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Cathayan Power
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12 Aug, 2024 @ 3:52pm
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Cathayan Power


Updated 8.12.24

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Hello I am Theakrus and Welcome to my Cathay Unit Mod.

This mod gives 4 new units as variants of existing units for a more interesting and expanded experience while maintaining balance and flavor.

-Sky-junk (Star Flash Rockets)
A Sky-junk that fires blinding magical projectiles that heavily disrupt unit formations. Very good against ranged units, specially Tzeentch pink and blues, only about 60% of the regular Sky-junks firepower with less explosive damage and ap.

-Sky-junk (Sky Cannon)
A Sky-junk equipped with a sky cannon, this cannon fires a burst of 3 projectiles that have less mass, velocity and range than that of the traditional Grand Cannon. It's angle of fire allows it to make contact more consistently regardless of terrain. (The animation was not rigged for shooting 3 projectiles in a volley so it will show 66 ammunition in battles 3 shots per volley = 22 when out of battle, cannot change this)

-Jade Warriors (Spears)
Jade Warriors equipped with spears. Pretty straight forward, nothing out of the ordinary here.

-Celestial Dragon Guard (Tower Shields)
These Celestial Dragon Guard function as a durable line unit for late game. They have really nice shield block chance and charge defense. Their high stats make them hard to get through and they cost *slightly* less than their counterparts with reduced damage output. They'll be better at clearing chaff.

Please see breakdown of unit stats above.

All units scale with their counterparts via redline skills and tech. They are pretty standardized considering they are just variants of existing unit class.

This mod's unit cards were commissioned by R1iko please checkout/use his mod as the unit cards will seamlessly go with his stunning work.

Thank you to Moloch this literally wouldn't have been possible without him, the Cannon Junk is 110% his design and together we worked through A LOT to make it work over the last months. Not to mention the constant retex with .dds files (see contributors).

Thank you to Hazard for the awesome cinematic screenshots on short notice!!!

Thank you Dead Baron for letting me use the rerigged shield asset from the Jade Warriors (Shields) Standalone mod


20+ Mods and counting, may see something else you like!

Q: Will you make this mod compatible with X-Y-Z/make a sub mod for X-Y-Z?

A: No, this is the most annoying request for modders, please DO NOT ask for this, there are plenty of people who only do submods, please ask them. PLEASE


Q: Why is this mod making my game crash?

A: Please uncheck and check all of your mods, if this mod works alone then it isn't crashing your game it is conflicting with another mod editing the same tables.


Q: Can you add these units? Is there a combined file for all your mods?

A: I rarely update my mods with new unit requests as I am constantly moving to and assisting other projects, these mods are included in my collections please subscribe to all at once there.

I love comments and feedback but with the volume of them all I ask is you read these descriptions before commenting, if your comment was deleted/ignored there is a 99% chance it was addressed in this description.



Per SEGA EULA this mod contains (your being my)
Originally posted by SEGA EULA:
your original creative work and I also agree that SEGA may use the Mod in any manner it deems appropriate
but not unaffiliated users for commercial use or monetary gain. Please use a submod. Regarding the assets in this mod
Originally posted by SEGA EULA:
you shall not sell, rent, lease, license, distribute or otherwise transfer or exploit the exploit the Modding Tools and/or Mods or any copies thereof, for commercial gain or otherwise
is strictly prohibited and will be answered with a DMCA takedown.

i.e. This mods custom Models & or Assets. Theakrus 2022.
Gluttonous creature 29 Sep, 2024 @ 1:29pm 
could you make tower shield jade warriors?
antentacion 27 Aug, 2024 @ 9:09am 
needs update for 5.2, alot of the units do not benefit from redline and tech buffs, aswell as yuan bo skill. and spears have 80 armor instead of 70. otherwise great mod
raw666 24 Aug, 2024 @ 2:46pm 
Never mind, they seem to work now but could still do a update.
fangdowns 13 Aug, 2024 @ 9:27pm 
Thank you for the update.
SID 4 Jun, 2024 @ 12:45am 
not up to date
Chiron Blanse 4 May, 2024 @ 9:26am 
crashes the game when clicking next turn
Guvenoren 2 May, 2024 @ 8:07am 
Hope to see an update to this mod
J 27 Apr, 2024 @ 7:11pm 
Units work but Melee units from the mod does not get +15 Armor buff from Ziao Ming's faction bonus
icyricee 15 Mar, 2024 @ 1:32am 
Commenting to get notification when update comes
Zedric 11 Mar, 2024 @ 10:49am 
Units still work - but needs an update for yaun boa so added units can receive buffs