A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

94 ratings
The Paradox Piece: A Chapter Mod
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5 Jan @ 12:55am
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The Paradox Piece: A Chapter Mod

... the problem is not that the future holds a new threat, such as a nuclear war, but that there might be no future at all... -Henri Nouwen

In a desperate attempt to save the universe from nuclear war, Hat Kid reverses time... only for things to unfold in the same way again and again! Can she go back far enough in time to save the universe? Or is her attempt at undoing things impossible, naive, and even dangerous?

Her enemy, the Unicorn, Ruler of Planet Dominus, swears to never let her reverse time again, even if it means everything burns... but our little friend won't let that get in her way!

There are 8 acts, set in a wide variety of settings.

Estimated completion time: an hour. or two.

This is the sequel to The Nuclear Option, but playing the first is not required to understand and enjoy this mod.

Required Hats: Every hat except Time Stop is required. Time Stop hat may be helpful for some players.

***Do not use One Hit Hero Badge or some scene transitions will kill you immediately.***

While greater effort was taken to ensure Co-op compatability on this mod, it is not guaranteed. I recommend to play it with Co-op disabled and Online Party turned off.

WARNINGS for: Claustrophobia and darker themes including self deletion.

Any resemblance with persons, events, and places, whether real or fictional, is purely coincidental, although the name Puella was taken from Moleman lore. Aside from that, this has no similarities or tie ins with the lore.

"This is the paradox... that in accepting what we cannot do or be, we begin to discover who we can be and what we can do." -Pat Deegan

Thanks to:

-ElsieLCL for the custom conversation box template and script

-Lunar Snail for the tiny leaf wall

-mcu8 for the custom hat player NPC scripts

-UnDrew for the change temperature kismet node script

-Smug Toast for the Aftermath loading screen

Known Issues (not game breaking): Talking to Priscilla in Act 4 while collecting the clues will reset them, but you will still progress after collecting 3 clues even if they are duplicates. The time between Act 2 and Act 3 is several years, and this is not emphasized much. Also, the Memory Door shows Risa's, not the player's, memories, and this is not clear enough from the dialogue.


Google decided my mod commentary doesn't meet the "terms of service" whatever that means, so I'll post the tracklist on YouTube here (SPOILERS):


Check out my other mods and explore the whole Miro Modding Microcosm!
Aleph_109 18 Feb @ 5:08am 
Thanks so much mirohalia! You people in this community are legendary. I hope I can someday create something as awesome as you have. :p03:
mirohalia  [author] 18 Feb @ 1:32am 
Thank you so much everyone for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed the mod, Rita! The Red Vox song is Stranded and I added a link to the mod playlist in the description. Sad that Google blocked my link to the Dev Commentary, but at least I can still share the songs.
Aleph_109 17 Feb @ 4:54am 
Which red vox song was it? Also the link doesn't work. that aside, this mod is a masterpiece. The story, starting at the memories almost had me at tears.
Milk 14 Jan @ 4:02am 
Glad were getting AHIT content in 2025
supermariodude965 11 Jan @ 7:36pm 
Cant wait to play it
unzoo 10 Jan @ 8:37pm 
This is the best A Hat In Time mod that I have ever played
Robo7 5 Jan @ 11:15pm 
pretty cool
mirohalia  [author] 5 Jan @ 10:28pm 
Thank you, Yellow Dice, for playing my mod and letting me know you enjoyed it!

I added a list of songs in the mod to the end of the Developer Commentary a few minutes ago, link is in the description if you want to check it out! It was, indeed, a Red Vox song.
Yellow Dice 5 Jan @ 12:02pm 
i liked it, though you didn't mention the music used, i swear that was red vox when in the fire rift
SmugPappyToast 5 Jan @ 5:41am 
good mod, would be smug again :3