Space Engineers

Space Engineers

37 ratings
PFS - RS - Sidewinder Recon Skimmer
Type: Blueprint
Mod category: Exploration
File Size
2.439 MB
9 May, 2017 @ 12:22pm
31 May, 2017 @ 10:06am
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PFS - RS - Sidewinder Recon Skimmer

In 1 collection by Lord Commissar
Phoenix Fleet Systems Planetary Division
15 items
100% Vanilla

Sidewinder Reconnaissance Skimmer

Mass: 20,182 kg (empty)
Cargo: 7 Small Containers
Crew: 2

The Sidewinder was originally developed for use by the Army, where it sees service scouting out enemy positions and relaying them to allied forces. Here, its speed, maneuverability, and low profile allow it to easily evade enemy patrols and remain undetected as it carries out its duties.

Within the Army, the Sidewinder was often referred to as the "Suicide Skimmer", due to the tendency of pilots to push it beyond its recommended speed and crash the skimmers. While the military quickly installed safeguards and strict reprimends to prevent pilots from continuing this trend, the dangerously fast nature of the skimmer caught the attention of the civilian sector, and PFS eventually released a toned-down version of the skimmer for civilian use.

While the civilian models were designed within Republic safety standards, many began to find ways to circumvent these limitations, and Sidewinders were often seen in dragraces and other dangerous motor sports. Eventually public pressure weighed on PFS, and they shut down the civilian line of the Sidewinder. Still, the skimmers see plenty of use in the Army, and there is a small black-market that profits off the sale of these military vehicles to those with a need for speed.

--------------------------------------------- USER MANUAL --------------------------------------------

  1. Increase Friction
  2. Decrease Friction
  3. Hover Thrusters On/Off


The most important thing to note is that there is a lack of reverse thrust. This is easily compensated for by using the friction controls (1 and 2) listed above. While in motion, friction should be set to 0 for easy cruising and maneuvering. Simply increase friction to stop the skimmer or put it in "park".

The Hover Thrusters should not be used while in normal motion, as they will give you too much air. They are designed to allow you to recover from any large jumps you may accidentally get, allowing you to come slowly to the ground rather than falling and crashing. They may also be useful for crossing canyons and that sort of thing.

For easiest handling, it is recommended you keep it around 30 m/s.

MMaster - Automatic Configurable LCD
Whiplash141 - Artificial Horizon

Interested in learning about the lore behind these ships?
-Dawn-717- 10 May, 2017 @ 2:51pm 
i always love your work!
JCapt 9 May, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Looks great! Good velocity lcd coloration too! It looks beautiful!

And... second !
J4R 9 May, 2017 @ 12:34pm 
Love it!!

Also, first.