Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Carte
Mots-clés d'addon: Jeu de rôle, Scénique, Réalisme
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22.495 MB
16 juil. 2023 à 20h43
26 nov. 2023 à 23h22
4 notes de changement ( voir )

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A port of borealis_001 from the 2001 version of the Half-Life 2 Beta. The whole map has been enhanced while the art-style has been preserved

New features:
- Enhanced lighting with baked ambient occlusion and higher resolution lightmaps
- Unused areas have been opened up and decorated
- AI Nodes with Nav Mesh
- Fully cubemapped (original didn't have any)

You can find the map tucked away in the "Other" section.
If you want the full Borealis map, check here
12 commentaires
¤[Joystick]¤ 26 nov. 2023 à 22h00 
Yeah this map breaks blood outright for some reason.
DoomQuake95 21 sept. 2023 à 23h29 
Half-Life 3 confirmed xD
DoomQuake95 21 sept. 2023 à 23h29 
damn! with my HD mods its def gonna look like something outta Crysis lol
shortnamesalex  [créateur] 12 aout 2023 à 23h46 
not my fault. i didnt touch the decals at all in this map
ST33ZIN420 12 aout 2023 à 23h41 
for some reason this map was messing with fully dynamic animated blood it would turn the blood into the pink and black error sign? how the hell do you mess up making a map that bad?
DenzelKuduro 21 juil. 2023 à 6h12 
I'm glad you mentioned "ARBEIT"
ABU HAAJAR 19 juil. 2023 à 22h39 
this map looks good but you guys should try it with rtx
Toby55DeadMaster 18 juil. 2023 à 12h26 
So, this is what those extra textures in the original game files are for, amazing!
Atla 18 juil. 2023 à 5h25 
Beautiful map
assam gaming 18 juil. 2023 à 3h23 
the screenshots looks slick damn