The Black Armory (Version 4.2.1)
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Atualização: 18 mar. 2020 às 22:30

-Typo in Radio Message #141 has been fixed
-Changed Magazine Size on Pyro's Delight, and adjusted particle for shotgun shell.

Atualização: 11 mar. 2020 às 4:49

-Changed the projectile of the Pyro's Delight to have a 10% chance of dropping flames when fired.
-Edited the chest piece for the Custom Light Armor since it had the old red coloring.
-Corrected a few spelling errors.

Atualização: 29 fev. 2020 às 6:53

-Typo in the newly made Titansteel Steps Matitem has been corrected. XD

Atualização: 28 fev. 2020 às 20:16

-Added a new platform to the mod! Expect weapon changes within the next few updates. OWO

Atualização: 7 fev. 2020 às 5:58

-Adjusted flight speed for Flight Stabilizers. Noticed that using them stationary will not make you move up.

Atualização: 5 fev. 2020 às 3:54

-Changed the two monitor animations as it gave me a massive headache by staring at them. It wasn't bad before but it is now. They have been fixed for smooth and gentler animations.
-All 8 energy drinks have been renamed, as well as the liquids. All of them have their own boost. Objects and items have been changed accordingly.
-The newest fix for this mod, the crafting table has been revamped with a brand new animation, twin RGB bars, equalizer, and for the first time, music comes from it. There is a contest going about for this, so ask for details.
-More messages have been added to the radio messages.
-Typos fix and some corrections to codes.
-HOPEFULLY fixed the MISC logo in the crafting station when using FU.

Atualização: 9 jan. 2020 às 8:45

-Mech Deployment and Accessibility Issue has been fixed!

Atualização: 8 jan. 2020 às 14:42

This is another big update, so bear with me:

-Added particle effect to jetpacks to know when you are in flight. Also only kicks in when in the air. So jumping will make it so.
-Edited the message for collecting essence. With FU, the essence gathering is too early, so it was throwing off material gathering a bit.
-Changed the portrait for Sheila! Now colored, and comes with 5 emotions: Happy, Thoughtful, Sad, Mad and Shocked!
-Added a new weapon, a sniper rifle known as the AMR-20. Includes animation and particle effect to give off real gun works. Nothing like Lyetzi, but good enough to me. More to come, and all old guns will be changed eventually to fit this.
-Added a new vanity suit called the Combat Flight Suit. Got inspired by the old Iron Man armor mod from the beta, so I made my own with a twist. Includes 3 weapons: Flight Stabilizers for flight, arm tank missiles, and repulsor beams. Will be adding more hand weapons later.
-Added a bunch of new furniture, including stuff for anyone who has the desire to build their own ship. Captain's Chair, Tech Station, Fuel Hatch, Locker, Teleporter, and ship lights! Unique from other ship lights.
-As heavily requested... Horizontal Titansteel Ship Hatches.
-A few other changes to typos, recipe adjustments.
-Added a new weapon that provides unlimited currency, the Uber Currency Rifle-5000... Heavy Crafting List... but you got to understand why...
-Radio Messages!!! For the first time, and with help, you can have the Titansteel Multi-Tool (Flashlight) in your inventory, and Sheila will talk to you randomly, one message out of a list of 130+ every 15 minutes! If you wish to keep her quiet, keep the flashlight out of the inventory. I will be adding more messages from here on out. This utilizes Sheila's emotions and the new portrait UI.

Atualização: 27 ago. 2019 às 12:19

THIS IS A BIG UPDATE, and quite frankly, a lot was done, and I forgot half of it, so let me remember:

-Adds 3 new ranged weapons: Pyro's Delight, Artiligazer, and Hornet's Nest
-Adds 5 new melee weapons: 4 elemental Titansteel Energy Swords, and a poison Zweihander, the Scornblade
-Rework on the current existing melee weapons, now includes energy and animation
-Rename of the Dark Matter Katana to the Dark Solus Blade
-Added a bunch of missing items to the tablets. Will need to recraft them to relearn them
-Rarity changes, two now Essential
-Added a new item in the ship locker, a radio, that will help with future immersion for the radio messages. Might need a new character to be effective
-Jumpsuit Recipe now changed. It's considered endgame item due to stats being a lot. Will need a lot of materials to make them
-Rework on textures of the CCTV Camera, and the Scanners, as well as the icons for the Drone Spawners and the Iron Sights Attachment
-Slowed down animation to the Titansteel Hologem
-Edited some typos here and there
-Military Shield and Sword changed to TItansteel Shield and Sword

Atualização: 17 jul. 2019 às 19:40

-Adds an Armor that has stats so you can wear any vanity. Best for the Titansteel Armor Sets.
-Adds a new vanity armor set.
-Adds an augment that has stats, best for the Exo Armor.
-Adds a new radio, 'In The Air Tonight' by Phil Collins.
-A few fixes have been made from typos to fixing the image placeholder for the MGLX200... again.