37 人が評価
1.526 MB
2024年8月29日 17時57分
2024年12月17日 6時11分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


This mod try to experiment with some mechanics from the upcoming Civilization 7 game. In it, you will find:

Humankind is reduced to only 3 eras (Ancient, Early Modern, Contemporary), with over 25 cultures selectable for each era. Each era requires 14 stars to advance to the next and the goals are generally higher than vanilla, so each era should last longer. In addition, most Emblematic Districts now require techs, so you have to be mindful that later cultures, albeit strong, will powerspike later in the era, while earlier cultures can powerspike earlier and strategize around it.

Most districts only exploit their own tile, and you need to build the exploitations (renamed as Rural Districts) individually. To build other districts, you must first build an Urban District (which is limited by population) then upgrade it to the district type you want. This leads to less urban sprawl and very different city building strategies, more akin to Civilization than to Humankind's. District costs were also reduced by having rural districts and extractors not increase district costs.

Combat is reduced to only last one turn, so it works more similarly to Civilization 7's method of picking up units, moving them and fighting.

Several infrastructures have been rebalanced to work with the new district economy. In addition, money inflation from buyout was removed and the buyout money-to-industry ratio was fixed at 3 money per 1 industry. Pop buyout was also improved. For more details, check the release notes.


A) This mod is NOT compatible with most mods and I really suggest you to NOT use it alongside other mods or it probably won't work. Feel free to report compatibility issues or successes, but I do NOT promise to make any compatibility patches.

B) There should still be plenty of imbalances and adjustments to be made, so your feedback is invaluable to make this mod as enjoyable as possible. I am aware that vanilla has plenty of imbalances and this mod does not address them, but I preferred to release it ASAP so you can taste it and if there is enough demand I can keep working on it.

C) There are some features, like Navigable Rivers or Leader exclusive tech trees that I simply cannot do with the modtools (or at least I cannot do in a way I'm satisfied with it), so don't expect them here.

D) Beware of the MISSING UIMAPPER bug. If there is any unexpected behaviour from the game, like passing the turn without selecting tech, buildings or moving troops, make sure to restart the game to avoid the bug when adding or removing mods.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
2024年9月1日 12時46分
Dev Diary 1: Welcome to CivilKind and on its future
2024年9月9日 13時27分
Dev Diary 2: Rock-Paper-Scissors
2月4日 21時20分
Suggestion for a different approach
Fry McFly
25 件のコメント
Shivara 2024年12月17日 23時15分 
(y) (y)
Child of Wasteland 2024年10月25日 2時45分 
Great idea! Are languages ​​other than English supported?
brunocarvalhopaula  [作成者] 2024年10月3日 5時32分 
Greetings! This has been a couple very busy weeks in work in preparation for a big vacation I had planned! I'll be away until Oct 20th in foreign shores but expect a new dev diary soon after I come back. Cya!
Captain Rex 2024年10月2日 13時46分 
i agree with @IamLags combat in humankind is a lot more fun than the civ style
Cosmic Fox 2024年9月19日 17時58分 
I will pass, only 3 eras is to much like civilization series in Humankind. I have played civ since civ 1. Played on an Atari computer, started playing on them 1978.

Combat rocks in Humankind compared to civ (I am burnt out on civ). civ 7 stole elements from humankind. I find that silly for a coder to do, innovation is always the best way with gaming and coding to get them there. I enjoy VIP and other mods for Humankind so much better however the bugs get me frustrated at times. Old age maybe lol
IamLags 2024年9月19日 2時33分 
love the concept, except that combat is the one thing that humankind does better than civ IMO (and i love CIV). It would be great to have a version of this mod, that didn't modify the combat.
Cosmic Fox 2024年9月18日 18時46分 
Will this work with the VIP mod and the other ones that go with it?
brunocarvalhopaula  [作成者] 2024年9月8日 14時18分 
Oh, thats a bug then, I'll fix it
joelsandkamp 2024年9月8日 13時38分 
great concept a bug I have noticed is nomadic cultures don't get food curiosities or food from hunting animals they do get food from pillaging
Phlegmagicus 2024年9月2日 6時42分 
Ah I see. It would be cool if we could connect the assets to yields or technologies (or both) somehow 🤔