Portal 2

Portal 2

46 ratings
ON/OFF Portal Gun concept for BEE 2.4.0pr25
By tuleby (CZ)
Only for BEE 2.4.0 pre-release 25 (clean style)
file "tuleby.zip" insert into the packages folder
https://sdilej.cz/27549651/tuleby.zip (v1.1)

Only for BEE 2.4.0 pre-release 25 (clean style)
Music fix after loading

Do not use in pre-release 27 (it will not work)
Maps with an earlier (but also latest) version of the concept
Overview of items for BEE 2.4.0pr25
Presentation video
Mark ENTRANCE door

• Placement on the wall of the ENTRANCE door.
• This trigger wakes the orange and blue buttons, it's a system item without which will not be work ON/OFF Portal Gun concept.

• Placement on the wall of the ENTRANCE door.
• This trigger wakes the orange and blue buttons, it's a system item without which will not be work ON/OFF Portal Gun concept.

* Later, it will be probably implemented directly into the entrance corridor
Mark EXIT door

• Placement on the wall of the EXIT door.
• Adds the absolute fizzler to the corridor before the EXIT elevator.
• Returns the portal gun and sets the system to smoothly run another map from the workshop queue.

Later, it will be probably implemented directly into the exit corridor.

Blue button

• It borrows a Portal Gun.
• Reacts only to player.
• The blue button is subordinated to each orange button.
Orange button

• Reacts to player and all types of cubes.
• It borrows a Portal Gun.
• If one button is active, it blocks all others.
• I recommend using only one orange button in one closed puzzle.

• If the map is multiple puzzles then it is necassary to ensure that the player can not leave the button active when moving from one puzzle to the next.
You can use TRIGGER DISSOLVER without worrying and without thinking over this option.
Low grate for buttons

• This low grate is designed to placement around buttons, it can sometimes be very useful when using CubeBOMB in puzzle.
Trigger dissolver

• This trigger gives the command to the orange buttons to dissolve the cube if it is placed on the button.
Ideal especially for multi-puzzle maps, when it is not certain whether player can not leave the orange button active when moving from one puzzle to the next.
• The trigger is multiple, so it is particularly suitable for the corridor between the two doors.

• Now also has been added trigger with a marked area. (Dissolving AREA)
Absolute fizzler

• This fizzler closes all portals regardless of whether the player has or does not have a Portal Gun in his hand.
• Suitable in the corridor between puzzles or in case you need to close the portals.

• It has the function of reflective cube and can activate the buttons.
• If a player picks up and places the cube, he activates. After eight seconds it explodes.
• Can be activated with a trampoline or catapult.
• When contacting a cube with a fizzler is dissolved.
• The explosion is devastating in its surroundings, it can kill player, bring down turrets, throw away physical objects and break breakable glass.
• The cube can be drowned in goo.

• The trampoline is intended for vertical rebound to the height 6-7 fields.
• The trampoline reacts to player, physical objects and gel paint bombs.
• Each rebound is signaled by the blink of an orange color. If the jump reaches maximum height, the trampoline stays orange.
• The trampoline in contact with the fizzler is dissolved.
• He can activate a cube bomb.
• May exhibit minor flaws and strange behaviors, but it's funny.
White platform

A platform that moves along a track. It can either move back and forth when enabled or change from one side to another when turned on or off.

• White surface for moving portals
• In the middle of the surface is a portal magnet helper.
• Unfortunately, physical objects can not be moved through moving portals. Laser, light bridge, tractor beam, yes.
• The player is fast thrust into the portal if he finds himself nearby.
• Movable portals can sometimes exhibit strange behavior.
White lift platform

White platform mounted on a piston that can move in and out.

• Objects are destroyed if they block downward movement of the piston. For player behaves friendly.
• The Auto Drop option enables or disables player detection. If enabled the platform will only move when players stand on the lift.
• If connections are attached, they must be all active first before the lift will function.
• White surface for moving portals

• In the middle of the surface is a portal magnet helper.
• Unfortunately, physical objects can not be moved through moving portals. Laser, light bridge, tractor beam, yes.
• The player is fast thrust into the portal if he finds himself nearby.
• Movable portals can sometimes exhibit strange behavior.
Laser without collision

• Can be placed on any wall. Just one piece.
• Shuts down player collision with laser in complete map.
Movable portals allowed

• Can be placed on any wall. Just one piece
• Even if you use it in a map without an ON/OFF concept, use item ON/OFF EXIT. This will ensure that movable portals are turned off when moving to the next map in the queue.
• Unfortunately, physical objects can not be moved through moving portals. Laser, light bridge, tractor beam, yes.
• The player is fast thrust into the portal if he finds himself nearby.
• Movable portals can sometimes exhibit strange behavior.
Mono Portal Gun ON/OFF

• Can be placed on any wall. Just one piece
• Portal Gun can open only one portal. (BLUE)
Leo 10 Oct, 2018 @ 11:39am 
Hi tuleby, do you plan on making these items compatible with newer versions of BEE2? Personally I have pre-release 29 and I would really love to be able to use them! Either way, great job creating these awesome items!
aqmlyn 11 Nov, 2017 @ 3:39pm 
Ah, okay. Good to know!
tuleby (CZ)  [author] 11 Nov, 2017 @ 3:01pm 
@ApocUni: You probably write about pre-release 27. This is different and works differently. Items for pr27 was created by TeamSpen210 and it seems that the items are not working properly. That's why I've also released my original items for version BEE2.4.0 pr25 for the time being.
aqmlyn 11 Nov, 2017 @ 1:00pm 
I was messing around with these in the editor, and I noticed that if the cube bomb is connected to a dropper (placed directly underneath one in editor), it does not explode after picked up and placed. It simply disappears when its timer expires, then a new one respawns from the dropper. After some testing, it appears that the cube disappearing does not damage the player or affect cubes, but it does still destroy turrets. I can't seem to find breakable glass in the new release of BEE2, so I'm not sure if that is affected or not.
TheDarkBomber 25 Jul, 2017 @ 11:30am 
Then just add the cube-only as a third, and make it so blue blocks orange + co, co blocks orange + blue, orange blocks blue + co.
tuleby (CZ)  [author] 25 Jul, 2017 @ 4:13am 
The problem may also occur if you use multiple orange buttons in one puzzle, so I recommend using only one. If you want to achieve the same effect as a only button for cube, just place the white surface in place, out of the player's reach, somewhere around the corner. This is easier with the same result.
tuleby (CZ)  [author] 25 Jul, 2017 @ 4:02am 
It's really not that easy, the button system is interwoven and the buttons work together, blocking each other. One type is superior and second subordinate.. If I add more with other properties, then there can be unwanted errors when you press several buttons different types at the same time. In addition, the orange button is a classic floor button, so it can not be filtered.
TheDarkBomber 25 Jul, 2017 @ 2:43am 
Then copy the orange button, add filter, change colour.
tuleby (CZ)  [author] 24 Jul, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
It may seem easy, but it is not. There are more complications, especially trouble-free cooperation with other buttons. It's not really easy.
Fox 24 Jul, 2017 @ 12:09pm 
@tuleby (CZ)
Actualy it would be pretty easy to make, just add filter to it ;3