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Disable Futara's Dragon Race Hunger Rate Alteration
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11 Jan, 2023 @ 7:15pm
12 Jan, 2023 @ 8:09pm
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Disable Futara's Dragon Race Hunger Rate Alteration

In 2 collections by Davwyn
Davs Dragon Starbound Collection
54 items
Davs FU Dragon Collection
72 items
This simple mod disables the food hunger rate tweak done by the Futara's Dragon Race mod for the dragon race.


1: Because of how the Futara Dragon Species works, the value for HGMod (the modifier for how much to slow down your huger) is applied directly to the player permanently when a new character is made, you must install this mod before making your Futara Dragon character, otherwise it will have no effect.

2: Characters made while this mod was in effect will PERMANENTLY no longer have a food rate modifier. Even if you uninstall this mod your character will have the same hunger rate as a vanilla race.

With this mod enabled Futara's Dragon species will get hungry at the same rate as all other vanilla races. This works great with normal huger rate mods without doubling the effect. For example 1hr hunger rate mods will be 1hr for Futara's Dragon species too now instead of compounding and becoming several hours.