Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

106 ratings
Wookiee Gamepad Support
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1.640 MB
23 Jan, 2023 @ 12:46pm
15 Jul, 2024 @ 9:06pm
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Wookiee Gamepad Support

I am on an indefinite hiatus from Project Zomboid. Feel free to use my code for future mods, and feel free to update my mods for B42. Please do not reuse their exact names or mod id's to avoid confusion and bugs for B41 players. I can only guarantee my mods worked when used alone before B42 dropped. I will no longer be retesting them when people have conflicts. Thanks for the support over the years.

This mod attempts to improve gamepad support for many aspects of both vanilla and modded Project Zomboid. It also improves some aspects of the game for KBM players.

Quick Reload

Pressing the rack button (L1 while aiming) will attempt to reload your weapon if this mod determines that your weapon needs to be reloaded. Shortcut must be enabled via Mod Options. Also works for keyboard players.

Trigger-Activated Speed Scrolling

Scroll through mod lists and inventory panels 5, 10, or 20 items at a time by holding left trigger, right trigger, or both!

Double-Click Action on Start Press

By pressing Start (a.k.a. Options or simply + on a Switch controller), you will activate the double-click shortcut of various items; I highly recommend pairing this feature with Quick Item Action!

Jump, Roll, Dodge, Climb, and Crawl

This mod supports Jump, Roll, Crawl, and Climb Wall by Tchernobill AND Dodge by Jesse & Tchernobill! Jump and Climb using X when appropriate. Roll by holding L2. Dodge by pressing L3 while aiming. Crawling is activated by either crouching or being near a vehicle and pressing Circle (or B). All of these mods rely on TchernoLib.

Sort Action on Select Press

Loop through the four possible sorting combinations (ascending or descending by type or category) using the Select button. No more is this priceless feature mouse-locked! The activated sort button will glow briefly to show you which sort you have just activated; you will sort each column twice before switching in order to access both the ascending and descending versions of each sort.

Save Inventory & Loot Locations on Gamepad

Now gamepad players can also save inventory and loot panel locations! Just enable the appropriate mod option in game, and your windows will stay where you put them. You can also switch the tooltip to "Beside Panel" mode for a tooltip that appears to the right or left of the selected panel, depending on whether you are on the left or right side of the screen. Additionally, you can even move the panels and resize them independently with your gamepad. Simply hold B (or Circle) and ONE of the two triggers (also known as R2 or L2) while pressing directions on your directional pad! While holding L2 + Circle, you will move the active panel; while holding R2 + Circle, you may resize the active panel. Press Y (or Triangle) while holding B (or Circle) in order to change the speed at which the panels move and grow!

Aquatsar Yacht Club Swimming Fix

Gamepad players lament the shortcut chosen for swimming in Aquatsar Yacht Club, because the shortcut prevents us from opening doors while jogging or sprinting. But today is a day for celebration! This mod patches that painful quirk of an otherwise great mod so that players on gamepad can now open doors quickly AND swim when it feels right. You will still be prompted to swim when you are actually facing water in which you might want to swim.

Braven's Camouflage Support

Allow your gamepad players to use Braven's Camouflage without reaching for a mouse!

Aquatsar Swim Rebinding

Gamepad players can simply tap B to swim when facing water.

Gamepad Support for Search Players For Weapons

Gamepad players can now Search Players For Weapons (using the popular Workshop mod) and safely back out of that menu without a mouse!

Character Creation Panel Improvements

Button positions have been slightly adjusted for maximum legibility on all font sizes. The clickable RANDOMIZE button now randomizes only your clothing (not your name, face, or gender). I also added a gamepad-sensitive CLOTHING button to access the same function using Square (also known as X).

PlayStation, Switch, and Steam Deck Button Support

Choose between Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and Steam Deck buttons in Mod Options! This will work even in the main menu, and it does not require you to overwrite any vanilla files, so players on crowded servers can freely use their gamepads of choice. Note that the Start Game screen is hardcoded in Java, so I cannot change the texture loaded there, and you cannot make an X prompt appear on that screen without overwriting a vanilla texture file. Editing that is unfortunately beyond the scope of this mod.

Autofocus on Server Option Categories

It always annoyed me that you have to hit left on a controller to access the list of server option categories and begin scrolling down. Well, no more! When you enter the server options screen, your joypad will automatically focus on the category panel, and when you are unfocused (in the save or cancel state), pressing down will start scrolling down the list of categories.

Gamepad Support for Trading UI

Request or accept trades, send or remove individual items or stacks, seal your trade and accept the deal with intuitive gamepad buttons (complete with useful context-dependent button-title changes when playing in English).

Gamepad Support for Safehouse UI

Claim your safehouse and release it when you're finished. Add players or remove them. Change the owner of your safehouse, rename it whenever you want, and access it from a distance!

Gamepad Support for Faction UI

Create a faction, name it, edit its tag and color, add or remove players, change ownership, and disband or quit your faction whenever you like! Additionally, this mod fixes the vanilla bug that allows players to change ownership to an invalid target of faction ownership, thus rendering the faction ownerless.


This mod requires Mod Options to access a variety of special in-game features, such as showing your name above your trade offerings, setting the opacity of the trade panel, using the informal possessive apostrophe on names ending in 's', reordering or realigning the header as you see fit, and toggling many options. Mod Options are found in the Mods tab of the Game Options menu under Gamepad Support.

Thanks for Reading!

Like this mod? Feel free to check out my other stuff on the workshop!

I strongly recommend Pretty Option Tooltips, Interface Reflexes, and MORE! Enjoy!


Workshop ID: 2922618524
Mod ID: WookieeGamepadSupport
Popular Discussions View All (1)
8 Aug, 2023 @ 4:35am
All is alright now, praise the Wookie!!!
Preman Kampung
Burryaga  [author] 24 Jan @ 1:37am 
If anyone fixes it and sends me the solution, I will consider updating even though I am pretty much done with this game emotionally.
Burryaga  [author] 24 Jan @ 1:36am 
I'm not sure how, but some update to True Crawl broke this mod's support for it, so it is no longer supported unless I decide to go figure it out again. Sorry everyone.
Burryaga  [author] 21 Jan @ 12:16pm 
Can't really explain that without more info as it is not normal behavior, but if you DM me on Discord, I will try to help you troubleshoot the issue. My name on Discord is the same as my name on Steam: Burryaga.
edward42017 20 Jan @ 5:12am 
Need help it was working for crouching now it stoped
Burryaga  [author] 30 Dec, 2024 @ 5:30pm 
If you are playing Build 42, I know nothing about it. I do not recall having any controller issues in the tutorial I played in Build 41. I have heard controller support is coming to Build 42 in the near future. I am personally going with patience for now and playing other games meanwhile.
bushido 30 Dec, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
is there a way to fix the directional pad input, when testing the duelshock input I can see that the directional pads are being recognised however in the tutorial it seems to not recognise my directional buttons
Burryaga  [author] 22 Dec, 2024 @ 10:22am 
Yeah I am not planning to do their work for them in that regard. Elyon's Building Menu for B41 is awesome for gamepad users and they have complete access to that. I don't feel we should have to add that support for them. I'm not touching B42 until it's more complete, and probably not until it is considered stable. Bless the poor modder who decides to do all the support for the new stuff before Indie Stone does, but I haven't had much enthusiasm for Project Zomboid lately, and I won't be rushing to beat them to features during the unstable solo beta.
MM×wasted 22 Dec, 2024 @ 9:38am 
so it is not possible you can create a gamepad settings that at least do what u can do in game. Cause this **** u cant build, u cant craft nty with controller so... I know its hard work, but if i had to wait 2 or 3 months until they will do something...
Burryaga  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 4:00pm 
Unlikely, to be honest. I won't be interested in B42 until vanilla 42 is a universal upgrade from vanilla 41. Right now, B42 gamepad support is still a WIP and controller play is "not recommended", meaning I would likely find myself doing things that they will already do (hopefully) before B42 is officially out of optional beta state. I also won't be terribly inspired to begin coding for B42 until it has multiplayer support, as I only ever bought PZ to play online with friends after MP was added in B41.

Once B42 is official and multiplayer is back, I'll probably be more inspired to mod it.
Preman Kampung 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:47pm 
So, any plan to support B42 unstable anytime soon?