The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Improved & Reworked Foes
目前顯示第 21-30 項,共 69 項
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更新:2023 年 7 月 7 日 @ 上午 9:00

Version 3.0.2

-- Balance changes --
- It Lives is now easier in Normal Mode
- Increased the space between the projectiles for some of It Lives' attacks
- Increased the time between It Lives' gut attacks
- Decreased the amount of shots for some of It Lives' attacks
- Increased the time between shots for Mama Gurdy's spike cage attack

-- Fixes --
- Fixed Mama Gurdy's spikes killing her if she is affected by Rotten Tomato

更新:2023 年 7 月 7 日 @ 上午 4:53

Version 3.0.1

-- Balance changes --
- Lowered the Gate's shotspeed during his Host attack
- The Forsaken now gives more time for the player to move out of the way of his lasers
- Increased the space between the Forsaken's projectiles during his triple clone attack
- Teratomar now only shoots 4 shots again

-- Fixes --
- Fixed DSS not saving settings
- Fixed Mama Gurdy's spikes not working
- Fixed the Forsaken being able to telefrag the player when teleporting to the center of the room

更新:2023 年 7 月 6 日 @ 下午 4:55


更新:2023 年 7 月 6 日 @ 下午 2:10

Version 3.0.0 - The Blood & Guts update!

-- Reworks / Additions --
- Your future's past awaits...
- C.H.A.D. has been reworked!
- The Gate has been reworked!
- The Husk has been reworked!
- Mama Gurdy has been reworked!
- Blastocyst's biggest form has been reworked!
- Drowned Chargers have been re-reworked!

- The mod now uses a buit-in Dead Sea Scrolls menu for it's settings instead of Mod Config Menu
- Added a config option to toggle Black Bonies having bomb effects
- The mod "Hush Fix" by hgrfff is now also included. This mod fixes Hush spamming his attacks when on low HP and his lasers not getting slowed.
- Bone Knights now alert other knights into charging towards the player and have also recieved new sprites!
- Flaming Gapers now spawn a unique Flaming Gusher enemy (can be toggled to only include a new sprite for them)
- Camillo Jr. now works like his vanilla version but with a laser indicator and a cooldown between attacks
- Drowned Hives now spawn Drowned Chargers again and create lingering projectiles on death
- Scarred Para-Bites now shoot regular projectiles instead of lingering projectiles
- Raglings no longer create purple fires on death
- Mega Maw's volley of shots is now homing
- Mega Maw's fire projectiles can now ignite his Hoppers, turning them into purple Flaming Hoppers

- Blue Larry Jr. now creates slippery tear creep
- Golden Hollow now steals money from the player like other greedy enemies
- Gray Monstro's attack is now a stream of projectiles instead of a single burst
- Green Gurdy now spawns a new set of enemies
- Black Frail has recieved improved attacks
- Black Death's Horse now always charges at the player horizontally
- Black Death now spawns homing scythes instead of Red Maws
- Blue Gemini now creates slippery tear creep
- Green Gemini now creates green creep while charging
- Black Mega Maw now shoots a homing projectile that splits into more homing projectiles on impact instead of a volley of shots
- Green Cage now shoots out projectiles when hitting a wall during his roll
- Green Cage's shockwaves are now replaced with 4 lines of creep that shoot out projectiles from them
- Black Brownie now spawns Black Dingle on death instead of Dank Squirts

- Danglers from Fiend Folio can now also collect coins like other greedy enemies
- Seducers from Fiend Folio can now also heal when touching a player like Lust
- Added support for custom Black Bony variants (check the scripts/enemies/blackBony.lua file on how to do it)

- New workshop thumbnail by Nevernamed!

-- Balance changes --
- Teratomar now shoots a spread of 5 shots instead of 4
- Removed the Brimstone Bomb variant for Black Bonies
- The Stain's tentacles now always spawn cardinally to the player
- Triachnid's stomp shots now have longer range and their shot speed depends on the amount of shots
- Reduced the Forsaken's health from 400 to 350
- Mr. Fred's Harlequin Baby attack no longer creates creep when hitting obstacles
- Reduced the amount of damage required to break Scolex's armor from 80 to 50 per segment
- Angelic Babies no longer shoot projectiles when teleporting
- Black Globin Heads spawned from the room layout no longer turn into full Black Globins
- Slightly reduced the initial cooldown on Slides
- Psy Tumor lingering projectiles now disappear faster
- Selfless Knights now move and shoot slightly faster
- Ulcers no longer spawn Dips if there are 5 or more of them in the room
- Reduced the initial and max speed of Envy's heads
- Fallen Gabriel's Brimstone Swirls no longer rotate towards the player
- Base coin healing for greedy enemies is now only 3% (this is multiplied by the coin's value) instead of 5%
- Lust can no longer repeat any pill effects
- Removed teleport effects from Lust
- Lust's lemon party effects are now larger and last longer
- Lust now only heals 12% health (24% for champion / Super) with her healing effects instead of 15% (was 30% for champion / Super)
- Decreased Hush Baby's cooldown between attacks

- Increased ???'s damage reduction after he spawns from 50% to 60%
- Decreased ???'s cooldown between attacks
- ??? can no longer perform the same attack multiple times in a row
- ??? now only shoots one ring of homing shots after his boomerang tear attack
- ??? can no longer teleport to the closest corner to the player during his teleport attack

- All champion minibosses now have a consistent 15% size increase
- Champion Sloth and champion Wrath now have a 15% health increase
- Champion Gluttony, champion Pride and red Conquest no longer have a 15% health increase
- Champion Gluttony can now only have 4 Maggots spawned
- Champion Lust now creates 5 sun beams instead of 4 with the Sun card
- Champion Lust's High Priestess stomp now takes more time to move to the player
- Champion Wrath now slides his bomb towards the player like vanilla Wrath
- Red Conquest now shoots a ring of 6 (8 in his second phase) shots instead of explosive shots
- Reduced the number of Globins red Conquest can have active from 5 to 4
- Increased the shot speed for purple Headless Horseman's Body

-- Other changes --
- Wrath's charge attack is now visually distinguishable and is faster than his walking speed instead of being slower
- New charred sprites for Flaming Gapers, Fatties and Hoppers to keep them consistent with other Burning Basement enemies
- Fire rings from Flaming Fatties and Flaming Hoppers now work like the fire rings created by Redskulls
- Improved Soft Host and Flesh Floast sprites
- New sprites for Death's scythes
- Fallen Uriel and Fallen Gabriel now have a unique spawning animation
- Skinnies that get turned into Crispies after they took their skin off will now have a unique sprite
- Cyan Peep's eyes now have unique sprites and an animation for when they're about to shoot
- Improved projectile visuals for several enemies
- New sounds and effects for several enemies
- MANY code improvements (note for compatibility: all enums have also been changed)

-- Fixes --
- Fixed Cod Worms not taking damage from Mom's Knife
- Fixed some reworked enemies and bosses not moving as they should while feared or confused
- The Cage no longer has a hitbox before he visually lands
- Fixed Portals and Flaming Gapers having missing layers in the Bestiary
- Fixed Turdlings having the wrong hand sprites
- Fixed Rag Mega not killing his Raglings on death like in vanilla
- ???'s Holy Orb now disappears if ??? dies while it's active
- Fixed Homunculus and Begotten cord breaking sounds playing when they shouldn't

- Fixed Rotties not working properly when HoneyVee's Monster Resprites mod is installed (for now it just overrides that mod's version, sorry!)
- Fixed Sloth Heads from Fiend Folio turning into Black Globins
- Fixed grid Hosts from Fiend Folio not turning into the proper fleshy variants when their skull is broken
- Fixed Mr. Mines shooting the wrong projectiles on The Future floor

更新:2023 年 4 月 23 日 @ 下午 1:52

- Fixed Scolex not taking extra damage from his tail as intended
- Fixed friendly Black Bonies having invisible heads

更新:2023 年 4 月 23 日 @ 上午 8:29

-- Reworks / Additions --
- Scolex has been reworked!
- Slides have been reworked!
- New Dark One champion
- Slight rework for black Little Horn
- Rotties now gain the ability to shoot at the player instead of spawning a Death's Head to avoid complications with room layouts
- Added config menu toggles for Ragling's rags, Envy's rework (doesn't affect the champion version) and Black Bony bomb effects
- The boss version and enemy version of Gurglings now have different appearances
- Lil Haunts spawned by champion Haunts now have unique sprites
- Blighted Ovum Baby's death explosion now deals damage to enemies similar to Clutch's death explosion
- Red Mega Fatty's projectile attack can now actually hit the player and have been adjusted to account for this

-- Balance / Other Changes --
- ??? now has damage reduction for a short time on spawn and after changing phases (the amount decreases over time)
- Reduced Envy's max bouncing speed
- Black Widow now has 15% more hp
- Pink Widow now has 20% less hp instead of 10%
- Mom's Dead Hand now has a unique spawning sound
- Gurdy Jr. now does a short animation before charging
- Lokii's red boom fly throwing attack is now fully compatible with red boom fly resprite mods
- Reduced Lokii's attack cooldown (was meant to be decreased last update)
- Golden Hollow now makes the player lose coins on hit similar to Greed
- Brown Mega Fatty's jumps are now consistent so they both create rockwaves
- Red Mega Fatty and Red Dingle now turn all red poops in the room into regular ones on death (similar to Carrion Queen)
- Peep's and Bloat's eyes now bounce of them instead of pushing into them (similar to their flash behaviour)
- Yellow Peep no longer does his creep spawning attack
- Blue Peep no longer does his high jump attack but his eyes now shoot at the player
- The Gate can now perform other attacks without Leapers being present
- The Gate's projectiles are now fire projectiles (red for regular, blue for black champion, not changed for red)
- Black Haunt now spawns big spiders instead of small spiders
- Hot troll bombs spawned next to the player by orange Little Horn's hole attack no longer deal contact damage for a second
- Blisters now attack and jump more frequently
- The Dark One and Adversary now have glowing eyes in the dark
- Slightly changed the sprites for purple Headless Horseman head
- White Gish no longer shoots Lachryphagy shots

-- Fixes --
- Fixed Hostlets from FF turning into Flesh Hosts instead of Flesh Hostlets when their skull is cracked
- Flaming Gapers will no longer ignite themselves if they don't have a path to the player

更新:2023 年 4 月 8 日 @ 上午 4:01

- Reduced Champion Greed's shotspeed
- Greed Gapers and Danglers from Fiend Folio now also collect coins outside of greed mode
- Reduced Monstro 2 and Gish's Hp to 540 (460 for champions)
- Homunculi and Begottens now have a sound and effect when they detach from walls
- Fallen Gabriel now spawns Imps instead of Babies
- Fixed Lokii's brimstone attack resetting its length if one of them was knocked away vertically
- Lokii is now less likely to teleport near the player and telefrag them
- Conquest's horse now takes more time to charge after entering the 2nd phase
- Black Boneys now take slightly longer to explode on death
- Skinnies now turn into Crispies when burnt
- Reduced the attack cooldown of several bosses

更新:2023 年 3 月 31 日 @ 上午 8:04

- Fixed black champion Frail's split shots not being converted to explosive shots as intended
- Fiend Folio's Krampus champion will no longer share and ID with this mod's champion if the compatibility mod is installed

更新:2023 年 3 月 6 日 @ 上午 6:51

Fixed ???'s Forgotten body not counting as a boss, which would let you kill it with Euthanasia or Lil Horn

更新:2023 年 3 月 5 日 @ 下午 2:19

- The Forsaken has been re-reworked!
- Slightly reduced the movement speed of Blighted Ovum
- All bone orbitals spawned by ??? and Champion Lust will now have a consistent rotation relative to the first one spawned
- Reduced the speed of Fallen Gabriel's homing brimstone
- Improved the look of the trailing effects on some projectiles
- The Heart of Infamy no longer makes heart beating sounds and moves around a bit faster when not attacking
- Fixed the alien Lokii champion from Fiend Folio not working