Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

211 ratings
Switch/Takeover Script 2.0 (survivor picker)
Game Content: Scripts
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9.945 KB
7 Jul, 2015 @ 6:44am
9 Mar, 2017 @ 5:48am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Switch/Takeover Script 2.0 (survivor picker)

With this addon you can takeover available bots in coop-based gamemodes (e.g. Coop, Survival, Realism etc etc) with at least two players on the server.
For example if you suddenly got incapacitated you can takeover a free bot right away or you can kill bots by jumping from a high height as that character and then switching to a free bot before you hit the ground.
All required keybindings can be found at the keyboard controls menu.

As of 29.02.2017 subscription to Menu Framework is now a REQUIREMENT. It is made in favor of having multiple radialmenu-based addons working.

  • no cheats are required;
  • fast, small, reliable and simple to use;
  • works correctly even if you're incapacitated;
  • compatible with other radialmenu based addons that are using same framework;
  • has a clientmenu variant;
  • works on servers without wait command support;
  • no installation required - subscribe, bind your keys and play your way!

This mod doesn't require any installation by default. You only have to change the keybindings to suit your needs.
If you don't see options in the keyboard settings menu - turn off all conflicting addons except this one (can do that in "Addons" section from main game menu) then change your keyboard settings and reenable addons back. Alternatively, you can also bind your keys manually using the command console:
bind [key] "+mouse_menu TakeoverMenu" // Switch radial menu
bind [key] "show_menu TakeoverMenu" // Switch client menu
bind [key] "+mouse_menu TakeoverMenu/GoIdle" // Bind to idle
bind [key] "+mouse_menu TakeoverMenu/NAME" // Replace "NAME" with Nick (Bill, Zoey, ...) to switch to a specific character
You can't use other vocalizer-based addons with this addon, unless it's supported by Menu Framework.

Make sure you're switching to an existing free bot that isn't dead or being controlled by another player and is a part of the same mission character set (L4D1/L4D2). Otherwise you'll create a new dead bot which will bring about various bugs like further duplications or losing the ability to takeover bots.

If you are worried about switching to a bot as some one is joining the game you can see connecting players by using the "status" command in the console. You should think twice before taking over a busy bot.

  • Bots duplication (can be fixed on serverside);
  • Various idle-related bugs and glitches (can be fixed on serverside).

  1. Q: Addon not working! What should i do?!
    A: Glad to hear that. Please read Installation and Tips sections before asking for help in the comment section or in the discussions.

  2. Q: Can I use scripts used in this addon in my addon/script/plugin etc?
    A: Yes. Make sure you credit me and this addon.

  3. Q: Does addon requires cheats?
    A: No! However, there are also cheat equivalents included.

  4. Q: Does addon will work on servers with disabled "sv_allow_wait_command"?
    A: Yes it will.

62 for survivor picker idea and assistance;
Jay for german translation;
Armos for keybindings layout idea;
Spaulding--x[spaulding--x.deviantart.com] for "Survivor Uh-OH" artwork used as the addon thumbnail.

English (original), Russian and German.

Any feedback is welcome.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
19 Dec, 2017 @ 5:58am
PINNED: Suggestions | Bug Reports
shqke  [author] 27 Nov, 2024 @ 11:56am 
See what bind you have on your key in console by typing:
"bind <key>"
Wokgui 27 Nov, 2024 @ 4:58am 
You wrote "If you don't see options in the keyboard settings menu" but you mean the keyboard letters attached to a command ?

Personnally I made the keybinding and it says "switching to Coach" but I am not switching.
shqke  [author] 8 Sep, 2024 @ 6:16am 
Работает, нужен ещё игрок-человек на сервере.
8 Sep, 2024 @ 2:53am 
Не работает. Я ради эксперимента отписался от всех модов. Оставил только этих 2:
Все кнопки в меню через настройки клавиатуры привязал и ничего. В одиночной игре и локальном сервере появлялось меню, но при выборе персонажа ничего не происходило. Перезапускал игру и проверял на целостность файлов игру. Итог: не работает.
shqke  [author] 8 Jun, 2024 @ 5:38pm 
Really not interested, sorry.
CraniamonUltimateKnight 8 Jun, 2024 @ 5:20pm 
How about one mods like that but for single mode please? Only if you want of course.
shqke  [author] 8 Jun, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
Well, it is meant to be extremely useful in online cooperative modes.
CraniamonUltimateKnight 8 Jun, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
Ah I see. I mainly play in single player mode and I go not often in online mode due to somes players who always cause problem like shooting each other in front of me just because one of them grab a health kit too much instead one per person, speedrun level instead do it on their own server or in single mode, you play a campaign and they vote for want to play another campaign instead create their own server for it despite yourself play this campaign and don't want change because you are the own person who create the server for which campaign just like the difficult so I end up to mainly have the common to use mods in Single Mode who always work without issue so I know now why it didn't work. Thank for answer me.
shqke  [author] 8 Jun, 2024 @ 2:26pm 
Inability to read the description is a bane for many commenters in here. 🤷

With this addon you can takeover available bots in coop-based gamemodes (e.g. Coop, Survival, Realism etc etc) [/b]with at least two players on the server.[/b]

In order to switch without using cheats, you have to trigger idle state using a command. Idle state in unmodded server is not available unless you have more than just one human player.
CraniamonUltimateKnight 8 Jun, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
No. As I have say in my previous comment, it was just in offline mode with 3 others bots so I was in single mode so I don't understand why everytime I use the touch that I have assigned the mods, it put the game in pause mode and when I go out from pause mode, nothing happens.