Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

126 ratings
Ideology Graphics
File Size
598.190 KB
2 Jan @ 12:23pm
4 Jan @ 12:30pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Ideology Graphics

Ironman Mode Compatible

You may not know this but the four main ideologies in the game have sub-ideologies attached to them, you can see that by hovering over the ideology icon of a nation

This mod adds a custom icon to every single sub-ideology in the game, so it's much more easier to distinguish them from one another, it also adds more flavour to the game.

The icons were made based on the description given by each subideology in the game.
tiger 1 20 minutes ago 
taffaq is generic nzism bruhhh
CCiipiters 21 minutes ago 
Yes Laci RT56 please and I don't think you're a dumbass <3
Eysem 1 hour ago 
he is just desperate for your attention :3c
Laci  [author] 1 hour ago 
why are you so mean to me
domin8ting 1 hour ago 
@Laci are you going to add more ideologies or continue being a dumbass?
LinkTheSilencer 6 hours ago 
@laci KR version for sure
rt56 sounds like it wouldn't work as well judging from your earlier comments
Laci  [author] 6 hours ago 
do you guys really like this so much that you want to see an RT56 and KR version?
LinkTheSilencer 6 hours ago 
just read older comments and now only kr version would make sense
LinkTheSilencer 6 hours ago 
@heromaxxing they made it for vanilla ideologies and are just icons. they don't want to make new ideologies
LinkTheSilencer 6 hours ago 
Imagine a kr or rt56 version. oh god that would take a long time to make