Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

117 ratings
Br 52 + Umbauwagen
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
6.968 MB
10 Aug, 2015 @ 4:14am
18 Oct, 2016 @ 10:12am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Br 52 + Umbauwagen

In 1 collection by Acc3ss Violation
Passenger Trains
49 items
The german Br 52 series steamengines are a wartime development of the Br 50 series using less parts and a simpler design to increase production. After the war many engines were used by railroads in various countries, including Poland, Russia, Austria, Turkey and West and East Germany.

- 300 Passengers
- 100 km/h

Recommended mod for sound and steam:
Justin Credible 7 Dec, 2018 @ 10:04am 
This one is so amazing, I really love it. Thanks so much!
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 16 Jun, 2018 @ 1:47am 
Oh thanks, that makes sense yeah.
Ink_25 15 Jun, 2018 @ 6:32pm 
oh and by the way the first linked file has apparently been removed
Ink_25 15 Jun, 2018 @ 6:31pm 
"Umbauwagen" is already plural, no need to add the s. Otherwise, great mod, looks very nice!
Kermit (GER) 22 Feb, 2017 @ 10:16am 
Das ist so ein toller Zug wie Mr. Maison schon sagte nur die Lok müsste mal überarbeitet werden, vielleicht sollte man sich mit jmd. zusammen tun der mehr Erfahrung darin hat, falls Du das nicht hinbekommst. Ansonsten sehr schön, es sollte mehr solcher alten Züge und Loks geben, Rate up :)
Exogame 2 Feb, 2016 @ 3:21am 
Thank you!
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 1 Feb, 2016 @ 12:35pm 
Cargo version is up, didn't have the boxcars, so I went with a load of logs.
Exogame 1 Feb, 2016 @ 10:31am 
I have a request, is there any way of you uploading the locomotive as a carge train, possibly with the soviet box car? Or just upload the train with basic cargo trailers, if thats less work. Problem is that you cant chance the train type with AVE, even adding cargo trailers count as passenger trailers. Bij voorbaat dank! :)
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 25 Oct, 2015 @ 6:10am 
Well, it's finally updated for AD. This unfortunately also means there are glowing orbs visible on both the engine and tender, but I have no idea how to get rid of those at this point.
Captain-No 15 Aug, 2015 @ 6:01pm 
it is possible to make a historic cargo train