. That's it. Your game won't blow up. Don't worry about it. :)
Nemo Jr.  [author] 22 Oct, 2019 @ 10:03am 
The easiest way to tell what these mods do is to look at the title images, carefully (the one in the corner, with sky blue background and comparisons to the vanilla version): They fix the way these blocks' images overlap, making a thick, dark line in the middle. It would look especially ugly if they were placed vertically in this state, because of the asymmetry. I wanted vertical girders, so I made this fix, but also decided to provide options for those that only want the overlap gone.

In vanilla, they're horizontal unless you make a single, unconnected line. If you want them vertical, choose one of the " - Vertical" options (all links are in the description). Again, the title images and the names of the mods should be pretty self-explanatory, if you look carefully.
Azuli-Bluespots 22 Oct, 2019 @ 4:34am 
Oh gawd, ok, all these are pretty recent, guess I should ask in any of them.

This mod fixes the horrible vertical girder stuff when it should be horizontal and so on, that`s what I got from the descriptions.

My question is how this plays with Frackin universe. I`m almost sure they added some part of Shreddys' complex blocks to their hoard, and that means the red girders now can be placed diagonally. I didn`t have the chance to try any combination of your mods and those blocks yet, but it`s something that got me worried.