ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

206 ratings
Additional Desert Dinos 2.0: The Full Monty Edition
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1.658 MB
10 Oct, 2016 @ 7:31am
10 Nov, 2017 @ 5:06am
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Additional Desert Dinos 2.0: The Full Monty Edition

Mod ID # 778518972

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to bring you Additional Desert Dinos 2.0: The Full Monty Edition!

It's been a long hard slog, but the ultimate version of A.D.D. is ready for action.

This mod allows you to add a wide variety of additional creatures to your desert wilderness with complete flexibility. You pick and choose exactly which creatures you wish to add from the following;

* Allosaurus!
* Bats!
* Baryonyx!
* Brontosaurus!
* Carbonemys!
* Castoroides!
* Chalicotherium!
* Compsognathus!
* Dilophosaurus!
* Dimetrodon!
* Dimorphodon!
* Diplocaulus!
* Diplodocus!
* Dire Bear!
* Dodo!
* Giganotosaurus!
* Gigantopithicus!
* Griffin!
* Hesperornis!
* Kairuku!
* Leech!
* Mammoth!
* Megaloceros!
* Megalosaurus outside of the cave!
* Meganuera!
* Mega Piranha!
* Mesopithicus!
* Oviraptor!
* Otters!
* Pachycephalosaurus!
* Pachyrhinosaurus!
* Pelagornis!
* Phiomia!
* Pteranodon!
* Quetzalcoatlus!
* Saber Tooth Salmon!
* Sarcosuchus!
* Spinosaurus!
* Spiders!
* Stegosaurus!
* Therizinosaurus!
* Titanosaurus!
* Triceratops!
* Wooly Rhino!
* Alpha Predators!

By adding a map extension with designated spawn zones for all new dinos, you now have complete control over exactly which additional creatures you wish to have on your designated server or single player Ark Scorched Earth map, and how many. This also ensures that this mod is completely clean and stackable. In addition, this extension will only load with the Scorched Earth map meaning that your Island and Center maps will be completely unaffected.

On downloading this mod, all the additional creatures start off as disabled. You MUST select which ones you want by designating them in your server or single player Game User Settings Ini file. You can find the full list here:

GUS Spawn List

Simply copy and paste it to your GUS ini, and change False to True for the creatures that you desire.

With Leeches, choose either Leech OR LeechDisease, one or the other, not both. Obviously Leech will spawn only normal Leeches, whereas LeechDisease will spawn Leeches with a 10% chance of being a Diseased Leech. Make sure you select the right one as selecting the Diseased option will bring Swamp Fever to your server (unless you have it disabled of course, in which case hey! Black Pearls for everybody!)

I have intentionally made all the dinos spawn in relatively small numbers for various reasons, to not overwhelm the native wildlife, so that this mod does not negatively impact on server performance, and because it is easier to adjust numbers up than it is to adjust them down. If you find that any dinos are not spawning in large enough numbers for your liking, simply add the list found here to your GUS ini, and increase the numbers to whatever you like:

GUS Spawn Numbers


Make sure to copy and paste the additional section added to the GUS files if you want these creatures to spawn.

A few things to note:

Allosaurs are borked and will spawn inside players bases. This is nothing to do with this mod and is because Allosaurs in general are borked and do not respect property nor belongings.

If you go for the Full Monty option and opt to have every available creature on offer, you will find that the Canyon areas of the map can become rather hellish. Serene watering holes will become home to Spinos, Sarcos, Dragonflies, Leeches, Piranhas and Frogs. Dilos and Allosaurs get added to the usual complement of things that lurk within the rocky walls that want to violently murder you, and there is a fair chance of Gigas, Alpha Raptors and Alpha Rex's wandering in from their nearby spawning grounds. If you are a server owner I would highly recommend warning your players who may have set up a happy billabong adjacent home that they may want to relocate.

As this mod adds a map extension with all the relevant new spawn zones, absolutely none of the existing spawns are effected in any way, and no future additions to the creature roster will be affected. I will of course update the mod with any creatures that do get added in future updates that the devs deem to leave off of the Scorched Earth map.

The mod author takes no responsibility for any carnage that may ensue on your server as a result of downloading this mod.

As always, I cannot thank enough the wonderful gang over at the Ark Modders Discord, without whom I may have had a small nervous breakdown :-)

Thank you for looking and downloading this mod, I hope you enjoy the wide variety of new creatures available to your desert surviving experience.

Check out my other mods too!

Animals of Atlas
Kraken's Better Dinos
Additional Aberrant Dinos
Mini Manticores
Kraken Stacks


For up to date info on my modding endeavours, including update announcements, sneak peeks, and other stuff, join the Krakens Lair Discord server here:

Krakens Lair Discord[]


Please note that this mod is now as complete as it will ever be, the ability of easily being able to add to spawn containers via Game.Ini and the decline in popularity of the Scorched Earth map itself, as well as inter server transfers etc. have made it largely obsolete. If it does break in the future then I will maintain it, but it will receive no further content updates.
Popular Discussions View All (8)
1 Jan, 2020 @ 12:54pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
18 Sep, 2017 @ 3:20pm
Servers Using This Mod
13 Feb, 2018 @ 5:36pm
PINNED: GUS Ini Entries To Adjust Spawn Numbers
angel52863 19 Jul, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
@Gixy, this mod justs adds vanilla dino spawn entries to scorched earth, so you can remove the mod, the dinos will still stay until they despawn or you do a dino wipe
Gixy 10 Jan, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
Will removing this mod delete any dinos I've tamed already? Moving maps so I no longer need this mod since I wont be in SE
Bagga 14 Oct, 2020 @ 1:31am 
@gon GUS.ini
Baryonx=True error here
bukschr 22 Nov, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
Hey, just a quick question, would this work with your Better Dino's mod as well?
generallyoverwhelmed 17 Jul, 2019 @ 3:02pm 
Where do the Baryonyx spawn at? I would have figured the canyons or oasises, but haven't seen any. I did enable them in the ini, and other dinos are spawning, just not these fellas.
Frost 18 Mar, 2019 @ 1:19pm 
Just a bit of a request but would it be possible to have an ini setting implimented to work with krakens better dinos to switch the mods spawn mechanics from using vanilla varients to using krakens? so like ini setting
Would spawn those dinos and not vanilla ones.
Kraken:1  [author] 14 Mar, 2019 @ 6:40pm 
It's completely vanilla, but playing on Scorched subtly alters the colour palette, dinos tend to spawn in darker or more muted colours and it gives a lot of them a more matte feel than on other maps.
Zazen 14 Mar, 2019 @ 6:18am 
@Kraken:1 there's... something off about that stego... i'm not crazy right? xD I feel like it looks different and better than the vanilla one
Kraken:1  [author] 11 Mar, 2019 @ 8:02pm 
For up to date info on my modding endeavours, including update announcements, sneak peeks, and other stuff, join the Krakens Lair Discord server here:

Krakens Lair Discord []
xlovermanx 6 Feb, 2019 @ 7:25am 
my game will have add now thank you