Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Öğe (178)
3D2D Textscreens
Yaratıcı: James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
1891 Mosin Nagant
Yaratıcı: Micro
Bolt action, internal magazine fed rifle. Classy. Credits: Razor505 Animation/Compile Navaro Sounds Rafael De Jongh Bullet Model/Textures Eprdox Mosin Model/Textures MSKyuuni Insert Round Sound Martysek Original Compile...
Addon Share
Yaratıcı: Major Tom
Makes your friends to download same Workshop addons that you have, while they join your game. Significantly reduces amount of "error" models. Displays your subscriptions in Q-menu with links to Workshop. Limitations • Legacy addons are not supported • Moun...
Aftermath Night and Day
Yaratıcı: Nanospork
Aftermath Night and Day includes the two sequels to the post-apocalyptic roleplay and build map, Gm_Aftermath! Set in a freshly updated and newly detailed war-torn landscape, Aftermath Night dims the lights on a wide variety of environments, from a muddy m...
AI Upscaled C17 buildings textures
Yaratıcı: Zonnero
Updated C17 buildings textures to HD with AI Upscaling I’ve upscaled the building textures, refinery, and skybox coast mountain model to higher resolutions using AI. The textures are now more detailed and sharper. Includes: upscaled buildings (flats and sm...
Air-to-surface Missile
Yaratıcı: Xegor
Blow up your enemies from the sky with a controllable missile! ---------- Usage ---------- Left click to launch a air-to-surface missile from the sky above the aimed position. When launched, use the mouse or the movement keys to direct it, left click to bo...
Ammo Supplies for CW 2.0
Yaratıcı: grech_ca You can know me as Captain Mikhail or Mikhail Bolt. This addon adds 2 new ammo boxes for CW 2.0 WARNING:Install the Customizable Weaponry 2.0 for correct working! P.S. "Патроны" – russian wo...
Anthro Lugia Player Models + NPCs
Yaratıcı: Leteos
This is the one of the most requested player model I've seen (for me at least) and it's now live! This addon was going to contain Lugia itself, but then I remembered Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. Shadow Lugia was in there, so why not add it into this addon...
AS Val Special Automatic Rifle
Yaratıcı: Micro
Be silent. Be russian. C y k a B ly a t. Credits: naajzzz Model Swap Moshiko Compile New World Interactive Sounds, Animations SAM61 Model, Textures...
Best of Toybox
Yaratıcı: Robin
Never tired for old addons? So then this is for you! This addon includes old toybox stuff! Hi! There is maybe LUA errors, so tell them to me! Today I present old addon (pack) that is not new and includes new addons: ---------------------------- - Aimbot V2...
Bike for SCars 2.0
Yaratıcı: 👍GRiBA👍
Scars 2.0 Bike V0.4a 13.04.13 <This is not by finally, there is still much to do :)> Required: Scars 2.0 by Sakarias88 Special thanks to Sakarias88 Official site
Borrowed Blood
Yaratıcı: gaboingus
What Could It Mean? Now you might be thinking to yourself, "Another mod to change the blood? There are entirely too many of these." And you're right. So, I've taken the hard work of other far more talented programmers and graphic artists, and compiled them...
Bucket's Optimizations
Yaratıcı: Wackstone
Welcome to the smallest and most useful script in Garry's Mod ( AND THE COOLEST DESIGN THANKS TO SWAE ) A simple, and clean, optimization system that is compiled from an old system called D3N. This has virtually ZERO file size so don't worry about paying f...
Cigarette SWEPs
Yaratıcı: AeroMatix
This is a collection of 3 cigarettes which include: Marlboro, Newport, and Camel, you can change the filter on one of them, and there are different smoke effects for all 3. Perfect for server owners due to it being extremely optimized and the perfect item ...
Controllable Manhack
Yaratıcı: Thomas
SWEP that lets you deploy and take control of a manhack. Inspired by the "Human Error" Half-Life 2 mod. Features: Fully controllable manhack in first-person or third-person view Custom HUD when controlling a manhack Can use buttons and entities by hitting ...
CSS Retextured Worldmodels
Yaratıcı: Rymd
Released on demand. Replaces your Default Counter-Strike:Source worldmodel textures. Textures by modderfreak. Edits and upload by me....
Czech Civilians (PlayerModels and NPCs)
Yaratıcı: Drem
15 PlayerModels and NPCs rip from the CoD Czech Resistance models. 6 Females and 9 Males models, with bodygroups . NPCs spawn with random skins & bodygroups. Beanies and Mouth fixed. T-poses fixed. No c_models. // Maps used for the screenshots : rp_termina...
Dark UI Spawnmenu
Yaratıcı: ♔ AquaRex ♔ A Dark version of the spawnmenu, with inspiration from the original Garry's Mod UI Made by me (AquaRex) * Dark Theme * Derma Supported * Clean interface * Should w...
Darken217's SciFi Weapons
Yaratıcı: Hedron
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION TO AVOID UNNECESSARY PROBLEMS Introducing my latest creation: Darken217's SciFi Weapons. This is my first gmod addon. Please keep that in mind... I've updated it over the years to address issues and add more content. It's a coll...
Deathclaw Playermodel v2
Yaratıcı: 2XMM2
become друг itself, now with proportional versions Get the ragdoll here Features, regular version • друг • Claws • Ragdoll & playermodel • NPCs! - Citizen and combine variants • Hitboxes that should work in TTT • Six skins • Viewmodel hands • Valve skeleto...
Destructible Doors for Gmod!
Yaratıcı: Exho
Because opening doors is too mainstream. *** Info: This is a gameplay addon for people who would enjoy to break down doors but not use a Locker weapon. With this, you can simply walk up to most doors and shoot it down. You can check if a door is usable thr...
Deus Ex Pack
Yaratıcı: Geisteskrankenchan
Happy new year everyone! I'm finally presenting you Deus Ex Pack I've been working on. Hope you like it! Features: -Nearly 100 playermodels (including children!) with sounds for pain, death and jumping just like in original ("dx_playersounds" ConVar). -NPC...
Dishonored: Overseers and Assassins Playermodels
Yaratıcı: Maxwell
Overseers from the Abbey and Daud's Assasins. Aka two factions from Dishonored who hates each other. Colorable PlayerModel with Hands 2 NPC's for each and of course ragdolls. Arkane Studios : Models and Textures Predator CZ : Porting, Textures and everythi...
Dishonored: Supernatural Abilities
Yaratıcı: Wheatley
Supernatural Abilities from Dishonored 2 game All supernatural abilities from Dishonored 2 game, including Emily Kaldwin ones. 1. BIND ABILITIES 2. SELECT ABILITY FROM MENU 3. HOLD CAS...
Drivable Jetski Kawasaki
Yaratıcı: Іñaki²
Check my Dev Blog Suscribe to my YouTube Channel SHOW ME YOUR LOVE Kawasaki SX-R 800 This model has been arround for a long time, but now you can drive it. Its paintable, use the color tool. ...
Drivable yacht
Yaratıcı: manul
Lara's boat from Tomb raider Underworld. Two versions: one controlled from primary cockpit and one via flybridge. Usage: - Go to vehicles tab > TRU yacht Things changed since previous version on - Fixed custom particle issue (screwed up agai...
Drones Rewrite
Yaratıcı: calafex
Meet Drones Rewrite! It is the last, the biggest and the best part of Drones which contains a lot of new drones, options, weapons and etc. You dont need any previous Drones addons for this to work. F.A.Q.: PLEASE READ INGAME HELP FIRST! Most of the questio...
Emergency Siren
Yaratıcı: MR.REX This is fully working sirens for the game "Garry's Mod". They can help you in a good time, for example, with your friends. Also it will be a very good plus on some servers with military shooting in the vastness of one ...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Yaratıcı: LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Easy Bonemerge Tool
Yaratıcı: Rubat
An improved bonemerge tool. Features: * Support for effects * Proper undo system * Ability to remove already merged props * Ghost preview * Duplicator support * Ability to bonemerge props to yourself * Is not limited to props at all. You can use ANY entity...
Editable Emplacement
Yaratıcı: Anonim47
About Garry once said that he's gonna reincarnate the Turret tool as an editable entity... well... seems like I've overtaken you Garry. This entity is an editable, usable turret. You can edit it like you would do with Bouncy Ball or Fog/Sun editors. Press ...
Extended Properties
Yaratıcı: Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extra SCars Sounds
Yaratıcı: Kerouha
This pack contains over 20 different engine sounds for SCars. After you install this mod, new sounds will be available for selection from the list: Dodge Viper Chevrolet Corvette Common Car (2 sounds) Ferrari Heavy (3 sounds) Humvee Jimmy Gibbs Car Lamborg...
Food and Household items
Yaratıcı: Figge Ferrum
This pack contains well over 200 props, mainly food but also cleaning products and other types of groceries. Includes: McDonald's Food Kinder Surprise + Box Chips bags Cillit Bang Wine bottles Much, much, more... 🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕...
Forcefields V2
Yaratıcı: zamboni
A quick foreword: You're probably thinking, "Don't you already have a forcefield addon uploaded here?" The answer is yes, and a considerable amount of time has passed since I made it. I'd like to think my coding skills have improved greatly since then, and...
Freeman's "Facepunch" Pack
Yaratıcı: The One Free-Man
I got bored again, so here's another model pack I made over June. All the models in this pack where requested by people in a thread on Facepunch, and each one was done in under a day. This pack features everything from a bouncy castle to the Xbox one, and ...
Freeman's "Model a Day" Pack
Yaratıcı: The One Free-Man
Here's a pack of models I made over the summer because I was bored. Everything here was suggested in a thread on Facepunch, and all the props in this pack where made in less than a day each. You can see in the images what exactly this pack contains. ...
Freeman's "Old & New" Pack
Yaratıcı: The One Free-Man
Hello! Thanks for looking! It's sure been a while since I uploaded one of these hasn't it? As the name suggests, this is a bunch of models that I made over quite a long time - little chunks of stuff from failed projects and one-off suggestions, aswell as a...
Freeman's "Toybox" Pack
Yaratıcı: The One Free-Man
Here's all my old public models I made for the toybox in my first year of modelling when that was still a thing, now reuploaded from the GM13 Beta workshop. Look at the images to see what's in this pack, it's a little better than just listing them all here...
Garry's Mod on Wheels
Yaratıcı: Doc
Before every eventual compliant: I'M NOT THE CREATOR OF THIS PACK, AND I'M NOT TAKING ANY CREDIT AT ALL. Description: This is the (very) old GMOW v3 pack originally made (many years ago) by Solid_Granite and GiGaBiTe for Garry's Mod 9, after request of som...
Garry's Mod on Wheels Cut Vehicles
Yaratıcı: ForneyD GMOW / G-mow / g.m.o.w Deleted / Cut / Leaked Vehicles Garry's Mod on Wheels Deleted Vehicles Kuno86's fixed cars Kuno's cars READ FIRST!! SUBSCRIBE BOTH the mod and the supporting REQUIRED MOD, and RESTART if the mod isn't working properly Stay tu...
Garry's Mod 9 - Custom Models
Yaratıcı: DarkLow
The free custom models that came in Gmod 9 This custom model "pack", was created by 2 people: Mixerman3D and BucketMuncher The following props were created by Mixerman3D: A bowling ball A bowling pin A laser pistol An arrow A skateboard A vinyl An axe A cr...
Garry's Mod Reskinned All (part: 1, 2, & 3)
Yaratıcı: Fluxy
All parts mashed into one addon for convenience. A reskin of the default props in your spawnlist. Remember, this does not change all the props and the icons were not changed ether! I hope you all like it! =] "mat_specular 1" for prop shine "mat_specular 0"...
Gesture Menu & Commands
Yaratıcı: Bell
This addon adds a new sub-menu available in the Context Menu, named ''Gestures''. Clicking any option will make you perform a Gesture, like dancing, or agreeing. You can alternatively use chat commands to trigger them: - /gmc_dance (Normal Dance) - /gmc_mu...
GM Vault
Yaratıcı: Mschulmeister
Inspired by Fallout3 concept-art pieces --------------------------------------------- -Variety of rooms and themes -Does NOT require CS:S -Has AI Nodes - Has HDR and Bloom - Leave a like :D -All custom prop models and textures were made by me. - 1# on most...
Yaratıcı: SkyCaptain
A map featuring two large seemingly endless hotels that can be used for both Sandbox and Roleplay. Map is fully noded, fully cubemapped, optimized and includes the Garrysmod 13 changeable skybox. Props also vanish when they reach the bottom of the level, s...
Yaratıcı: Lg
gm_balkans gm_balkans now (update1) Good gamemodes for map Sandbox Battlefield Battle Royale Features Open world 4 military bases (red, blue, green and yellow) Chirurgical System Electrical circuit breakers in every base Destroyable bridges Destroyable big...
Yaratıcı: VicRamone
You wake up washed up on the shore with the taste of salt water and the sound of the crashing waves. You remember nothing and you must become one with the island ahead of you, But it seems like you were not the only one here... Notes: - Made in one week - ...
Yaratıcı: a lowly goober
Finally got around to finishing this map after nearly two years of avoiding it. Sort of a sequel to gm_countrysideroad, but this time a whole lot more fun. A bit rough around the edges, but I think it's good enough for release. Features: -A hilly, looping ...
Yaratıcı: croco
A spacious hospital courtyard with an accompanying indoor cafe. A map fit for deathmatch, roleplay, or cinematography. Featured in this map: -- a complete nodegraph for npcs -- a complete navmesh for snpcs -- climbable pipes to reach the higher rooftops --...
Yaratıcı: SuspiciouslyAwesome
I've been working for a long time on this one and made tons of custom content. The map can be used for pretty much everything. Building, RP, Machinimas, NPC-battles and so on. On this map, I put special attention to AI and pathfinding, so get ready for sup...
Yaratıcı: bean
backroms lvl 1 (no it's not stop commenting and spreading rumors it was not intended to be actual backrooms) Features: • working elevator • built cubemaps and navmesh • a lot of space to explore MEGA UPLOAD UPDATE (sorry for releasing this after more than ...
Yaratıcı: NuclearGhost
DESCRIPTION EN: GM_MARSH is a map with large marshland and dark atmosphere. Features: - ambient sound - AI nodes for NPCs - Usable fireplaces - whole area for RP servers - does not require additional content like CS:S, HL2EP2 e.t.c. Lot of models,textures,...
Yaratıcı: SuspiciouslyAwesome
►► ◄◄ Features: 4 different Islands All Buildings detailed & enterable Big watersurface & airspace AI- Noding optimal NPC-Pathfinding HDR- compiled Several Eastereggs (...inducing zombie traumata. Well, you'll see...)...
Yaratıcı: Matchy
This map is made by Sportkeks! I have fixed the lua/script errors, You can now play multiplayer on this map with no problems. Map features -Train System with gnome driver -Bowling Alley -Disco -Racetrack with NPCs -Construct Area -Nice river -Taxi System -...
God's Little Finger v4 REUPLOADED
Yaratıcı: David Ralphsky
This is a God's Little Finger port for GMod 13, however, I added a LOT to it. First of all, I fixed all of the server-side script errors for everything. Second, I added new modes: -Combine Mortar Mode: When you right click, a combine mortar shot descends t...
Graffiti Swep
For dem gangsters on your server. Reuploaded By Me... HOW TO USE THIS??? "RMB" To change color of your spray. "LMB" To spray it to somewhere (prop/wall/anything) "R" To get new spray can ...
Grappling Hook
Yaratıcı: Jvs
It's a grappling hook! Press use on it and hold G on your keyboard to use it. Hold C and right click edit the grappling hook to change the keybind, it doesn't save the button right now but it will in the future. You can unequip it by using "pe_drop sent_gr...
Yaratıcı: Geisteskrankenchan
Hello there. This time I'd like to present you this pack of playermodels, NPCs and props from one of my favorite PSP games - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Hope you enjoy it! Features: -156 playermodels to have fun with, including beta ones and so...
Half-Life 2 Beta Child Worker Playermodels + NPCs
Yaratıcı: CrazyBubba
This addon adds the male and female child worker models from the Half-Life 2 leak as functioning playermodels and basic NPC's. Update November 7 2019: + Eyeball posing is now functioning properly, no more demon children. Known issues: - Rigging can be kind...
GTA Vice City - Cars (SCars)
Yaratıcı: TiggoRech
All cars from Grand Theft Auto Vice City | (SCars) Requirements: - SCars Slim Recommended addons: - GTA Vice City - Boats (Props) - Tommy Vercetti - StarFish Island...
Haus The Plague Doktor
Yaratıcı: Splinks
Q: What do you get when you mix a fourteenth-century plague doctor with the Matrix? A: Haus The Plague Doktor A present made for my good friend:
HB Player Controller
Yaratıcı: Hazbelll
The HB Player Controller is a SWEP that allows you to take direct control of other Players, or even Bots! You control their actions just as if they were doing it themselves, including movement, looking around, aiming, shooting, building, text chatting and ...
HL2 EP2 Particle Effect Fix
Yaratıcı: Maxwell
You will need Half Life 2 Episode 2 mounted. This will work only on all Episode 2 particle effects! map name: flatgrass_storm...
Heckler & Koch P30L
Yaratıcı: Micro
Now you don't have to waste anymore pencils. Credits: BledoKen Animation OVERKILL Software Models, Textures Saint Sound New World Interactive Sound Navaro Sound GraySunshine Compile, W_models, Render, Anims edit Mr. Why Shoot animation edit. THE JOK3R Prev...
HL: Gordon Freeman REDUX P.M. and Ragdoll
Yaratıcı: Lenoax
Borealis: Last Man Standing You! yes you programmers, mappers, designers, writers and all kind of modders who want to help ups to become this idea to an amazing mod that transport us to unexplored narratives left by Valve, we hope to this could bring to th...
HomeTown 1999
Yaratıcı: Yaricsoon
Ported to Gmod 13 Original by F.Kalkman I noticed that there were many questions on how to get to the "Office Mayor's". We type "sv_cheats 1", then "god", moved into the Mayor's Office, we're there! Homicidaltoast: "To get into the mayors office the real w...
Yaratıcı: Rubat
Hoverboards is a reboot of 2008's quite popular mod for Garry's Mod. It was originally created by Foszor and Jinto. This pack also includes some props for your enjoyment. Usage Information READ! It is a TOOL 'Hoverboards' under 'Robotboy655' category. Pres...
Improved Default Cubemap
Yaratıcı: Rush_Freak
The fallback cubemap that has plagued incomplete and broken maps since 2004 finally gets a makeover! I made one that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in most lighting conditions. Now you can use broken maps without burning your eyes out before they're f...
Impulse Grenade
Yaratıcı: s1nn3r
Left click to throw, and right click to throw faster. Made for fun :) It pushes you, up, if you will get in the radius of the explosion....
Yaratıcı: Jvs
It's a jetpack! You can equip it by pressing USE ( default key is E on your keyboard ). WASD to move, shift to hover, jump to rise up and crouch to go down. You can unequip it by using "pe_drop sent_jetpack" in the console or by dying, there will be a pane...
Yaratıcı: John Helldiver
NOTICE: We have reports of the config auto-migration not working sometimes, so if you see errors, try running "jmod_resetconfig" (on server or as admin). We are working on the config issue. JMod is a content pack aim...
Karabiner 98k [TFA]
Yaratıcı: Zayn
Requires TFA Base DOWNLOAD THE BASE HERE This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP may work with minor reconfiguration, but I will never officially support either. Updates I'd prefer you joining here if you'd like updates or just wanna be really supporti...
LED screens
Yaratıcı: MacTavish
LED panels are here! LED screens are similar to text screens but they add a little bit more realism and fun to use in RP servers Features: - Different types of running text - Color customization - Text scrolling speed - WireMod support - Effects for the te...
Yaratıcı: Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff It Combustible Lemon Grenade swep from toybox. I found code,model,sounds and fixed it for Gmod 13. Also included Lemonade Launcher. About Lemonade Launcher: It is rocket launcher shooting lemons on a long distance.Th...
M1928A1 Thompson
Yaratıcı: Micro
Also known as the Tommy Gun, popular amongst gansters Credits: Epicusfuria Compile, Render Preggo Waffles rerigged arms Magmacow Sounds New World Interactive Sounds Mr. Brightside Animations Paul Yakushev Models and Textures...
M1A0 Cat Gun
Yaratıcı: xdshot
Don't be fooled by the adorable appearance! One of the most dangerous weapon is now available for Garry's Mod! Features: Working Ironsighting and Sprinting animations; Viewmodel arms (c_arms) compatible; Can be given to NPCs; Sandbox and Trouble In Terrori...
Magic Wand Rewrite
Yaratıcı: calafex
If you experience random crashes, try switching from Chromium to the default branch or disabling Player/NPC throwing in Settings - Serverside Settings. Some spells contain flashing and bright lights. Meet the replacement of old Harry Potter Wand! Now with ...
Media Player
Yaratıcı: Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Midgame Workshop Hotloader
Yaratıcı: Zaurzo
Load Addons While In-Map! After downloading this addon, make sure you restart Garry's Mod first to make sure it has fully installed! This addon is disabled for dedicated servers. It is difficult to make it work for dedicated servers and could be a security...
Model Manipulator
Yaratıcı: Prey
Allows you to change any props and NPC model to any other. You can also change your own model. Tool is in 'Construction' category. Using: Right-Click to get model from NPC/ragdoll/prop Left-Click to set model to NPC/ragdoll/prop Reload to set your own play...
Multi Physgun
Yaratıcı: CodeKraken
Physics Inc. is proud to present: The Multi Physgun! Able to carry up to 15 objects at once! (This is a separate weapon, different from the normal physgun) (Mainly used for moving objects) Features: Adjustable beam spacing ( Run + Scroll ) Settings menu in...
Multiple Advanced RT Cameras
Yaratıcı: Six
"If only I could use more than one RT Camera at a time..." -Martin Luther King Jr. This addon allows you to spawn multiple RT Cameras and Screens displaying them. Perfect for Builders obsessed with immersion, Roleplayers, and Machinina creators alike! Feat...
No More Square Particles!
Yaratıcı: CubicApocalypse
I've always had problems with square fog particles on maps like sb_omen and gm_solarsystem. This should fix them....
Nuka-Cola (Fallout 4)
Yaratıcı: CuelhoTTV
Ladies and gentlemen, be welcome to my first addon. If you liked my addon just leave a comment below or in my profile. PLEASE DON'T SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST. "Can you please create a new addon about some random stuff?", no. NOW WITH SUNSET SARSAPARILLA! (I...
Yaratıcı: jakeyy
Features: -40 spawn points -CS:S or other additional stuff is NOT required -Way too many easter eggs -Game mode: Prop Hunt....
PC Monitors (pack)
Yaratıcı: 🍎Spicy_Apples🍎
Includes : LG 4:3 monitor Acer 16:9 monitor LG Ultrawide monitor LG Ultrawide curved monitor Samsung Super Ultrawide monitor All models have 6 skins: off windows SFM RT screen Green screen 2 custom Body groups and bones for everything Every model has 2 bla...
Placeable Particle Effects
Yaratıcı: The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
poop throwing swep
Yaratıcı: Deika
"This one is legendary" - Necrosvideo -100000/10 UPDATE: STOP LIKING THIS ADDONS YOU MORONS! So this here is a swep i made after i reuploaded the poop model i recovered from the toybox. So I wanted to uploaded this but i didn't feel like it. Because one th...
Portable Force Field
Yaratıcı: tau
A hand-held force field grenade! 2016/9/16 Added a version that follows the player around! Shows up as "Hex-Shield (local)". Uses the suit battery as fuel, so you need to have the suit charged. Added the cvar cl_hexshieldcolor which allows you to change th...
Portable Window
Yaratıcı: Lexi
A toy I made after messing about with stencils. It's a bit buggy if you move it off the wall it spawns on, and it will look bad if you put it on a really thick wall. Try not to do either of these things FAQ Can I shoot through this? No, it's a screen. You ...
Portal 1 and 2 Turrets
Yaratıcı: AnBro-ID
Railgun LEVEL5
Yaratıcı: KuroSun
This is a SANDBOX weapon! This is Misaka Mikoto's ultimate attack Railgun based on anime . ConVars use consolecomands to railgun_remove - turn on/off removing entities on hit railgun_hud- turn on/off HUD on swep WARNING it will remove any objects it will h...
Ragdoll Blood
Yaratıcı: Buu342
This addon makes your ragdolls/NPC corpses bleed when they take damage, be it from falling from big heights or from getting shot. Takes into account different material types, and even lets you add or remove more ragdolls to emit effects! Comes with a large...
Realistic Jetpack
This TF2 Thermal thruster reskin of the propeller engine makes you fly faster than noclip, using smooth pitch, yaw & roll flight for realism and player tilting. don't try to crash into towers... Findable under Entities Tab-->Fun + Games-->Realistic Jetpack...
Yaratıcı: [VE] Human Tree92
About This is a RHIB Boat. I did not make this i only just extracted it from the Boats (BETA) Pack. I will link below to the pack if you want the whole pack. How to Spawn Q Menu > Vehicles Tab > SGM Misc > RHIB Creator/Original Link Boats (BETA) - SGM ツ, W...
Rocket Boots
Yaratıcı: Whiterabbit
Rocket boots! (No actual boots, just flaming feet) Hold jump to fly using the power of feet. You get pushed 'up' from whichever direction you are facing eg. if you are looking forward you go straight up, if you are looking straight down you would get pushe...
SCars Basic
Yaratıcı: Sakarias
SCars Basic Version 1.2. YOU NEED SCARS SLIM FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK! Make sure you have subscribed to the SCars Slim workshop addon. This car pack uses the features that comes with SCars Slim. This pack includes 26 new cars! List: Hummer Ratmobile Chevy66 ...
SCars Extra
Yaratıcı: Sakarias
SCars Extra Version 1.2. YOU NEED SCARS SLIM FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK! Make sure you have subscribed to the SCars Slim workshop addon. This car pack uses the features that comes with SCars Slim. This pack includes 24 new cars! List: 2006 Dodge Ram SRT-10 For...
SCars Misc Content
Yaratıcı: Sakarias
All the content that didn't fit into SCars Extra or SCars Basic ends up here because of size limitation. Some of the content here used to be a part of SCars Slim but was moved here....
SCars Handy
Yaratıcı: 🎃󠁳⁧⁧ TRAMP
Этот аддон содержит Scarsы ручной сборки, использующие встроенные модели garry`s mod, так что никаких эрроров. This addon contains self-Made Scars, it uses standart models from gmod, so it doesn`t have errors....
SCars Slim
Yaratıcı: Sakarias
SCars Version 2.3.5 Don't like normal hl2 vehicles? Then this addon is for you! With SCars you can customize your car in almost any way you want. Everything from paintjob and handling to suspension height and wheels. Keep in mind that this addon just conta...
Skyrim Food & Drink Props
Yaratıcı: dickmosi
Thirty-Seven Food & Drink PROPS from Skyrim I'm almost certainly missing items, I do not own any DLC I don't even really like Skyrim so don't expect many Skyrim ports, if any. This addon adds: Apple (2 Skins) Beef (2 Skins) Black-Briar Mead Black-Briar Res...
Seats Network Optimizer
Optimizer for servers & multiplayer games This addon is designed to significantly reduce network usage when using numerous seats and prisoner pods. This addon is totally useless in a local game, but it can decrease the network usage related to prop_vehicle...
Slappers | Optimized
Yaratıcı: AeroMatix
This is an optimized version of Sam's Slappers. Removed all the unnecessary stuff, does little to no damage to players and doesn't push them forward too much, it doesn't slap weapons out of player's hands, etc... Perfect for server owners with optimization...
Some Survivors {Playermodels & NPC's}
Yaratıcı: [CZ] Colonel Clanny
______________________________________________________________________________ ===Contains=== Two models with tons of bodygroups and skins ______________________________________________________________________________ ===Useable=== Playermodels (X) NPC's (...
Sleep'n'Wake Tool
Yaratıcı: ユアマム
Credit goes to: JokeSpeaker This is just reuploaded to Workshop. Watch the video if you don't know what is this does. Also this addon is useful for machinima C: About this tool : Normally, If you freeze the ragdoll and you shoot it, bump it or blast the ra...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Yaratıcı: Rubat
srwilton's HD Weapon Reskin Pack V2
Yaratıcı: marcus
Credits: srwilton I reuploaded this Half Life 2 mod into Garry's Mod, and it says in the readme.txt of the original mod that that reuploading is allowed but you need to credit him. I am a big fan of srwilton's work, and I am hoping to see him retexture som...
Special Half-Life 2 NPCs
Yaratıcı: gfront55
This small, simple addon adds new NPCs to your game. They are all variants of the default Half-Life 2 NPCs with spawnflags/keyvalues that enable different abilities. WARNING: If you have mods that interfere with default NPC behavior (relationship mods, AI ...
Super Gravity Gun SWEP
Yaratıcı: Lazy
The Super Gravity Gun recreated from Half-Life 2! Please read the description before commenting. Disclaimer This addon is a fixed version of a previously existing addon from 2011 created by Τyler Blu. The original download can be found here. This addon is...
SW Blue-X13
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A tron styled bike. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon bluex13 Contro...
SW Bodygroup Car
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A small car with many bodygroups. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Timo Liquid Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_r...
SW Garbage Truck
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A garbage truck with trashbag / dumpster swep. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Das Schaf Reth Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Info: You can ...
SW Bus and BendyBus
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A bus, articulated bus and bi-articulated bus. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Das Schaf Emperor Zin GMN Mister-M Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon insta...
SW Hovercraft
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
My first gmod vehicle. The hovercraft. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_a...
SW Jeeps
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
3 jeeps with bodygroups. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon jeeps Con...
SW Limousine
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A limousine with an functioning trunk. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Timo Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Info: Look at the trunk keyhole ...
SW Racecar
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A race car with 2 playmodels. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Spacecode Timo Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_re...
SW Tow Truck
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A towtruck that can tow vehicles and props. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Reth Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwol...
SW Trabant
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A trabant. My lovely Rennpappe. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Das Schaf Fox Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_r...
SW Tractor
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
A little tractor with trailer. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel NaibaXD Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Coupling system: Look at the coupler ...
SW Trucks
Yaratıcı: SligWolf
Trucks with a few trailers. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Clanof22 Spacecode Timo Marcel Das Schaf Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Info: T...
Yaratıcı: TDM
This is the official release of TDMSCars. The pack will include all SCars made by me and will be updated over time with more cars added. Contains: BMW M3 E92 (With working tacho and speedo) Bugatti Veyron SS (With working tacho, speedo, fuel gauge and movi...
Terminal & Scripted Message Mod
Yaratıcı: Xenikay
New version of terminal mod : Most of bugs have been fixed. Hi , this is a simple mod to make your own secret scripted message ! I guess ... There's a password to protect the content of the d...
The Meteor Storm
Yaratıcı: kitsune residue
The Meteor Storm is back, now for GMod 13. Left click to designate a target to rain hell on Earth. Right click to designate a target to bring down a single meteor. DISCLAIMER: This is the only OFFICIAL Meteor Storm SWEP for GMod 13. If you got this from so...
The Replicators
Yaratıcı: CrishNate
Welp, this is what I have been working on the last 4 months. I present to you: “The Replicators” addon for GMod Arachnophobe warning: Be aware that they can jump on your face and scare you soul out of your body These are custom NPCs and I hope that one day...
Time Bomb
Yaratıcı: Ranthos
Back from Toybox comes the Time Bomb! I originally programmed this from scratch, but the original creator, Turtle, gave me the original code and some help with my first take on Garry's Mod Lua. Press E on the time bomb to arm it. Press RELOAD + E or LALT +...
Toybox Classics
Yaratıcı: Lead Toybox ClassicsToybox Classics is a pack of Entities and Weapons (55 total!) ported and remade from Toybox. Toybox was a fun feature in older versions of Garry's Mod that included a ton of user-created content for instant us...
Tiny Desk Engineer NPC (+ Tiny Desk Team)
Yaratıcı: mnb
He's extremely useless and very expensive! Now including the Collector's Edition tiny dispenser, for FREE! AND now you can also get your own Tiny Desk Team Member for only 99.99 each! (if you can't see your Tiny Desk Team members, please reinstall the mod)...
Tropical Paradise
Yaratıcı: XephyrCraft
I DID NOT CREATE THE ISLAND IN THIS MAP REQUIRES HL2 EP2 The level you witness is custom to another level out on the workshop; the other level I found had beautiful detail, but I wasn't too happy with its size or ability for messing around. I modified this...
Yaratıcı: [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Yaratıcı: [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
Unarmed SWEP
Yaratıcı: Kevister
First off, I know that people have made this sort of thing before, but this one plays an animation (the one when Gordon Freeman gets his HEV Suit back) that most ones don't. Please don't be a hater. Peace!...
Ultimate Siren Entity Pack
Includes more than 170 sirens/alarms/klaxons/airraids, from Portal 2, L4D2, BMS, OPFOR, HL, HL2, HL2EP2, INFRA, HDTF, Payday, Halo, Gbombs5, Goldeneye, SCP:CB, Dishonored, Alien Isolation, GTAV, Resident Evil, Star Wars, Star Trek, Google, an...
Universal Animations Fix
Yaratıcı: ToadLobe
For my first ever addon I honestly can't believe how much this blew up. I'm still processing the fact that my addon is featured... thank you guys so much :) Ever tired of NPC's aggressively T-posing at you instead of actually aiming? This addon is pretty s...
Viewmodel Stains
Yaratıcı: Krede
Description One thing I've always wanted out of Black Mesa (which they have since removed) was the ability to stain your weapons in different ways. It's a subtle but immersive way of showing damage and other effects that bring the world to life. Shoot some...
VJ Base
Yaratıcı: DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Viper's Operators Playermodels 'Remastered'
Yaratıcı: maJor
Funny marketing title to advertise the "remastered" version of the addon. Hey. I've been contacted by someone with a request to basically revive the whole addon and completely fix it. I've had no backups and no tools for years, so I had to start from scrat...
WAC Aircraft
Yaratıcı: bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
Water Balloon SWEP
Yaratıcı: Sgt. Orange
Have a water balloon fight with your friends or simply throw them on fire to extinguish it. If you have any suggestions or difficulties with this addon, please don't add me or manchyy, instead use the discussions panel, I am subscribed to them so I should ...
Yaratıcı: WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
Wheatley's Parkour
Yaratıcı: Wheatley
Wheatley's Parkour Mod for Garry's Mod This is actually a project I has abandoned a long ago, but a week ago (12-13 march 2015) I started work on it again. And now it's finnished! Enjoy! HUD This is my own HUD on the screenshots, its not part of the parkou...
Yaratıcı: Killer
Рус: Я не создатель данной карты, всего лишь перенес из оригинальной игры black mesa в гмод Проблемы: Один из минусов этой карты, нет оптимизации, так что эта карта для более мощных компутеров. Eng: I'm not the creator of this map, I just transferred it fr...
Xmas Model pack
Yaratıcı: 🍎Spicy_Apples🍎
Its Christmas time. Version for SFM: Includes: Xmas tree lights ornaments snowman egnogg carton Xmas tree is based of pine tree from TF2. Check out FAQ before as...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Yaratıcı: Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
[LW] Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Pack
Yaratıcı: Swiggly
[LW] Shared Textures
Yaratıcı: Swiggly
Info If you dont have the LWCars SVN, You will need this to fix missing texture errors on any new cars. If you're reading this, Thank you for being smart enough to read the picture. Using a shared addon just makes it easier to update and will make missing ...
[PM] Advisor HL:Alyx
Yaratıcı: Echo
Advisor from Half-life Alyx made into a playermodel! Model has been fully animated by me from scratch. Features: -colorable -c arms -sound effects -custom viewheight -animated (9-way movement) Note: This playermodel isn't compatible with addons that displa...
[VJ]Vindictus Boss SNPC : Season1
Yaratıcı: Lawrence
Welcome to my Vindictus BOSS Npc, you need vj base to make it work. ====================================================================== if the addon isn't working please read this
Plugs & Sockets
Yaratıcı: freefilesvirus
You can do anything with these, attach stuff, detach stuff... okay, you can do two things with these Make a plug and socket touch to attach, press your use key or shoot them to detach Compatible with Wiremod...
Yaratıcı: LeKactu
After almost 4 years, I wanted to work a bit on the map so here's the night version of gm_novenka! A map that I made and designed for sandbox servers. Features: - Night time - Differents zones (Grass, water, desert, buildings) - Lot of interiors - Secrets ...
Half-Life Ryan Gosling Playermodel
Yaratıcı: Dejtriyev
I drive playermodel based on ryan gosling causing the resonance cascade video (he were driving.) tags hl hl1 half-life half life drive 2011 ryan gosling meme gordon freeman blue shift bs opposing force op4 ...
Retro Offices
Yaratıcı: shortnamesalex
A CQB-ish map set in the late 1980s within an office somewhere in America. The room whir's with the sound of computers and smells like coffee. It's going to be a long night. This is a side project I've been working on the last two days. Inspired by the off...
Outlands Mansion
Yaratıcı: Ragsimier
Support me on boosty or just visit it for sneakpeaks Join my discord for sneak peaks: Requirements: None, everything should be packed in! Find all the bugs - D...
Some Handy Entities
Yaratıcı: LemonCola3424
INPC and NADMOD are optional A pack featuring several entities that i've made over the years, those include: -Parts ripped from my abandoned works -Inspiration from the work of others -Inspiration that came up all of the sudden ConVars: -SHE_Erchius_Touch ...
Cyberpunk Apartments
Yaratıcı: shortnamesalex
"That familiar smell of trash and uncooked beef near where the homeless people slept. It's oddly comforting." Inspired by NeoTokyo, NeoTokyo Kshatriya and Vietnamese apartments. Whipped this map up in about 3 days. I wanted to go beyond just typical abando...
Yaratıcı: Rim
An abandoned bunker built in an unknown Scandinavian country during the cold war. It was being renovated for research purposes. Construction was taking place to maintain and upgrade the aging bunker. Elements of the new and old are woven together. But, con...
Yaratıcı: Stub@
Map has main parts from early game with ported textures, sounds and some models from Lethal Company. It contains even multiple loops for better npc experience, navmesh, AI nodes and interactable cabinets where you can hide or put some items in. I will upda...
gm_lethal_company NAVMESH
spooky fr More navmesh here make sure to check out my other addons if you are interested. My Workshop Addons...
Oakley Subway Station
Yaratıcı: shortnamesalex
Headphones or big speakers are highly recommended for subway ambiance. Oakley was once the most popular subway station in Ascot, mainly because it was one of the few back then. However a combination of scandals from the company owning it and technological ...
train launcher
Yaratıcı: Goobert
since like 2 people asked, the map in the gif is car trash (thanks for the link, Roh) not the best thing ever but it will do. i am very much not a good coder, dont ask me to update this or fix anything. if you think you can improve the addon, then feel fre...
Yaratıcı: Przykra Sprawa
gm_theasylum.bsp ================================== You are exploring part of an abandoned mental asylum. High-detail exploration map focused on realism and atmosphere. This is not a horror map, there are no jump scares. ================================== ...
Half-Life 25th Anniversary Skeleton (PM + Ragdoll)
Yaratıcı: Pyrotion
About Half-Life 25th Anniversary Skeleton (PM + Ragdoll) This adds one playermodel from the Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update with AI enhanced textures. What This Addon Includes One playermodel and ragdoll. Credits Valve Owns Half-Life and thus owns the mo...
Yaratıcı: Stub@
This is one of my older maps, now it's more optimized and corrected. Looped map for best nextbot experience. SUPPORT : ✴✷ 🎀 𝒯𝑅𝒜𝒟𝐸 𝐿𝐼𝒩𝒦 🎀 ✷✴ ✴✷ 🎀 𝒫𝒜𝒯𝑅𝐸𝒪𝒩 🎀 ✷✴ FEATURES - AI NODES - NAVMESH - CUBEMAPS - HDR - MULTIPLE FLOORS -...
Harpoon SWEP
Yaratıcı: freefilesvirus
Lob it at a foe for a quick kill or into a wall to jump on it to gain some extra height, then pick it right back up again You need to turn "Keep Corpses" on for this to be able to stick NPCs ragdolls into walls This isn't the harpoon from M9K, that one cou...
Yaratıcı: freefilesvirus
Look for Skelifier in the tool gun menu or Skelify in the context menu to turn most humanoid NPCs or players into a skeleton ragdoll Make sure you have keep corpses enabled under NPCs in the context menu otherwise the NPC will just fall without turning int...
gm_deschool | de_school remake
Yaratıcı: Actn8601
Heavily recommend you to install this: This is a remake of legendary de_school map, built completely from ground up in 10 months. Now, you no longer need any CS:S content to play. You no lon...
Giggler Playermodel
Yaratıcı: Electric Blood Mage
yo it's a giggler from glaggleland this is a pretty old model of mine, tried to adapt it to GMod. It's got issues and jank but funny so eh the ragdoll is pretty dumb but i found it funny so kept it the way it is. stay silly....
Mads Mikkelsen
Yaratıcı: KERRY The addon includes: • PlayerModels - Yes • NPCs - Yes • C_Hands - No Do you want to order a model? Add me to steam!...
Jujutsu Kaisen ∞ Limitless Cursed Technique
Yaratıcı: minwool
Overview This addon grants you Gojo Satoru's limitless technique abilities from JJK this is a swep that you can find in Weapons → Jujutsu Kaisen screenshots are dated Controls Base Keys - Punch - Punch Barrage - Teleport Punch - Six Eyes Mode - Infinity → ...
Suguru Geto [PM]
Yaratıcı: Shadow
Основная информация Модель Suguru Geto из аниме Jujutsu Kaisen. Особенности Имеет настроенные хитбоксы для ТТТ и других режимов. Basic information Model Suguru Geto from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. Features It has customized hitboxes for TTT and other modes ...
jogoat nextbot
Yaratıcı: inferei
jogoat nextbot from jujutsu kaisen...
Image Tool - Your pictures in the world!
Yaratıcı: Selenter
Image Tool — an extension that allows you to use any image from the internet, any way you want. Image tool have a lot of usage, let it be just having fun with friends on local server, decorating to your building, referencing in the artwork, looking up for ...
Megalodaunt [Sharko] [Deepwoken]
Yaratıcı: 4mo gei
Always wanted to be wiped by sharko in garry's mod? Now it's possible!!! The Megalodaunt is a giant humanoid shark monster commonly found in Erisia, in burning boats at The Aratel Sea, and The Depths. Megalodaunts are particularly known for being social cr...