Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

50 ratings
Customizable Titles
Type: UI
Game Mode: Singleplayer
Compatible Version: v1.2.11
File Size
450.023 KB
19 Jul, 2023 @ 1:48pm
7 Nov, 2024 @ 2:48pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Customizable Titles

What this mod does
A small mod that adds fully customizable titles to Bannerlord. Additionally, the names of owned villagers, caravans and the names of armies created by lords can be customized. Titles (and all the other options too) can be configured depending on kingdoms, cultures, individual lords and individual clans. For kingdoms and cultures titles can further be configured for the ruler and his clan and depending on clan tier.

This mod comes with a default configuration containing unique titles for the rulers and clan tiers 3-6 for all cultures present in the base game.

This mod includes a configuration UI to create, edit and delete your own configurations for this mod. There can be multiple active configurations at the same time. All active configurations are searched in order of their priority (defined in the configuration UI) until a configuration with title properties for the current lord is found.

When a configuration includes multiple sets of properties that apply to the same lord, they are merged together. In general, the properties defined in the more specific location take priority over those defined in a less specific location. Note, that this is only within one configuration, properties coming from different configurations are never merged.

For example:

A lord belongs to the clan "fen Seanel" and to a kingdom with the culture "Empire". There are rules defined for both the culture "Empire" and the clan "fen Seanel", then all properties defined for the clan "fen Seanel" overwrite all such properties in "Empire" for this lord, but all properties in "Empire" which are undefined in "fen Seanel" are still used. If we extend this example to also include the lords specific kingdom "Western Empire", then all properties defined for "Western Empire" overwrite those from the culture "Empire", but are still overwritten by those from the clan "fen Seanel".

Hopefully the hints in the configuration UI are enough to figure out the priority order when editing a configuration.

v1.1.3 Patch Notes
- added "Esc" as a hotkey to close the entire Customizable Titles configuration menu
- fixed a bug where portraits of supporting lords during kingdom decisions were not displayed if titles were applied

v1.1.2 Patch Notes
- fixed a potential crash to desktop during saving when conficting with other mods
- fixed a wrong pop-up title in the expert editor
- using the expert editor, you can now specifiy titles before and after the name for children
- using the expert editor, you can now specify pre- and postfixes to remove from a hero's name, e.g. to remove the base game name attachments for mercenary clans

v1.1.1 Patch Notes
- the titles for a ruler's children are now also customizable through the basic configuration menu

v1.1 Patch Notes
- Moved the save location of the configurations from the mod's installation folder to "ProgramDataProgramDataMount and Blade II BannerlordModsCustomizableTitles", so that configurations are no longer deleted when deleting the mod in order to make updating easier.
- active configs are now tracked per user (only starts after a user opens the game using this mod)
- the configuration menu of this mod is no openable while in-game through "Escape => Options => Mod Options => Customizable Titles"
- the hotkeys available in the configuration menu are now configurable via "Options => Keybindings"
- added a button to list the kingdoms and cultures present in the current campaign
- added a simpler menu, that hopefully allows people other than myself to configure configurations

Note that this update most likely deletes all configurations that did not come with this mod. I am sorry for that, this should be the only update where that happens

Importing configurations
Additionally, modders can use this mod to export configurations for this mod to include them in their mod. If you install such a mod, that configuration is automatically loaded as an uneditable default configuration. If you wish to reload such a default configuration:

For steam workshop mods
Head to the mod folder that contained the configuration, located in "Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent261550<<ModID>>", where ModID is the id of the mod that contained the configuration. To find out the mod id, head to its workshop page again and look at the url. That should include the id.
That folder should contain a file called "LoadedSuccessfully_CustomizableTitlesModConfig.json". Rename that file to "CustomizableTitlesModConfig.json". Then the configuration will be loaded again once your start Bannerlord the next time.

For NexusMods mods
Either head to the mod folder in the Modules directory of Bannerlord and rename the file "LoadedSuccessfully_CustomizableTitlesModConfig.json" to "CustomizableTitlesModConfig.json" or redownload that mod and extract the file "CustomizableTitlesModConfig.json" into the mod folder again.

For Modders
Modders of (total) conversion mods can also use the configuration UI of this mod to create and export a title configuration to include in their mod. That configuration is then automatically loaded by this mod if this mod is also installed by the user. When exporting a configuration, it is possible to set a UID, which can in the future be used to update your configuration by exporting a new configuration with the same UID.

The source code is available here:

To uninstall the settings of this mod, delete the directory "ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Mods\CustomizableTitles"
Galadnir  [author] 10 Dec, 2024 @ 5:04am 
@King Robert Targaryen of Essos
No, you can only create titles for cultures that already exist in your game (either from the base game or from other mods). This mod cannot be used to add additional cultures
Lucas | Midwest 4 Dec, 2024 @ 7:26pm 
@Galadnir is there a way to create my own culture
Earl of Wessex 24 Sep, 2024 @ 7:30pm 
@Galadnir, wow - so expedient! Thank you so very much for your efforts!
Galadnir  [author] 24 Sep, 2024 @ 11:20am 
@Earl of Wessex
"It would be really cool if we could alter the styles of address of children born to noble clans, by tier. I'm not sure if it's possible or easy to do, but it would add a lot to the experience." -- Assuming that request referred to children who are not yet of age, i just uploaded a small update with two new properties that can be set in the "Expert Editor" which allow one to set titles for such children
Earl of Wessex 15 Sep, 2024 @ 5:14am 
@Galadnir, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I`ll be sure to head to the Nexus to keep up to date and to give your mod an endorsement there, too. All the best!
Galadnir  [author] 15 Sep, 2024 @ 4:03am 
@Earl of Werssex, thanks for the kind words :)

The "Expert Editor" for this mod is definitely a confusing mess, but unfortunately i also dont really have any ideas to make it significantly better. If you have any specific use case in mind, feel free to just ask here. I check these comments semi-regularly. Alternatively, you can also check out the comments on the nexusMods page for this mod. I've already posted some small guides there after people asked for help there.

Adding titles to children should be doable. If it is, I'll probably add it the next time I update this mod.
Earl of Wessex 13 Sep, 2024 @ 9:46am 
@Galadnir, please allow me to expand on my journey with your mod:

Stage I - Hopeful, as this is the exact kind of mod I was after.
Stage II - Utter frustration at your menus (more like my own inability to navigate them).
Stage III - Bliss, as I finally figure it out (and embarrassed since you had already dumbed the menu down for people such as myself lol).
Stage IV - We are here... And I've a request for you, if you have the time.

It would be really cool if we could alter the styles of address of children born to noble clans, by tier. I'm not sure if it's possible or easy to do, but it would add a lot to the experience.

Either way, thank you so much for you mod. I really appreciate it and modders such as yourself, who add so much to the game. Cheers!
Galadnir  [author] 8 Aug, 2024 @ 2:01pm 
@Barbecue Thanks for the kind words :)

It is actually already possible to have different titles for the clan leader and the clan members. However, this is only possible using the "Expert Editor", which is a confusing mess of submenus.
If you could tell me what you want to do, I am hopefully able to provide you with instructions.
Barbecue 7 Aug, 2024 @ 5:52am 
I really love your mod! It would be cool if we could give a title only for a clan leader,and set a different title that goes to his clan members. Similar to the option to set titles for members of the ruling clan, but extend that option to each regular clan too.
Galadnir  [author] 12 Mar, 2024 @ 7:45am 
@Muse With the new update it should no longer crash on the current patch