

152 ratings
Realistic Orbital Trade
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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702.243 KB
30 Apr, 2024 @ 12:28pm
5 Jul, 2024 @ 11:56pm
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Realistic Orbital Trade

Has it ever bothered you how the orbital traders can just magically teleport items right out of your stockpiles? This mod puts an end to that. With Realistic Orbital Trade, your pawns will now have to load up a shuttle with the goods you sold before the orbital trader gets their hands on them AND before you get your hands on the goods you bought.

The mod will guide you through all the required steps using the RimWorld quest and letter systems once you've made a trade with an orbital trader.

The mod can be added to a game at any time. Removing the mod should be fine as long as there is no active trading quest at the time. There will be a fairly large list of once-off errors when first loading such a save, however.

Mod compatibility

Mod compatibility is probably generally good, but there might be issues with mods that modify how orbital traders work or how vanilla shuttles work.

Explicitly supported
  • Dynamic Trade Interface — A compatibility layer has been added to make DTI's custom trade window work correctly with ROT.
  • Auto Seller — A compatibility layer has been added to make Auto Seller's AI trader work correctly with ROT.

Works with tweaks
  • Call a trader — Reported to work by another player if the 'Absolute Cost Range' values (both numbers) in the mod settings are set to zero.


My colonists won't load books if they are on a bookshelf

Make sure you update to the latest version of the mod, this was patched to work in version 0.8!

My colonists won't load certain items onto the shuttle

First, make sure your items you are trying to sell are in the colony's home area. The code used by shuttles to find sendable items uses the same logic as the code for forming a caravan does for finding valid items, which has the same requirement. This is a vanilla behavior that I'm not particularly interested in modifying.

Next, make sure the items weren't used up by/equipped by a colonist. Since we don't magically teleport items out of your stockpiles anymore, they're still available for other uses until they've been loaded onto the ship. Don't sell (all) things your colonists are currently consuming as you're likely to have fewer left than you promised to sell by the time the shuttle is loaded. Starting with the release of version 0.7, the mod will allow you to renegotiate a trade agreement so you can take off the items you no longer have available.

Finally, make sure items are stored safely so they don't deteriorate. If you sold an item at 50% and it's now at 48%, that's not the item you promised to the trader, and won't be accepted by the shuttle. Starting with the release of version 0.7, the mod will allow some small leeway about item health for the sake of ergonomics.

Bug reports

There's an ongoing issue where people report that this mod causes problems with other shuttles. Unfortunately, every time I test these scenarios myself, everything works fine. As such, I suspect there is another mod that is causing problems, but so far I have nothing solid to go on. Should you experience this kind of problem, help me help you by doing the following:
  1. Make sure you have HugsLib or The Log Publisher from HugsLib.
  2. Do whatever causes the error to show up.
  3. Press Ctrl + F12, click Upload, wait until it's done, and then click Copy.
  4. Paste the link into the comment section below, along with any additional information you have, if any.

Want your translation in this list? Release a translation mod (i.e. a mod with only a Languages folder, not a copy of this entire mod + the translation) for this mod, and notify me of its existence, and I'll add it to the list.


This is version 0.8.0 for RimWorld 1.5 and 1.4

Source code

Source code can be found on GitHub[github.com]. Report any bugs or feature suggestions/requests on the issue tracker[github.com].

Like my work?

Feel free to join my Discord server[discord.gg] if you want to talk to me (and other members) about my projects, or just to hang out, I guess. :)
g0jira 5 hours ago 
while i like idea, often items sold for trader, are missing, 50% chance that i wont be able to finish trade because 1 or more items need to be uploaded, even when they wont be used by pawns
Halfman 26 Feb @ 11:49pm 
@darian Stephens I have the same issue, have you found a workaround?
RQXRQ 5 Feb @ 5:17am 
It should be load before The Dead Man's Switch(PackageID : aoba.deadmanswitch.core). Otherwise, when landing, it will turn into the shuttles of The Dead Man's Switch, but the animation still be vanilla.XD
Darmanarnar 4 Feb @ 10:23pm 
i think the achtung forced work bugged it i was able to replicate the bug.
Darmanarnar 4 Feb @ 12:32am 
i encountered a bug where the shuttle is fully loaded but doesnt depart.
AerosAtar 4 Jan @ 6:31am 
Any update on the failing DTI patch?
Clifthanger64 27 Dec, 2024 @ 4:02pm 
does the shuttle need a working 9x9 beacon pad if my colonies are capable of building it? if yes how does the shuttle work if there's a quest with the shuttle with a colony only 1 landing pad?
Corvus 27 Dec, 2024 @ 11:16am 
This mod turns bulk trading into the most stressful situation ever. 10/10 would install 5 times over
Darian Stephens 25 Dec, 2024 @ 11:08pm 
I don't seem able to properly renegotiate an agreement.
Some items were used up without my knowledge, and now I can't load the shuttle fully.
I had intended to just remove it from the trade, but I can't press 'accept'.
Additionally, items like Flake are displayed as split in the interface, which I imagine is because they're separate stacks, but that makes it impossible to know which one I should remove an item from. However, even if I remove all the Flake from the trade by renegotiating, I still can't accept.
I'm still getting a surplus of silver from them, so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to, unless another item hasn't been loaded and I just can't tell because that's not displayed on the interface when it just doesn't exist anymore.
Rondson 22 Dec, 2024 @ 12:33am 
Is it possible to track the source of those shuttles to their respective mods, in your case? I could poke around/about the mod authors behind it perhaps? Or what could be done here?