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<:: CW: Half-Life 2 Roleplay Guide ::> (Elite Roleplay)
Von Nightmare
<:: Author's Note Page ::>
This Guide is to let new players understand what our hl2rp server operates by, and to aid current players by refreshing their memory of Radio Codes, equipment for CPA, etc.
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Welcome to the Metropolitan Protection Force (MPF) or Combine Civil Authority (CCA). You have enlisted yourself into the Civil Authority to assist in the efforts of both socio-stability or for the protection of the advanced future. As per Universal agreement, you will be allowed certain privileges as well as increased rewards for your service to the Universal Union. In reference to this field manual, you will be reading on various subjects in relation to your authority as well as how to better assist in both prosecution and protection. As a Civil Authority unit it is your directive to defend both priorities as a number one, even utilizing SACRIFICE if deemed necessary. You are set in a controlled atmosphere in order to keep residential civilized standards set and in check. However; There will be times in which a unit must think quickly in the most dangerous of scenario's, this is not only to keep you from harm; But to also assist in the sterilization of anti-civil behavior.
Civil Authority Communications: 10 Codes
10-Radio Codes:

10-0: Proceed with Caution
10-1: Not comprehended/Not Understood
10-2: Negative
10-3: Stop Transmitting (request of complete radio silence)
10-4: Affirmative
10-6: Occupied/Busy
10-7: Unit off Duty
10-8: Unit on Duty
10-9: Repeat
10-10: On Meal Break, missing.
10-12: Units present/available?
10-13: Status Code
10-15: Anti-Citizen/Non compliant Citizen in Custody/Detainment
10-18: ASAP
10-19: Report to Nexus
10-20: Location
10-23: On Hold/Standing By
10-25: Meet/Rendezvous
10-27: C:ID Check/Identity Check
10-29: Non compliant/Wanted Citizen check
10-31: Currently In Pursuit
10-38: Blockade/Barricade
10-41: In Possession/Carrying of
10-43: Any Intel?
10-48: Message Received?
10-51: En-route/Responding
10-56: Meet at...
10-57: Leaving/Exiting Patrol zone
10-58: Entering Patrol Zone
10-61: Services/Assistance Needed
10-63: Request For...
10-63P: Perimeter
10-63E: Elite Units
10-63I: Intel Units
10-65: Prepare to respond to...
10-66: Disregard last transmission
10-70: Requesting Scanner
10-71: Request EMT
10-76: Change Frequencies/Radio Breach
10-88: C:ID
10-94: Request backup Routine
10-97: Responded/Reporting In
10-98: Area/Sector Clear
10-100: Meeting in progress
10-99: Officer Down/ Under Fire
10-103M/P: Mentally/Physically Unfit person.
Civil Authority Communications: 11 Codes/Advanced Codes
This section will cover the codes with the identifier: 11.
As well, these codes are to be known in order to rank higher than a OfC

11-6: Discharge of Firearm.
11-7: Mobile Stealthily Person.
11-8: Citizen Incapacitated
11-10: Fill-out a report
11-12: Dead/Injured Biotics in Area (Exogen, Viromes, Necrotics, Etc)
11-14: Violent Biotics in Area (Exogen, Viromes, Necrotics, Etc)
11-15: Entertainment In Public
11-17: Mechanical Service down.
11-24: Abandoned APC.
11-25: Public Hazard.
11-25X: APC needs Assistance.
11-26: Immobile APC.
11-27: Subject has Felonies recorded.
11-28: Check Registration.
11-29: Subject has no Record for Violations.
11-30: Incomplete Radio Transmission/Request Device Transmission.
11-31: Person requesting assistance
11-40: Notify on radio; Medical Assistance is Required.
11-41: Requesting Medical Assistance.
11-42: Medical Assistance un-required
11-43: Advanced Medical Assistance is Required.
11-44: Clean up Crew Required/Cremator Required/DB requires Cleanup.
11-45: Attempted Suicide/ Suicide
11-46: Confirmed DB (Dead Body)
11-47: Injured Citizen
11-48: Requesting APC Transport
11-50: Currently Escorting Person/Vehicle/Etc
11-51: Requesting Escort
11-52: Funeral
11-54: Suspicious APC/Vehicle.
11-55: Officer being tailed by Suspicious APC
11-56: Officer is 10-99/11-99 by APC
11-57: Unidentified Manned APC
11-58: Radio Breach; Decommission Frequency.
11-59: Danger Zone, Stay Alert.
11-60: 647E Assault at Location
11-65: Checkpoint Decommissioned
11-66: Checkpoint Underpopulated
11-70: Fire Alarm or Explosives in Use; Detected.
11-71: Fire/Explosion Detected
11-74: Airwatch Accident; Medical Assistance required
11-75: Airwatch Accident; Major Injury
11-76: Airwatch Accident; Minor Injury
11-77: Airwatch Accident; No Injury
11-78: Airwatch Accident; Unknown
11-79: APC Accident, Medical Assistance required
11-80: APC Accident, Serious Injury.
11-81: APC Accident, Minor Injury.
11-82: APC Accident, No Injury.
11-83: APC Accident, Unknown
11-84: Movement Restriction at location
11-85: Disabled APC, Requiring GRID
11-86: Bomb Threat.
11-87: Bomb Discovered, No backup required
11-88: Bomb Discovered, 11-99
11-94: Citizen Rest
11-95: APC enroute to location
11-96: APC Needs Assistance at location
11-97: Unit on Patrol
11-98: Meeting Unit
11-99: Officer needs assistance
Civil Authority Communications: Code Numbers/Colors
Code 1: Non-Urgent Situation.
Code 2: Urgent Situation.
Code 3: Emergency Situation.
Code 4: Situation Resolved
Code 5: Undercover Operation, Uniformed Officers Ripcord
Code 6: Out of APC for investigation
Code 7: Out of Service
Code 8: Fire/Explosive Detected; Alarm.
Code 9: Roadblock/Restrict Civilian movement
Code 10: Bomb Threat
Code 11: Bomb Detonated
Code 13: Major Disaster
Code 14: Riot
Code 17: Resume Normal Protocol.
Code 20: Broadcast Information ASAP
Code 21: Nexus Detainment-Block Emergency.
Code 22: All Radios Decommission
Code 30: Officer Needs Assistance.
Code 33: Emergency Transmissions Only.
Code 37: Suspect in possession Contraband, Pacify; Detain.
Code 42: Requesting Overwatch
Code 43: Overwatch Deployed.
Code 66: Mass Disaster Scenario
Code 87: In Position; Pacify Suspect
Code 99: Officer Down; Code 3 Backup Required
Training Requirements
When in the CPA, you will be required to be trained and re-educated (Not the term of being beaten) into the mindset required of you to move up the ranks. Each rank will require more work to be done for you to move up to the next rank.

-Training Protocol: In the CPA, you will have to go through multiple training sessions
RCT-01: Basic Training; Overview of Handbook/Basic Radio Codes; Firearms training; Breaching Training; Physical Training (Pushups/Situps/Etc); On not many occasions, Endurance Training.

02-OfC: Advanced Training; Breach Training; Advanced Firearm Training; Endurance Training; Physical Training; Leadership Training; Advanced Radio Code Training and Overview

DvL: Advanced Training; Advanced Breach Training; Advanced Firearm Training; Advanced Leadership Training; Advanced Endurance Training; Advanced Physical Training; Overview of Advanced Radio Codes
Standard Unit Equipment
Within every rank, we have set a very unique set of equipment for each. If you find a unit that is carring a weapon, tool, or armor that is out of his rank, please notify a Divisional Leader or higher as soon as possible.

RcT (Recruit): Stunstick; No Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Plastic Face-Plate; Standard Issue Black Rubber Boots;

06: Stunstick; Type I Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Plastic Face-Place; Standard Issue Black Rubber Boots;

05: Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match; Type I Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Plastic Face-Plate; Standard Issue Black Rubber Boots; 9mm Magazine Pouches;

04: Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match; Type II Kevlar Vest; Standard Hard-Steel Face-Plate; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots; 9mm Magazine Pouches;

03: Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match; Mp7 ; Type III Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Hard-Steel Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots; 9mm Magazine Pouches; Mp7 Magazine Pouches;

02: Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match; Mp7; Non-Lethal Grenades(Flash/Smoke); Type IV Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Hard-Steel Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; 9mm Magazine Pouches;

01: Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match: Mp7; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type V Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Steel Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; 9mm Magazine Pouches;

EpU (Elite Protection Unit): Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match; 12-Guage Pump Shotgun; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type VI Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Steel Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; 9mm Magazine Pouches; 12-Gauge Slug Belt;

OfC (Officer First Class): Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match: Mp7 (Or other SMG's); 12-Gauge Pump Shotgun; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type VII Kevlar Vest; Standard Issue Steel Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; 9mm Magazine Pouches; 12-Gauge Slug Belt;

DvL (Divisional Leader) : Stunstick; 9mm/ USP Match: Mp7 (Or other SMG's); 12-Gauge Pump Shotgun; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type VIII Kevlar Vest; Upgraded Issued Titanium Gasmask; Standard Issue Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; 9mm Magazine Pouches; 12-Gauge Slug Belt;

CmD (Commander) : Stunstick; .357 Magnum; Mp7 (Or other SMG's); 12-Gauge Pump Shotgun; Pulse-Rifle/AR2; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type IX Kevlar Vest; Upgraded Issued Tungsten Gasmask; Type II Kevlared Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; .357 Magnum Rounds; Pulse-Round Magazine Pouches;

SeC (Sectorial Commander): Stunstick; .357 Magnum; Mp7 (Or other SMG's); 12-Gauge Pump Shotgun; Pulse-Rifle/AR2; Lethal/ Non-Lethal Grenades; Type X Kevlar Vest; Upgraded Issued Inconel Gasmask; Type II Kevlared Black Combat Boots w/ Steel Toe; Mp7 Magazine Pouches; .357 Magnum Rounds; Pulse-Round Magazine Pouches;
Universal Union Ranking Structure
Within the Universal Union, we have a very strict ranking structure that must be followed at all times.

<::|| Sectoral Commander - SeC ||::>
Role: The Sectorial Commander is responsible for the Sector's work on the Overwatch State of humanity containment, basically keeping order for the Universal Union to enslave Humanity and its races. The Sectorial controls both Ground Units, Airwatch, and Overwatch Transhuman Arm Soldiers. He may give jurisdiction to the City Administrator but must be discussed with other Commanders and High Ranking Units. He can remove commanding authority from the Commander with of course U.U. authorization, he may as well replace the Commander at any time with a valid reason and proof of the Unit's defect or lack of responsibility. The Sectorial may as well remove certain laws and add new ones with an answer by the City Administration team and a jurisdiction and approval by other high ranking Units. (Commander / Dvls)

Full District Authority
Ability to authorize Overwatch deployment
Ability to command Overwatch
Ability to authorize Anonymous Judgement Wavier
Ability to authorize Judgment Waiver
Ability to bestow judicial power upon any unit below them
Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to authorize full Block Examination
Ability to authorize full District Examination
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Commander - CmD ||::>
Role: The Commander under the authority and watch of the Sectorial Commander is responsible for Combat Situations, Civilian Population, Civilian Transfers, Unit Transfers, Public Executions Choice, Jurisdictions for Laws, Equipment Distributions, Food Distributions, and Combat Knowledge against Anti-Civilian Pockets. He may control Divisionals tasks and change it however he sees fit, he may as well replace the Divisionals or Officer First Classes whenever he wants, with a valid reason of course. He may issue certain orders such as Code 666, he may as well issue autonomous judgement and judgement waivers with a valid reason and reports. But, downside, ♥♥♥♥ ton of paperwork.

Full District Authority
Ability to authorize Overwatch deployment
Ability to command Overwatch
Ability to authorize Anonymous Judgement Wavier
Ability to authorize Judgment Waiver
Ability to bestow judicial power upon any unit below them
Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to authorize full Block Examination
Ability to authorize full District Examination
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Division Leader - DvL ||::>
Role: The Division Leaders are responsible for overlooking division within the sector (ZONE, HELIX, GRID, JURY), and ensuring they are operating properly.

Ability to authorize Judgment Waiver
Ability to bestow judicial power upon any unit below them
Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to authorize full Block Examination
Ability to authorize full District Examination
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Elite Unit - EpU ||::>
Role: An elite unit belongs to a squad (Such as UNION or HELIX), and carries out commanding based orders from within their squad.


Full District Authority
Ability to authorize Overwatch deployment
Ability to command Overwatch
Ability to authorize Judgment Waiver
Ability to bestow judicial power upon any unit below them
Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to authorize full Block Examination
Ability to authorize full District Examination
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Department Officer - OfC ||::>
Role: Responsible for management of units, training and other unit based operations.

Ability to bestow judicial power upon any unit below them
Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to authorize full Block Examination
Ability to authorize full District Examination
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Ground Unit First Class - 01 ||::>
Role: The top rank of ground unit, responsible for performing all ground unit duties, such as patrols, sweeping, and serving their EpU's and OfC’s orders.

Ability to revoke citizenship of any Anti-Citizen
Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Ground Unit Second Class - 02 ||::>
Role: A ground unit responsible for performing all ground unit duties, such as patrols, sweeping, and serving their EpU's and OfC’s orders.

Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Ground Unit Lower - 03 ||::>
Role: A ground unit responsible for performing all ground unit duties, such as patrols, sweeping, and serving their EpU's and OfC’s orders.

Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to initiate Ration Distribution cycle

<::|| Ground Unit Lower - 04 ||::>
Role: A ground unit responsible for performing all ground unit duties, such as patrols, sweeping, and serving their EpU's and OfC’s orders.

Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict

<::|| Ground Unit Lower - 05 ||::>
Role: A ground unit responsible for performing all ground unit duties, such as patrols, sweeping, and serving their EpU's and OfC’s orders.

Ability to administer Level 1 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 2 Sociocide Verdict
Ability to administer Level 3 Sociocide Verdict

<::|| Recruit - RCT||::>
Role: Responsible for learning how the squad they are assigned operates, as well as performing common ground tasks. Note that recruits, whether they are squaded or not, have absolutely no power. They can merely execute orders from units with the proper authorization.


Universal Union Division Structure
Regular Ground Units (CCA) (Once you are a 03* unit, you may choose a division to go into if the DvL sees you fit to join.) *Rank could vary depending on IC choices.

UNION - Patrolling unit - patrol the streets and keep civility there, and assert authority
HELIX - Medical Unit - aid injured units or citizens.
GRID - Mechanical Unit - repair scanners, choppers, turrets etc. - have access to scanners. (SCN)
JURY - Interrogation/Torture Unit - delivers verdicts on prisoners, carries out interrogations, access to torturing devices.

Sector/Sectoral Commander (SeC)

SeC - Sector/Sectoral Commander - The Sectorial Commanding Officer, controls the entire Sector of a designated area. They give the Commander, the Commanding Officer of the City, a certain objective or task they must follow. The Sectorial may request Overwatch Soldiers when required if the Commander isn't on-duty for the time being. The Sectorial Commander may as well take commanding authority from the Commander and can execute any objective or Officer on-duty or off-duty.

Commander (CmD)

CmD - Commander - The Commander, the Leader of all units below him. He controls the Divisionals and their tasks and objectives, they as well lead certain combat tactics and plans. They may control and call in Overwatch Soldiers when needed.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA)

ECHO - Overwatch soldier - default, nothing special
KING - Highly trained (EOS) - The only one allowed to command this unit is CmD and SeC; Leads all OTA operations if needed.
NOVA - Specialized Outlands Operations and Hazardous Containment Unit. OWS- Same rank as a KING EOS (EOW)
X-RAY - Medical OWS
Loyalist Point System
•Cleaning up trash or cleaning graffiti or cleaning up streets - 1 point.
•Fixing or repairing Universal Union property - 2 Points.
•Saving a Citizen's life - 2 Points.
•Saving a Combine Civil Authority Unit's life - 3 Points.
•Saving a High Command Combine Civil Authority Unit's life - 4 Points.
•Saving the City Administrator's life - 5 Points.
•Provide medical assistance to a Combine Civil Authority unit - 3 Points.
•Reporting a crime and proving it true/Helping locate a level 1-3 offender - 1 Point.
•Reporting a crime and proving it true/Helping locate a level 4-5 offender - 2 Points.
•Reporting a crime and proving it true/Helping locate a level 6-7 offender - 3 Points.
•Finding and reporting contraband(Level 1/Green) - 1 Point.
•Finding and reporting contraband(Level 2/Yellow) - 2 Points.
•Finding and reporting contraband(Levle 3/Red) - 3 Points.

Amounts of points grant citizens access to certain things.

•5 Points - Loyalist status and Level 1 Armband. (Red)
•10 Points - One additional ration package, and able to apply to the Civil Worker's Union.
•15 Points - Two Rations at Universal Union Ration Distribution Centers, and able to apply to the Combine Civil Authority.
•20 Points - A monetary award of 500 Tokens and a Level 2 Armband. (Blue)
•30 Points - Ability to exchange tokens for rations. 100 tokens will be taken for one ration package.
•40 Points - One additional ration package, and monetary reward of 1000 tokens.
•50 Points - Able to apply to become the City Administrator's Assistant or work in the Nexus and a Level 3 Armband. (Green)
•75 Points - Citizen of the month, another ration at Universal Union Ration Distribution Centers, a monetary award of 2000 Tokens, PDA to a certain point*, and a Level 4 Armband. (White)
•100 Points - Citizen of the year, included in the City Administrator's Broadcast, a 5000 monetary award, and a Level 5 Armband. (Black)

*Read PDA and it's Criminal Point System for more information on more information about this permission.
If a Loyalist is detained for a level 2 - 7 violation, their Loyalist status is revoked and their points are reset.
Criminal Level System
Upon agreement to the Unions' code of citizenship, each and every citizen has agreed to abide by a set of rules and set regulations to better enhance their current role as a civilized resident within the city. This not only assists in the residents protection, but it also serves to prevent emotional distress or other former emotions that would induce violence or other forms of harm to the resident. The following is a small list of set regulations that all residents of the sector must follow. If a citizen fails to abide by these codes and rules, the Civil-Protection Unit is to issue a verdict out of sight of other citizens. This is a very strict rule. We as Civil-Protection Units want the citizens performing in normal society to think they are safe. You will hear on broadcasts, "It's safer here." Let's not defeat the purpose of said broadcasts.

*Each Cycle last 5 OOC minutes.

Level 1:

- Running.
- Jumping.
- Climbing.
- Yelling.
- General uncivil behavior.
- Loitering. (Standing doing nothing)

Punished with re-education.

(When re-educating, just make them face the wall and stun them. You do not have to attempt to tie them or make them apply. Swing twice, not three times.)

Level 2:

- Swearing.
- Discriminating another citizen.
- Talking to a Civil Protection officer without orders. (Usually ranks above OfC, 05 - 01 is fine.)
- Commiting a level 1 violation right after or shortly after a warning.
- Possession of green marked contraband.
- Wasting an officer’s time.
- Not speaking an official language.
- Not using authorized citizen clothing.

Punished with negative 2 points, one cycle in detainment and a re-education.

(For each piece of green marked contraband they have, subtract two points from that citizen. Ex. If a citizen has three pieces of green marked contraband, take away six points. The reason would say *Citizen had three pieces of green marked contraband* so that a that anyone who reviews it will know why you took off six.)

(Remember to attempt to tie them and make them apply! Knock them out with your stun baton before taking them to the Nexus. We don't want them to see the inside other than their cell. When releasing them, knock them out once more, untie them, then dump them on the street or an apartment block.)

Level 3:

- Failure to apply.
- Failure to report a crime. (In-action)
- Not following Civil Protections orders.
- Theft.

Punished with negative 4 points, two cycles in detainment and a re-education.

Level 4:

- Trespassing on Combine owned property.
- Stealing tokens.
- Direct unit harrasment. (verbal)
- Fighting. (with other citizens, if a priority citizen is attacked it is counted as policide)
- Tampering with unconscious or deceased bodies.
- Resisting arrest and/or questioning.
- Property Vandalism.

Punished with negative 6 points, re-education and three cycles in detainment.

Level 5:

- Direct unit harrasment. (i.e. spitting, throwing cans.)
- Attempted policide. (i.e. punching)
- Propaganda (light and not in favour of the combine)
- Ignoring lockdown of city blocks or entire city.
- Possession of yellow marked contraband.
- Lying on interrogation. (need actual proof or witness(es)!)
- Possesion of yellow marked contraband.

Punished with negative 8 points, re-education and four cycles in detainment.

(Interrogation for how contraband was obsessed.)

Level 6:

- Trespassing inside the Nexus.
- UPA. (Unauthorised Procreative Activity; sex or similar RP)
- Combine property vandalism.
- Mental imperfection.
- Homicide. (murdering a citizen)
- Attempted policide. (i.e. threatening with weapons)
- Hostaging.
- Robbery.

Trial for amputation (which should be easily passed; Discussed with high command units). If trial does not pass, punish with negative 10 points and five cycles in detainment.

Level 7:

- Possession of red marked contraband.
- Policide.
- Trespassing in City Administator's office.
- Homicide/Capital Malcompliance (murdering a Civil Protection Officer)
- Rebel conspiracy. (without physical evidence)

Punished with amputation by Sectorial Commander's order.
Contraband List and Levels
Green = Level 1 Contraband
Yellow = Level 2 Contraband
Red = Level 3 Contraband

Green Contraband

Anti-Union Propaganda
Books, Except for UU-Branded books! Ex. - Zen of The Union
Bottled Water
Large Soda
Metropolice Supplements
Spray Paint
Vegetable Oil
Non-Branded UU-Foods (Orange, Banana, Donuts, Anything that doesn't have a (UU) in the name in front of it.)

Yellow Contraband

Combine Lock
Handheld Radio
Health Kits - Except for Medical C.W.U.
Health Vials - Except for Medical C.W.U.
Paracetamol - Except for Medical C.W.U.
Stationary Radio
Zip Ties
Non-issued Universal Clothing (Ex. Different City Clothing, Not Rebel Vests)

Red Contraband

Flash Grenade
HE Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Resistance/Medic Uniforms
9mm Pistol Bullets
SMG Bullets
12ga Buckshot Cartridges
Pulse-Rfile Energy Rounds
Dark Energy Ball
.357 Rounds
Crossbow Bolts
Rocket Missles
9mm Pistol
Combine SPAS-12 Shotgun
Overwatch Standard Issued Pulse-Rifle (AR2)
.357 Magnum

Backpacks, Bags and Jackets are LEGAL!
PDA and it's Criminal Level System
PDA (or Public Display of Affection) is looked down upon for any participants. Never should this happen in public.

There are strict guidelines and everyone (including units) are expected to follow them.

-Never should two citizens do the following in public.
-Hold hands
-Engage in sex

-The following are strict specifics for Units.
-A unit should never do as civilians are not allowed to do.
-A unit under ANY circumstances, even those in a mission directive to "learn" about said person, should never have a relationship with a citizen. A unit found performing this will either 1.) be returned to citizen status after mind wiping if a recruit, or 2.) be immediately amputated at the Sectorial's convinience.

Units are allowed relationships with other units, just as long as the relationship does not defy social morals. Do note, that if a high commanding unit sees the behavior of PDA within two units, they may take action.

White level Loyalists are allowed to participate in public display of affection, however, if a 01 or above is to witness this, you are allowed to tell them to take it somewhere else. As well, white level loyalist are to NOT participate in sex or any sexual acts.


Much like the Citizen's Code of Conduct, there is a points system to all PDA.

-Level 1 : The citizen will be re-educated.
-Level 2 : The citizen will be publicly re-educated outside the Nexus Hardpoint, to show others the crimes of Public Affection.
-Level 3 : The citizen will be detained for FOUR cycles.
-Level 4 : The citizen will be spaded. (Spading is the removal of the genitals.)
-Level 5 : The citizen will be amputated.

These points do not expire and will not expire on transfer to a new city. All points are recorded within the Criminal Records.
DISCLAIMER: I do not nor have any intentional desire to own the content to certain sections of this guide. Some sections were taken from the guide below as purely a demonstrational reference point on Violations and Punishments, to keep our Civil Protection Units in-the-know of how certain protocol In-Character Work. Upon the request if it is desired by the curators of the following guides, the sections which contain their work will be deleted.

Please don't sue us.
Content used:

<::C.C.A Standard Issue Manual (Combine's Guide to HL2RP)

1 Kommentare
WAshed 4. Juli 2017 um 23:36 
can I get a td:lr please!