The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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The Saul
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Tags: Graphics
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3.789 KB
7 mag 2022, ore 3:42
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The Saul

Replaces The Soul with a very low quality version of Saul Goodman's head (in the shape of The Soul). Came up with the idea while watching Breaking Bad at around 2 in the morning. Credits to Skapaloka#5421 for the sprite.
28 commenti
mcyum6815 13 giu 2024, ore 17:02 
TheSilentGamer  [autore] 15 nov 2022, ore 2:43 
It's a simple resprite mod, with the only lua file existing so that its compatible with EID, along with renaming the item. It should otherwise have no impact on the chance of it appearing within an angel room
Joakin-San 14 nov 2022, ore 16:18 
This mod is god, but it seems that it has a bug that greatly increases the appearance rate in the rooms of the angels.
killer_bug 11 set 2022, ore 1:56 
this mod really makes me sussy
grass 4 set 2022, ore 20:37 
you uh, okay?
paris Aota 26 ago 2022, ore 21:15 

This mod has changed my life.

In the beforetimes, I was a complete loser. I always kept my bad unbroken and my favorite color was Hamlindigo Blue, which I now realize to be an affront to justice. I even refused to fuell Huell, later resulting in him being forced to eat Kim Wexler. In short, I was a horrible person with no life.
paris Aota 26 ago 2022, ore 21:15 

Then I found this mod. As soon as I pressed the subscribe button, I came to a shocking realization: I have rights. Or at least, the constitution says that I do. I immediately called Saul, but my own phone was the one that started ringing.

Over the next few days, I experienced some changes: I started to slip and fall more, my hairline receded, I felt an unbearable urge to throw bowling balls onto peoples' cars. I even defecated into a sunroof at one point. It wasn't in Chicago though, and that is a fact which I will always regret.

Soon, I looked into the mirror and saw a familiar face; not my own visage, which I had grown accustomed to over the years. No. The person staring back at me was clearly a sigma male who was born to protect people who were out partying, just minding their own business.

It took a while, but eventually, I accepted my new life as the world's second best lawyer. And today, I am truly proud to say: I am Saul.
Man Of Bread 5 ago 2022, ore 7:34 
Better Call Saul
achuso 29 lug 2022, ore 13:38 
And he gets to be an Angel Room item? What a sick joke!
Mr. D. Krinkle 5 giu 2022, ore 10:02 
hello fellow hutts viewers