Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

1,266 ratings
Anime Console 2.0
Type: Scene
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Anime
Resolution: 3840 x 2160
Category: Wallpaper
File Size
4.368 MB
30 Jul, 2023 @ 10:43pm
3 Oct, 2024 @ 10:31pm
27 Change Notes ( view )

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Anime Console 2.0

In 1 collection by Nico
My Wallpapers
17 items

About the wallpaper
Based on the concept of my previous wallpaper "Anime Console Black And Purple" I decided to make a new project with some new features.
I hope you like it and enjoy it <3.

-> Sponsored by Sarty <-

-> Widgets Project

  • Custom Text and Images
  • Custom Background
  • Mouse Trail
  • Audio Integration (audio responsive, songName, SongAuthor)
  • Day/Night Integration
  • Clock
  • Calendar (Import your GoogleCalendar or .ics files and watch it inside the wallpaper)
  • Empty window (for the people interested in use external widgets and make it looks inside the wallpaper)

Calendar Credits (i just made the google calendar parser and some changes related with color customization)

+ https://steamoss.com/id/1M1F1
+ hope麻匪

• Others wallpapers by me Click Here
• Wallpaper Presets: Click Here

• If Media Window (song info) did not work properly, you can try restarting the wallpaper engine, check if the wallpaper engine settings for audio inputs are fine, you can check if the Spotify desktop overlay is enabled or the engine wallpaper used is the latest one or needs to be updated.
This is a common error but it is not related to the script used in the wallpaper.

• for import your custom font just paste the font directory, example: C:/ ... /myfont.ttf

• Follow me on my Workshop: Click Here
• Discord Community invite: 63EUyQBZPm

• Buy me a Coffe: ❤️ Here ❤️[www.paypal.com]

xMojaveDream 1 Feb @ 9:16pm 
This is really freaking cool. I love this wallpaper so much. I'd just like to ask that a few features be added:
1. A tick box to lock the window so I don't accidentally close them out. Several other similar wallpapers have this feature and it's a godsend.
2. Optional filters for both the main image and the media. With this wallpaper being very focused on color choice, it would help things blend together better so things like album art don't feel out of place.
UnusedName 6 Jan @ 6:15pm 
This wallpaper is amazing but I have only one issue with it that I can't figure out for the life of me. I'm using a gif for the custom image and one day when I booted up this wallpaper it just decided to drop in resolution. Used to be fine in 1440p but it's stuck as a pixelated mess. Even if I change it to a different gif it's still pixelated to hell, but still images are fine. Any ideas on how to fix the gifs being all messed up?
BloodyKnight 1 Dec, 2024 @ 9:36pm 
fav wallpaper:needy_heart:
Nico  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 7:11pm 
Hello, ty for the comments :Heart_m:

about the day/night :
What happens is that by default the engine defines a tint color for the image, which ends up altering the background color of this day night png :rinconfused:
So what I did to fix this is that when the background gif changes color, change the tint from the png to the same background color.
Thats gives the illusion that its transparent but for some reason with some colors it becomes more opaque and what you mention happens. :aushrug:

Im not sure if this has a solution :LilySad:
Timo_YT 28 Nov, 2024 @ 2:10pm 
I have a small issue which catches my eye cuz i have a very keen eye, If you look closely to the moon icon for the day and night cycle thing u can kinda see black lines and a weird box surrounding it

Is there anyway u can make the background for the moon transparent so it blends in better?

For the rest i really like the vibe of the wallpaper just wanted to ask if it was possible

So thanks alot for the wallpaper in advance i do love the colors and the feel of it :D
\/\//\II/\CE 23 Nov, 2024 @ 11:24am 
sm0j 3 Nov, 2024 @ 10:46am 
I got it! Thank youu :sleepyjill:
Nico  [author] 3 Nov, 2024 @ 8:01am 
Hi there Thanks for the comments :Heart_m:, as for fonts here is a little tutorial.

The first thing you should do is download a font, I recommend searching on the Google Fonts website, it is usually quite useful

Once you have downloaded the font you must extract the zip to get the font file

In my case I downloaded the Itim font, when I extracted the zip I found a file called Itim-Regular.ttf

Now we will go to the Wallapaper properties, in the Mainhud dropdown , if you go down you will find the font section where you can import the fonts, either a title or a text.

Finally the only thing you have to do is import the font, you must copy the directory where the font is, for example: C:/users/username/desktop/Itim-Regular.ttf and paste it in the corresponding text input (title or content source)

and that's it, I hope it helps :steamthumbsup::happy_yeti:
sm0j 2 Nov, 2024 @ 10:44pm 
Best wallpaper ever for my side monitor! One question. For the Title, it says you can do custom font. I have seen presets where people do so. Yet, the only instruction is to "copy and paste my font directory into options." What options?? Do I just copy the font file somewhere? This is all I need to make my wallpaper perfect. please, someone..
Nico  [author] 23 Oct, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
Hello theree, thanks for all of the awards and comments!! :Heart_m::sadcattiva:

Here I leave you one of my latest projects in case you want to check it, still in progress but it would be like the equivalent of 3.0, its much more customizable, many more features and styles. I hope you like it. Widgets Project :spiffo: