Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Casual Reloading
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1.015 MB
6 Apr, 2024 @ 5:48am
7 Apr, 2024 @ 12:28am
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Casual Reloading

In 1 collection by Braven
Braven's Mods (PZ)
70 items
Takes years... Or at least looks like it does. This mod turns PZ into a true Action Shooter game, removing the need for gun magazines, and enabling you to reload any gun instantly!

How does it work?
As soon as you equip a gun, or load the game with one equipped, the mod will convert the gun so it no longer requires a magazine to function, and you will be able to reload it fully right away!


Does it work in Multiplayer?
Of course it does! Have fun with friends!

Does it work on existing saves?

Does it work with Modded Guns?
Yes! This Mod works with MOST guns, with a few exceptions where you still need to reload individual bullets, but magazines are still no longer required.

Is the mod compatible with [...]?
This mod shouldn't have any incompatibility with other mods.
You can click here to check which mods are currently known to cause issues.

Powered by BitBraven.
And of course, thank you for supporting me!

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Join me on Discord and maybe on Patreon if you feel like it!
I also accept Ko-Fi tips. All money is used on mod development.


This product is protected under © copyright law. You are free to use it for personal purposes. Redistribution, for commercial purposes or not, is strictly prohibited without prior permission. Please note that the English version of this disclaimer takes precedence over translations, as they may be outdated. For more information, please Click Here[] to read the full End User License Agreement. Enjoy! 💖

Workshop ID: 3214188709
Mod ID: BB_CasualReloading
Popular Discussions View All (3)
16 May, 2024 @ 3:46am
PINNED: Bug Reports
26 Feb @ 11:48am
PINNED: Suggestions
MadCreeperKid 26 Jan @ 12:37pm 
please update to b42
xKhaosKnightx15 20 Jan @ 7:24pm 
Elch_ 24 Dec, 2024 @ 10:53am 
please update to b42
FOX 21 Dec, 2024 @ 11:55am 
doesnt work
MonoBoca 6 Oct, 2024 @ 3:14pm 
There is an error in the Brita gun mode where the magazine is not visible. Please fix this quickly.
Eldelasrecargas 20 Sep, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
Buen mod si juegas en vanilla y no te gusta estar llenando cada cargador pero si tienes algun mod que agregue tipos de cargadores diferentes estos quedan inutilizables
The US Doctor 25 Aug, 2024 @ 4:19pm 
for everyone who is struggling with Brita's guns like I am. I have found a "fix"*, you can actually convert the guns with magazines back into their Brita forms meaning they can accept empty magazines, once inserted the gun changes back but with the mag model.

to do this, the gun has to be able to take alt mags (not a problem for most guns since most take at least two types, a normal and a large) guns that can't take alt mags can't do this "fix". but it is easy to do, first, make sure you have the "gunfighter radial menu" mod, I am unsure if this is 100% needed, experiment at your own risk. but by using the mod and holding down R you can bring up a menu that has an option to swap mag types. From there switch to the mag you want to use as the model and insert the empty mag**. Once you insert it, the gun will convert back to this mod's internal mag version, and the model is permanently attached. Meaning even when you reload it, the model will remain in the gun*** 1/2
The US Doctor 25 Aug, 2024 @ 4:19pm 
*Note: I say this in quotes because it's hardly a true fix, and requires a bit of micromanaging on your part as the player to do, plus it still requires a spare magazine.

**Note: I specify empty magazine because I have yet to try this with a loaded one, and quite frankly serves little purpose since you could be losing ammo if you do try this with one.

***Note: this is from my experience, meaning undoubtedly your experience may vary to mine. I am also hardly a developer, so I have little knowledge of how this mod makes the guns take raw ammo without the need for a magazine beyond changing the weapon to have an internal magazine which is likely part of the root of the issue Brita weapons have, since the guns Brita adds have a model with and without a magazine, meaning this issue will likely also occur with other gun mods which do the same thing as brita's when it comes to their weapon models.

Hope this helps solve this rather annoying visual bug for y'all (2/2)
roboty 25 Aug, 2024 @ 6:25am 
this helps with not having to use revolvers and shotgun for like 89 years!
사냥꾼 29 Jul, 2024 @ 3:44am 
There is an error in the Brita gun mode where the magazine is not visible. Please fix this quickly.