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Energy Drink Locations | Stray
By menTaz
Stray energy drinks are collected from the various vending machines found in The Slums area, but rather than providing you with a caffeine boost these cans are actually used as the local currency.

Energy Drink (1/4) The first Stray energy drink location can be found very close to where you regain control in The Slums. When facing the garage next to the Guardian with the meditating robots inside, go left down the stairs past the gardener to the area near the entrance to the sewers.

Opposite Morusque the musician you'll find a pair of vending machines, so approach the green one that's lit up then interact with the keypad to eject an energy drink can – you'll need to pick it up from the floor to add it to your inventory, so remember to do this with each machine. You can also look down the opposite alleyway at the far end, to start a side quest for the Stray safe code.

Energy Drink (2/4) The second Stray energy drink location is in the area where you first entered The Slums, and a robot closed a gate up some side steps off the initial alleyway to keep you out. Head back to this spot, which can also be found by starting at the Super Spirit Laundry – have a Stray Scratch on the front door while you're here – then going down the yellow-lit alley ahead until you reach the end.

Here you'll find a gray vending machine for an energy drink can, by some graffiti reading RIP HUMANS to scan for your collection of Stray Memory locations.

Energy Drink (3/4) For the third Stray energy drink location, find the narrow alleyway between Super Spirit Laundry and Grandma Clothing where a robot named Rozey is sat watching TV at the bottom of some steps.

Climb up to the balcony directly above them, where a yellow vending machine sits to provide another energy drink can.

Energy Drink (4/4) For the final Stray energy drink location, start from Grandma Clothing and jump up the AC units on the corner opposite to reach the rooftop where a robot named Heptor is sat.

Diagonally opposite from here is another rooftop with an orange vending machine on it, which will give you the last energy drink can.