Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
56.756 KB
28 May, 2016 @ 12:38pm
28 Jun, 2016 @ 8:21am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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UPDATE: 29-June-2016 - Pre-Armed all weapons. When spawned it, all weapons are loaded ready. - I recommend taking advantage of free block upgrades atm, and upgrade entire outside Hull to Combat Steel. Or click the following link for full CombatSteel version of same ship:

Armored with 2+ thick Heavy Armour all around for maximum survivability, without sacrificing maneuvering. 42m/s acceleration in all directions.

- 6 Plasma Turrets (Space)
- 2 Artillery Turrets (Space)
- 19 MiniGun Turrets (Space&Planet)
- 8 Pulse Lasers (Space)

Everything Else:
- 41m/s thrust all directions
- 3 T2 RCS for excellent maneuvering
- 9 Generators (Mostly for full maneuvering in atmosphere)
- 10 Fuel Tanks
- 12 Large Ammo Boxes
- 6 Cargo Boxes
- 1 O2 Tank
- O2 Station, Medical, Advanced Constructor, Warp Drive

I wanted a Space PVP combat capable ship with excellent armor and weapons, but still able to move quickly, in as compact a design as possible. This is what I came up with. Feedback please?
limitlessenergy369 #XRP 28 Jun, 2016 @ 6:00pm 
41ms is nice :D
Scruffy  [author] 28 Jun, 2016 @ 8:27am 
I have updated this Blueprint with all weapons pre-armed when spawned in. I've also included a link to the same ship using full Combat Steel. Movement drops to 27m/s all directions with increased weight, which isn't toooo bad.
Scruffy  [author] 28 Jun, 2016 @ 4:13am 
Yea, It's not about the mats though, it's about the size and speed. Smaller and faster is better.
limitlessenergy369 #XRP 28 Jun, 2016 @ 12:42am 
do 1 layer combat blocks no point in posting hard steel builds anymore for outer layer just add more thrusters / generators / fuel tanks etc no one cares how much it will cost its too easy to farm mats anyway i drop 200k iron ships down in pvp till its blown up then i drop another :D
Scruffy  [author] 27 Jun, 2016 @ 7:50pm 
I can do.. i'd probably just go to 1 layer combat blocks instead of two laters heavy.. the weight will slow it down. but I'm working on another design entirely. Might just throw up this design again with combat armor for those who want it though
limitlessenergy369 #XRP 27 Jun, 2016 @ 7:44pm 
gonna try a combat block version of this