Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

91 ratings
Overwatch: Tracer - Jingle
Universe: Original IP
Models: Character
Tags: SFM
File Size
88.465 MB
21 Dec, 2016 @ 4:05pm
27 Dec, 2016 @ 6:07pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Overwatch: Tracer - Jingle

Hey all! I'm very pleased to bring you Tracer's Jingle skin from Overwatch!

Includes HWM! Special thanks to TFA for helping out with that!

Note that I am not a perfectionist, so, it's obviously not going to be top notch with the phong and exponents, lightwarps, stuff like that to make it near identical to the in-game version (like other users have mangaged to achieve). Especially for all the golden parts which should be shiny, but I can't make them shiny.


-TF2 scaling and bone names
-Decent phong, and some lightwarps here and there (obviously)
-Weapons (pistol and bomb)
-Original rigging
-Face bones (as part of the original rigging)

This also works with Speeder's Overwatch Animations (though, you might need to fix some things up while using any of those, because this uses original rigging, it contains actual hip bones, unlike Valve.Biped, so, hips might act a little weird).

Credits to Blizzard for the assets used (from the game Overwatch). I claim nothing of them Also credits to SedimentaryStockings for Tracer's chest holo thing, and for letting me use it.


NOTE: I'd like to add another picture for this, so if someone would be so kind as to make another picture, but please do something decent, nothing that will offend anyone (and by that, I mean please don't make anything that will go against Steam rules).

Gmod Version:

Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!
Kizzle 6 Mar, 2018 @ 5:40pm 
I ship this character with Scout... huh.
tepes 28 Jul, 2017 @ 1:17am 
hey man, i know this is an old post, but u still only have one picture, and i saw u wanted more. i made another one if u want to use it. if not, i understand :p
Smoggylamb #FixTF2 22 Mar, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
This doesn't align with SedimentarySocks' Tracer model. You should consider making his item a required add-on.
MIMI Sentry 12 Feb, 2017 @ 6:50pm 
Alrighty, just wondering!
Frosty Dr.  [author] 12 Feb, 2017 @ 6:39pm 
@Graphic_Wing, Not really, since I don't really like that skin, :P

And as I said before, I'm not intending to start porting all her skins.
MIMI Sentry 11 Feb, 2017 @ 10:42pm 
Do you plan to upload the Rose skin for Tracer?
TheBoxTrot 20 Jan, 2017 @ 5:16pm 
hey i getting missing textures on her hands chest thing shoulders and hat
Frosty Dr.  [author] 28 Dec, 2016 @ 3:43pm 
Do people have to assume that now that I've ported two Tracer skins, that's all I'll port, or, that's all I care about? I mean, true, that's all I wanted to do originally, because I have other non-OW related projects I want to do. But, looking at the fact nobody cared enough to do the Summer Games skins either, it's likely nobody (or maybe one or two people) will care to do the other Wonderland skins.

I'm not saying I will or not.
❖DarknessRingo❖ 28 Dec, 2016 @ 10:09am 
Do you can upload the other Wonderland skins? Because not just Tracer the only
Duck 27 Dec, 2016 @ 6:47pm 
I'm glad to help :melon: :)