Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Mods of the Month: April 2023
Take a look at some of the best mods, assets, and maps from February 2023, as chosen by the team at Paradox.
Items (10)
Elevated Dual-Island Metro Station - Eco-Brutalism
Created by Frezzie
A Dual-Island Elevated Metro Station in Eco-Brutalist style, designed to blend seamlessly into your city's landscape. This station features a combination of the iconic style of brutalism with sustainability. Brutalism is a unique architectural movement tha...
ELVIS futuristic Lotte Hotel
Created by ELVIS
Built in 1988, the hotel has been remodeled over time.Enjoy your leisure time at this hotel with translucent glass finishes and luxury swimming pools. Asset Description It is a single part building of Lotte World remodeling project. Meet Lotte World's addi...
Natural Hedges
Created by pdelmo
Includes three props and one network. 8m & 16m conforming hedges 8m non conforming hedge for using prop snapping A network using the 8m non conforming hedge Hedges have a half meter over hang to be clipped together as they are not square blocks custom LOD ...
Nippon Sharyo DMU UP Express
Created by Cristolisto
The Nippon Sharyo Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) is a passenger train designed for the North American market and comply with EPA Tier 4 emission standards. There are 3 variants: A and B cars are streamlined. The only difference is that A cars have a restroom a...
Raffles City | 莱弗士城
Created by KaipingNo1
莱佛士城是一座位于新加坡市中心行政区大型复合建筑,该建筑由著名建筑师贝聿铭设计,这是贝聿铭在新加坡最早的设计作品。此地之前是莱佛士书院旧址,与著名历史景点莱佛士酒店比邻。其简洁的铝面外墙与几何外型设计,与周遭维多利亚建筑和古典建筑相比更为鲜明,并展现出现代主义风格,成为该区一座具特色地建筑。莱佛士城共有四座塔楼,在1986年完工时,进驻莱佛士城内73层楼的史丹福瑞士酒店曾是世界最高的酒店,目前则是世界第19高的酒店,另外还有一座26层高的双塔酒店新加坡费尔蒙特酒店。莱佛士城另有42层楼高的办公室大楼组成。 ...
Snohomish County - Focus Point Everett
Created by Frooty
Welcome to my Snohomish County - Focus Point Everett map! This meticulously crafted map brings the beauty and charm of the Pacific Northwest to your city-building experience. Focused on the city of Everett, the map stretches from Southern Marysville and Tu...
SPIRAL Building
Created by _luminou_
SPIRAL Building inspired by the real building "Spiral Tower" by Zaha Hadid in Barcelona. Adapted for the game like "Hospital" Triangles: 10.953 / 727 Texture: 2.048x1.024 / 512² Size: 8 x 8 Contain all texture and LOD file, no color change no DLC, no mod r...
Vanilla Modular Station Project
Created by Wiwi
Vanilla Modular Station Project ...if vanilla isn't enough vanilla for you! This project was a great personal desire and took a lot of work to create. The reason for this project was a nuisance: I wanted to build a train station between individual lanes of...
YMCA Metrocenter
Created by Gilded Age
Pick yourself off the ground and head to the Y.M.C.A. If you like my work, don't forget to give me a like with a "thumbs up" and feel free to comment. Follow my workshop to better track my ongoing uploads. About the building The Chester F. Carlson Metrocen...
[GROW] Barre Sabliere (Villiers/Bagneux, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Sablière/Hautes-Noues, Villiers-sur-Marne, 94 Val-de-Marne Cité Albert Petit, Bagneux, 92 Hauts-de-Seine Style: SICF-58 Logirex Construit en 1958, Apparence avant rénovation. Built in 1958, Apprearence before renovation. High Residential Lot size: 4x2...