Portal 2

Portal 2

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Unportable Portals
This is a series introducing a new concept: "Unportable Portals".

Idea - €in€r vØn vi€l€n (FLooper)
Develop - €in€r vØn vi€l€n (FLooper) and tuleby (CZ)
Puzzles - €in€r vØn vi€l€n (FLooper), tuleby (CZ) and Robo SK.
Items (4)
PRACTICE Portal Gun on/off
Created by tuleby (CZ)
Portal Gun On/Off concept, "PRACTICE" map is a tutorial, but also contains full tests >>> Related maps from FLooper <<< >>> Related maps from Robo SK <<< v1.0 Download zip with vmf files for PeTI Update to v1.1 *Minor repair - edge texture on the fizzlers ...
Unportable Portals: Introduction (Part 1)
This is a simple proof of concept map. The difficulty is easy - medium. Please comment, if you found a bug/glitch or unintended solution. If you only see low resotution shadows, please restart Portal 2 entirely to see them in full glory! A HUGE shoutout to...
Unportable Portals: X-Ray (Part 2)
This is the second part of the series and my entry for Contest #10 - Reflectwice (by Polux). Read this to find out more: http://steamoss.com/gid/103582791456360989 The button models were made by tuleby. With his help, I can now place those button in ...
Unportable Portals: Out of Vision (Part 3)
This is the third part. People suggested in the comments that these tests need more portal surfaces. So here you go! Here some additional facts: First, wanted to make a chamber with a moveable floor button. But a fizzler does the exact same job for this ^^...
Linked collections (1)
Portal gun ON/OFF concept
Contains 19 items