Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Shipwrecked Characters
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4 Jun, 2016 @ 12:01pm
19 Dec, 2023 @ 11:09am
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Shipwrecked Characters

The characters from Shipwrecked ported over to Don't Starve Together!
With DST assets and speech strings! This port is strictly for the characters and their items.
Not 1-1. With various config options.

~ Has her surfboard
~ No sanity drain from wetness or wet tools
~ Dries off quicker (20% quicker)
~ Sanity drains/gains 10% slower from any sources that drain/gain it over time
~ No health/sanity penalty from drowning
- Hunger drains slightly quicker (10% quicker)

Walani's Surfboard:
•Only Walani can deploy and ride her Surfboard into the ocean
•Can sail around the sea, at the mercy of the wind
•120 Surfboard HP
•Functions similarly to DST's boats, but smaller and swifter
•Can be picked up, but only from the shore
•Doesn't spring leaks
Due to DST's boat controls, it may take some getting used to

Surfboard Recipe: 1 Boards, 2 Petals. Under the Seafaring tab. Always available.

Legacy Pond Hopping config (off by default):
•Walani can give it to Fresh Water Ponds to "Surf" across various Ponds in the world similar to wormholes.

Favorite Food: Seafood Gumbo

~ Will start running after a few seconds of walking (33% faster)
~ Can equip and throw Manure
~ Periodically spawns manure
~ Ignores spoilage
~ Gains a small sanity bonus from bananas
~ Powder Monkeys won't steal from him
~ Doesn't need a new perspective on life
- Can't speak, makes monkey noises
- A bit slower when not running (8.7% slower)
- Hunger drains quicker while running (33% quicker)

Wilbur's run animation can be configured to be Wonkey's

Favorite Food: Bananas

~ Starts with his Lucky Hat and Cutlass (Can craft The 'Sea Legs' "Seaquel")
- Has a constant Sanity drain, but only while on land

Woodlegs' Lucky Hat:
•Will spawn a "Buried Treasure" in a puff of smoke near the player just in camera view. Players will announce when it appears.
•The spawn is based on the Durability of the hat. Non-players such as Pigmen wearing it only have a 66% chance to spawn treasure.
•The 'X Marks The Spot' spawned can then be dug to reveal a Treasure Chest with varying loot inside, including monsters. (-5 Sanity on dig if not Woodlegs)
•Lasts 10 Days
Lucky Hat Recipe: 4 Pig Skin, 4 Bone Shards, 10 Gold Nuggets. Under the Dress tab. Always available.

The "Sea Legs" Seaquel:
•Woodlegs' own pirate boat, DST style
•Standard Boat Health
•Comes with its own Cannon
The 'Sea Legs' Recipe: 4 Boards, 1 Gold Nugget, 4 Charcoal. Under the Seafaring tab. Always available.

Woodlegs' Lucky Cutlass:
•Deals 42.5 damage and has 150 uses. Deals x1.20 damage if Woodlegs is wearing his Lucky Hat.
•Has a 33% chance to drop gold on kill, the larger the kill the more likely, the smaller the less
Lucky Cutlass Recipe: 3 Flint, 2 Twigs, 4 Gold Nuggets. Under the Fight tab. Always available.

Favorite Food: Watermelon

(Legacy Config Option)

~ Has his own Portable Crock Pot that can cook special meals
~ Has his "Chef Pouch"
- Hunger drains quicker (33% quicker)
~ Warly gains 33% more Hunger, Health, and Sanity from Crock Pot meals
If a crock pot meal reduces any of these attributes, the amount is decreased by 33% more instead.

- Warly gains only 70% of Hunger, Sanity, and Health from raw foods, 80% from dried foods, and 90% from cooked food.
Negative effects on said food is increased by 30%, 20%, and 10% respectively instead.

- Warly remembers all food items eaten for 1.75 days since the last time they are eaten. If he eats any food items that he remembers eating the stats are decreased and negative effects increased.
First repetition of the food item applies a 10% penalty, the second 20%, the third 35%, the fourth 50% and a final/fifth 70% penalty on any food values.

Portable Crock Pot:
•Can cook "Fresh Fruit Crepes" and "Monster Tartare"
•Can be picked up and stored in the inventory, and deployed elsewhere
Crock Pot Recipe: 3 Red Gems, 6 Charcoal, 4 Twigs. Under the Food tab. Requires an Alchemy Engine.

Chef Pouch:
•Acts similarly to the insulated pack, with 8 backpack slots
Chef Pouch Recipe: 3 Silk, 2 Rope. Under the Survival tab. Requires a Science Machine.

Fresh Fruit Crepes requires 1.5 or higher value fruits, butter, and honey.
•Fresh Fruit Crepes restores 60 hp, 150 hunger, 15 sanity, and spoils after 10 days.

Monster Tartare requires 2 monster food, a vegetable, and an egg.
•Monster Tartare restores 3 hp, 37.5 hunger, 5 sanity, and spoils after 10 days.

Compatible with Mods in Menu

Support The Creator[]

If you would like for me to fix or try to add something feel free to tell in the comments or in the bug discussion thread below! Enjoy!

Popular Discussions View All (2)
2 Jul, 2024 @ 6:31am
PINNED: Bug Report Discussion
Goat Slice
25 Aug, 2024 @ 12:58pm
Porting of Woodlegs' Sea Legs ship
Wilba: The Royal Adventurer 15 Dec, 2024 @ 10:36am 
I know this mod is basically dead and buried but can you please let wilbur craft monkey houses, atleast as a setting or something
aquality 14 Nov, 2024 @ 4:08pm 
goat slice i beg you do return to this i need a functional walani mod ToT
Jack_Lodi 25 Aug, 2024 @ 1:25pm 
Sorry if this is too much, I just liked old boats a lot
Jack_Lodi 25 Aug, 2024 @ 1:25pm 
Speaking of that, idea of two separate boats sounds interesting

The first boat which came with mast and first cannon can called "The Leviathan" (cause it's ancient sea monster and you'll use ancient boat in craft) and crafted using 1 archaic boat kit, 1 cannon kit, 1 mast kit and have 500 health. Hard enough cause you need to get archaic boat from chest and find moon quay island to get cannon kit recipe before you'll get the boat. Plus it saves all boat equipment: black ship, mast and cannon (no more storage like archaic boat had, but worth it)

And the second one can use concept sprites of driftwood boat or regular one. The name is "The Fourth key" cause in update "Release the quacken" where Woodlegs was added all three keys can be found on the ground in chests and cannon of this boats send you to land

The craft is 16 driftwood and 1 cannon kit (cause cannon on boat) and have 250 health
Jack_Lodi 25 Aug, 2024 @ 1:04pm 
I beg you to add "legacy" options for "The Sea Legs" or just add Woodlegs ability to craft both of his old boats or cannons. I LOVED the mess we can make with first Shipwrecked - like Canon, which shoots you to water and second Newhome - like, which sent you to the land and make you do 200 damage to anything you hit

I can agree both of them should be expensive as hell cause of unlimited ammo, but I really want to see this things again. Maybe even like two separate boats which recipes can be turned on and off
Goat Slice  [author] 26 Jul, 2024 @ 12:43pm 
Ideally when/if I return to work on this I'll be able to work on bettering the Surfboard!
Accidental Redditor 25 Jul, 2024 @ 8:30pm 
I had the same issue as Phoubesss. Walani's board is really glitchy.
Dystous 20 Jul, 2024 @ 3:36am 
Could Woodlegs' Sea Legs ship just be carried over alone, or at least make it part of his kit?
Phoubesss 2 Jul, 2024 @ 2:14am 
Walani always glitches when she is on her board, the board always faces south and turns very slowly (while only facing south), when i stop surfing *while still on the board* Walani starts glitching out left and right
SozaOutsider 20 Jun, 2024 @ 6:07pm 
Hello, I found a bug: I play with Wendy in a game with the Shripwrecked mod activated. While gardening I noticed that I could not fertilize my farm with manure because only "toss" option is display.

Solved by removing Wilbur's ability to throw manure in my case.

Other than that everything else works fine in my experience. Good job.