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Tabletop Caps: Reborn
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18 Dec, 2024 @ 5:16pm
24 Dec, 2024 @ 3:54pm
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Tabletop Caps: Reborn

Tabletop Caps: Reborn
This mod here is a reborn version of Tabletop Caps, the excellent mod from DrunkFlamingo. As DF has stepped away from modding, he's asked me to help maintain Tabletop Caps. You can look at the original mod here.

The mod will remain mostly to-form - it's unlikely I'll be making huge sweeping changes - but I may change design where it suits my preferences and try to slowly adapt the code to forms I'm more comfortable with using. My plan is to ensure functionality and improve quality of life before any gameplay-changing decisions, and any of those will be modifiable using MCT.

All existing TTC submods are "forward-compatible" to this version, and that will remain true unless I make breaking changes.

This mod adds army-level Unit Caps for all factions, inspired by the Warhammer Fantasy Battles Tabletop rules for army composition.

All units from the base game are assigned one of three categories: core, special, or rare. An army can have unlimited core units, while special or rare units are capped by the number of special or rare points available to each army. These delineations provide gameplay-driven restrictions on army design, which are applied to human and computer players in a campaign.

When the recruitment panel is open, you will be able to see the costs of each unit displayed on the unit cards, both for the unit options available to recruit and for the units already in your army, and the total and remaining special and rare points for that army.

The goal for the mod is that you will have to make some hard choices about which elite units you want to bring, and that both you and the AI will field no ‘doomstacks’, instead bringing balanced forces. The ultimate goal is that a much higher share of your battles will be interesting fights between two armies with reasonable compositions.

Core, special and rare distinctions are decided based on tabletop precedent and game balance. In cases where certain units diverge substantially from tabletop, they are balanced according to how they function in game, and are subject to change after heavy argument.

If you'd like to change the cost of various units, you can use this WH3 mod which adds an in-game editor to tweak TTC values for each unit.

You can find a full list of the current unit costs for tabletop caps on this website[] which was created by the illustrious bapplebo on the Modding Den.

All limits are enforced for the AI just like for humans - including Slaaneshi Devotee armies, Khorne army summons, rogue armies, and challenge armies. There are a few things in-game which ignore the caps values - such as quest battles.

You may use MCT to change a few settings - such as changing the amount of points available to an army, or to disable it for the AI.

This mod should be compatible with all other mods. However, custom units added by other mods will be considered core (unlimited) units, unless the mod author specifically adds their units to the Tabletop Caps system. If you come across a unit mod that you’d like to work better with this mod, let me know and I’ll see if I can help the author set that up.

This mod should be compatible with multiplayer games in consecutive turns mode. Simultaneous turns mode should be fine too, in theory, but I haven’t tested it and it is very new, so consider yourself a beta tester if you’re taking this into a simultaneous turns MP game.

Mod Configuration
This mod has settings available in Groovy's Mod Configuration Tool.

Thanks to
DrunkFlamingo, for being an incredible pillar in the Total War modding community and all the hard work he's done in gaining and spreading wisdom.
Cataph, both for help with balance and for creating the new mod image.
Bapp, for creating the webapp mentioned above, where you can view unit costs.
The gaggle of Modding Den for bouncing ideas off of and helping with design and feedback.
Purpa the Catt, ooka chonk chonk, oh oh oh!

Github Repo[]
The Modding Den Community Discord[]
Bapp's Tabletop Caps Costs Site[]

Serious Sofa 15 hours ago 
I very much love the mod and the spirit behind it, so know I'm coming at this in good faith when I mention that this could use some tweaks specifically in regard to playing as Tomb Kings. This isn't even a strict issue with the mod itself, but with the TK's having a unit cap pre-baked into their mechanics, it means managing one's roster gets exponentially convoluted with each additional army unlocked.

So rather than leave this with a vague, extensive problem hanging in the air, might I suggest making Tomb Guard units common rarity? TK unit caps would scale more reasonably if I wasn't having to choose between tomb guard and ushabti (largely because the former starts off functionally elite but is reduced to a glorified trash tarpit by late game)
DrSaves 3 Jan @ 11:09am 
there was a mod but it is not compatible now [Submod] Tabletop Caps - Additional Caps for Legendary Lords [IE Updated]
DrSaves 3 Jan @ 11:06am 
hello could you add 2 special points and 1 relic for legendary lords to make it 12 and 6 please
Groove Wizard  [author] 3 Jan @ 7:27am 
There are a number of issues I've been tracking to start fixing, but I haven't made any big changes yet. It's a pretty big codebase so I'm planning on fixing a thing at a time as I get comfortable with the functionality. If you manage to set up any clear reproduction steps for any bug or issue, let me know them so I can figure out exactly what is breaking on my side
Aimforthehead 3 Jan @ 6:54am 
Great to see this is being worked on! The only issue I ran into with the original mod had was it could easily be bypassed by merging armies or through some campaign-specific recruitment methods, were any of those addressed?
Wüstenratte 2 Jan @ 9:02am 
Awesome mod! Make the game much better! Thank you.
洗衣粉 2 Jan @ 7:04am 
After I do a battle manually, this mod will loses its functionality.
Mistersander1 1 Jan @ 4:31am 
I'm sorry but it doesn't make much sense to me how the Vampire counts got so nerfed while they are already in a bad spot. Making those carts 3 rare (blue) points is way too much for what they do. Cairn wraith's being 1 special while their cavalry counterpart being 2 rare also doesn't make much sense to me. It's near impossible to build a normal balanced army with them this way.
Мифолог 31 Dec, 2024 @ 10:12pm 
Under the mod configuration tool it seems that mod is disabled and I am unable to turn it on.
Мифолог 31 Dec, 2024 @ 10:10pm 
I'm not seeing the cost icons on the unit cards.