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Bottomless potions
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23 Jun, 2022 @ 9:07am
1 Jul, 2022 @ 5:54pm
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Bottomless potions

Bottomless potions adds craftable and combinable unlimited basic potions just like LuiAfk did with the buffs.

It currently adds unlimited combat buffs, along with unlimited gills and obsidian skin potions.

Exploration buffs and potions are now WIP (spriting takes time)

Xero 10 Jun, 2023 @ 10:36pm 
nawh mane just made a gay potion :jarate::physgun:
⨂yemax 30 Aug, 2022 @ 8:25pm 
aw that's a shame, really good concept.
Captain Zeddy  [author] 16 Jul, 2022 @ 1:23pm 
due to the existance of the "miningcrack's take on luiafk" mod, i announce that this mod wont be further updated.
Captain Zeddy  [author] 10 Jul, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
if i dont like the content im making i would feel bad. Making sprites myself gives the mod personality + i like it that way
Rain 10 Jul, 2022 @ 10:37am 
Wouldn't an easier but more functional approach to this be making any potion stacks that are above 30 (Different number for healing potions) just become infinite and automatically consume, just like LuiAFK?
Captain Zeddy  [author] 29 Jun, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
i could also just increase the max number of buffs in the game but there is a limit for a reason
Captain Zeddy  [author] 29 Jun, 2022 @ 2:08pm 
i was planning to that but im not sure of how to do it yet, because having a single buff wit all the previous buffs will allow things like ironskin or regeneration potions to overlay with the main buff, granting double the bonuses for free and thats kinda broken.

I want to mantain the mod experience as vanilla as possible, thats why i intended in the begginning to make only one type of supper potion for each aspect of the game (combat, exploration or building, etc..) and force the player to switch between potions in their inventories.
Wiasor 29 Jun, 2022 @ 8:08am 
Hi Zeddy, first of all much apprecieted for the mod- saves a lot of clicking. One question though, would it be possible to make the Vaccine a single buff combining all of the included into a single entity i.e. Vaccine which has all of the effects? Terraria has a limit of 21 buffs, and when 22nd comes up, the leftmost is removed. It can get fucky with all other buffs like spelunkers/well fed/aggro potions etc. Having a single buff for the final form of the potion would make a worlds of difference. Cheers
Captain Zeddy  [author] 29 Jun, 2022 @ 7:21am 
its not hard, i could add it yeah
Sommelier de Cigarros 27 Jun, 2022 @ 12:15pm 
hey Zeddy, idk how difficult is, but, do you think in add flasks too? (flask of poison, flask of ichor, etc)