Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Items (48)
ANIME MUSIC fo jukebox
Created by Undo Healer
Just op and end song of 10 anime...
Hellvetis Jukebox Mod v0.05
Created by Hellvetis
--------------------------------------- Playlist: "Haddaway - Rock My Heart" "Haddaway - What is Love" "Real McCoy - Another Night" "2 Unlimited - The Real Thing" "DJ BoBo - LET THE DREAM COME TRUE" "Dr. Alban - It's My Life" "Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of ...
Shanties for a Rusty Tin Can (Jukebox Mod)
Created by [ᵀᴿᴮ] Furcas
Just a quick sound mod for the jukebox, featuring Sea Shanties and some other space themed songs....
HitMusic Jukebox-Jams 1.0
Created by MadLogic
This is yet another rendition from another mod which was somewhat low quality, A selection of "Guardians of The Galaxy" soundtracks to enjoy whilst in space? Yes yes, i know, there are a few out there, but this was made with love and good intentions. Next ...
Jukebox Songs for Expo
Created by Mentor_N7
The mod adds a lot of new songs and sounds for Jukebox that I need to build the map. There will be updates depending on my needs. List of songs and sounds (01.03.21): (Club) Chris Cornell - You Know My Name (Club) Geno Lenardo, Code 137 feat. Zeale - Suici...
NCS Jukebox Music
Created by White Bread
Adds 39 top songs by NoCopyrightSounds (NCS) to the jukebox. Link to their youtube ---> Song list: We Are, Invisible, Fearless, Light It Up, Cradles, Feel Good, Superhero, Mortals, Dreams, Nekozilla, Ark, Hellcat,...
Extra Jukebox Music
Created by Elstar94
Made this for an MP server with friends. It adds some Scott Joplin songs to the Jukebox. Feel free to use this to add your own music. All music included is licensed under Creative Commons and taken from How to edit the mod to add your ...
TSO - SE Deluxe Jukebox Music
Created by TheSlaveOne
This mod adds the following 65 tracks from the SE Deluxe DLC Soundtrack to the Jukebox play list: NOTE: this mod assumes the sounds are in the default install directory: Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\DeluxeDLC\Soundtrack ...
Deep Rock Galactic Jukebox Music
Deep Rock Galactic soundtracks for Space Engineers Jukebox, includes Volume 1 and Volume 2 Song list: Into The Abyss Attack of the Glyphids The Deep Dive Hold My Beard They´re Here! Cowards Crossing Petrified Fury The Descent Robot Getaway Horrors of Hoxxe...
Solar System Pack - Part 1
Created by Infinite
Solar System Pack Part 1 features the celestial bodies of the inner Solar System, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Ceres. Mercury • Recommended Size: Any • Difficulty: Medium • Resources: Platinum, Iron, Nickel, Silicon, Cobalt, Silver,...
Automatic LCDs 2
Created by MMaster
Everything you will ever need to know about your ship and station displayed in real time on LCD panels in any vanilla games. modded games and servers! Now with cockpit panels support! Thank all of you for making amazing creations with this script, using it...
No HUD Tooltips
Created by Klime
Forces the game to be in a minimal HUD state, so block tooltips don't show Important: This will force all players in the world to have no tooltips. Only add this to servers if all players are experienced with SE! ...
CULT Remains
Created by Solnakar
The CULT Some know them as Worshipers of Light, but most call them simply the CULT. They come, they conquer and after some time they dissapear, leaving their automated installations and ships behind. Drones patrol star systems even when their masters are l...
[AaW] Star System Start
Created by CaptainArthur
It is the vanilla star system. Only thing is that earth-like is replaced by Agaris with roads. You can hotswap to Industrial overhaul planet. Just replace ''Agaris with roads'' with ''Agaris IO with roads'' after you loaded the world
Created by enceladus
Ravcor (Another Texture Update)
Created by Doctor Octoganapus
Ravcor is a hot lava planet with a thin atmosphere. The planet is covered in rivers of lava and is rich in Iron, Uranium, and Platinum. Atmospheric thrusters barely work due to how thin the atmosphere is though there is a small amount of oxygen in the air....
Adjustable Thruster Multipliers
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. Introduction This mod adds control sliders to all thruster blocks that allows you to multiply the max thrust output of the thruster (while also multiplying power/fuel consumption by the sam...
SmartRotors: Solar
Created by AutoMcDonough
SmartRotors, rotors with built-in functionality for ease of use. This is the solar variant, it automatically tracks the sun. Other variants to follow later, currently planned are VTOL and PMW. Isn’t this the same effect as running a script on rotors? Yes. ...
Alien animals
Created by Chipstix213 The alien planet now can have something other than spiders! don't let your guard down the spiders come out at night and will attack anything that moves. Not even your grids are safe on this ho...
Gravel Sifter
Created by Raszagal
Adaptation of Stone Be Useful Text changed on model by TechPriest, submitted by SultonMRP About: A new machine based on an assembler to sift gravel to get more ores out of it. The mod supports progression and is properly added in the G menu groups. 100 000...
Tiered Tools by VISP
Created by VISP
This mod will help you tp build and grind lol....
Aryx-Lynxon Drive Systems
Created by AryxCami
This mod adds several variants of the Epstein Drive from The Expanse into space engineers, modelled in a vanilla-alike artstyle. They require hydrogen to run. As of writing, the pack contains: E405 Avalon Light Epstein Drive -10MN impulse. -2x2x4 -Requires...
Created by Math
Static drills is a mod that will add 3 new blocks to the game Each of these blocks have the ability to mine whatever ore type is below them This is great for servers because it will increase server performance, decrease the amount of voxel edits, and encou...
Eat. Drink. Sleep. Repeat!
Created by Bačiulis
Intro Three new stat mechanics are added to the game: Water, Food and Sleep. To restore food and water stats you have to use consumable items, like Clang Kola and Cosmic Coffee. 5 new consumable items are added: Emergency Ration, Water, Beer and two kinds ...
Plant and Cook
Created by Bačiulis
Intro Planter and Kitchen blocks are made functional and allows to grow and cook food respectively. Bar counter blocks are made functional as containers for consumables and food products. Wheat, Soya, Vegetables, Apple, Mushroom and Herb farm blocks are ad...
Smooth Voxels
Created by avaness
This mod removes the rough terrain that is found on cliffs and steep hills. Applies to all planets, including modded ones. This mod can theoretically be removed and added at will, but be careful if the planet already has grids on it. Internally, all this m...
AQD - Emissive Colors
Created by enenra Current version: 1.0b Please refer to the changelog for patch notes. This mod changes the colors of the emissives on all blocks. Emissives are the glowy bits indicating a block's status. In va...
Created by Klime
Binoculars for looking at things Thanks to Chipstix for the animation and model Controls - Equip and right click to use binoculars - Scrollwheel to zoom, and Q/E to smooth zoom...
Extended Vanilla Combat
Created by NyaNyaNyang
This mod made for 1.202.066 build. If you want no ammo cost reduction version, try this Recommand set sync distance to 5km. default path to world save C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\\\Sandbox.sbc Same directory, Sandbox_config.sbc Ctrl + F ...
Trade Operators Coalition
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. Introduction Trade Operators Coalition adds several Economy-Driven Neutral NPC Grid Encounters to your game. This includes Space and Planetary Cargo Ships, and Planetary Installations. Enco...
Water Mod
Created by Jakaria
The mod adds water that you can build boats with. There is audio, splashing, bubbles, waves, fish, and much better simulation performance compared to older water mods. This mod has support for Draygo's Aerodynamics Mod, it is not required but with it you c...
Aerodynamic Physics
Created by DraygoKorvan
Adds lift profiles to all grids in the game. Adds deadly reentry to the game. Adds wind to the game. Physics simulation includes, drag forces, deflection forces, lift, differential lift, ground effect. Ground effect will calculate based on altitude from vo...
[QoL] Radio Spectrometry
Created by DraygoKorvan
Investigate far away asteroids using radio spectrometry to get an idea about their composition before you actually travel to it. This is an LCD script, select it from the scripts list for any LCD Panel. Point your ore detector directly at a distant asteroi...
Aerodynamic Wings - blocks for planet atmosphere
Created by Digi
This mod adds 3 wing blocks for small ships. They're all slightly different wing variations, a straight, a slightly angled and a more angled one, all of which are 5 blocks wide, 1 block tall and 1 to 3 blocks in length. These blocks apply lift when moved a...
Easy Block Renaming
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. Description This mod adds controls to nearly all block types that allows you to easily rename multiple blocks at once. Features - Multiple Block Renaming: Simply select all the blocks you w...
Automated Inventory Sorting
Created by tyrsis
This mod automatically sorts the inventory of many types of blocks on any ship or station. This allows you to easily control what goes in and out of the inventory of each block on your ship or station. Any block that has an inventory can now pull inventory...
Spacebar Bridge Consoles
Created by Spacebar
Huge HUGE HUGE shout out to Eikester for making a (better) keyboard sitting pose for these consoles. Previous one was a pose used in the DLC and there were some questions if I was allowed to use them. They're different enough so huge thanks to him "No one ...
Hacking Computer 3.1 - SE v1.205
Created by nukeguard
This mod adds small and large ship hacking computers. It is a replacement for an earlier version of the mod. With new models and effects (a big thank you to Nukeguard for providing the models). Original: Hacking Computer Thanks to Crunch and Sen. Palpatine...
[QoL] Production Quota
Created by DraygoKorvan
Quality of Life: Adds a quota list to the assemblers in game (basic and up). Assemblers will automatically add components to production if the grid contains less than the desired item count. If something goes terribly wrong use the Reset button. Mod is des...
Colorful Rendering
Created by Ryukki
Ever felt like SE visuals were a little bland? Or that putting pee shine on Earthlike isn't a visual upgrade for the game? With this mod which uses Medieval Engineers superior visuals as base now has more vibrant colors along with shadows. This mod will ma...
HUD - Modern and Fancy (Color)
Created by Adriano Description Same info with a new style. This is a modern and fancy new HUD designed to easily get used. Features All stats info still on screen New colors Works on all screen ratios Easy to get used Centralized and symmetric...
Midspace's Ship Speed Unlimited mod (skybox friendly)
Created by Screaming Angels
A max ship speed mod with a difference. It is custom skybox friendly. You can use it with any Skybox. It does not modify the Environment.sbc file, so any custom environment settings are safe. This one removes all the stops, and allows you to go as fast as ...
Hubblegum Skybox
Created by Splitsie
This is the skybox in use for my Wrong Way Up series, built from a collection of Hubble images this skybox should provide a small amount of light at night but not enough to make lights pointless. Enjoy the rainbow skies :)...
Electric Network Info - Touch App
Created by Adriano Electric Network Info This mod adds an App to LCD screens for monitoring Electric production and consumption, also battery storage and detailed info per block. It saves a history of last 30 minutes of data and presents the i...
Rotary Airlock
Created by nukeguard
The Rotary Airlock, designed with atmosphere in mind. No more will you depressurize your rooms by accidentally opening the wrong doors, the Rotary Airlock keeps that vacuum away from your precious air and keeps its seal 100% of the time. Built like any oth...
Power Transmitters
Created by Cython
Description This mod adds 2 ways of transmitting power from one grid to another, wirelessly. Recharge your drones in your bay wirelessly, power your remote research outpost through satellites or stop your near orbit station from dropping onto the planet wi...
Better Respawn Pods | V1.1
Created by Torqs
Replaces all vanilla respawn drop pods with custom but vanilla-like pods. Optionally compatible with Eat. Drink. Sleep. Repeat! Big advantage is the Emergency Ration Production Unit, Hydrogen Tank with Engine, backup parachute, Cryo Tank and a massive off-...