Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Buryline Compact BA
Blueprint: Base
Tags: Blueprint
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23 Apr, 2022 @ 9:15am
1 May, 2022 @ 1:39pm
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Buryline Compact BA

In 1 collection by dirkdjently
Buryline Base Collection
11 items

- Flight Deck: added 4 cargo boxes & ATM
- Living Quarters: added 6 cargo boxes, re-arranged other equipment more sensibly
- Utility Room: Added T2 fuel tank & armor locker, removed angled ceiling, updated shutter doors, added deco
- Updated names of all cargo & devices for better Logistics (F4) experience (unique, location-based names)


Buryline Compact BA is the "premier" base of the Buryline series. Though smaller, cheaper, and less level-intensive than its big brother (Buryline BA XD), the Buryline Compact is a more competent and useful survival base in almost every way.

Like all Buryline creations, the Buryline Compact BA is meant to be installed partially underground, where all utilities essential to base operations are kept safe by meters of dirt and rock. This allows for a very small visible footprint, pushing large ungainly gear like shield generators underground and freeing up space topside for amenities, parking, and serious firepower.

Most incredibly, all this gear, weaponry, and defensive capacity can be maintained by solar power alone, given the right solar conditions, of course. I've tested it on a desert world that had incredibly long and bright days, and the Buryline Compact BA was able to solo waves of enemy drones spawned at the highest levels and amounts the game will allow, while maintaining the base & shields with just solar. No generators. Pretty cool.


All base facilities (including the shield) can be maintained on solar power alone.

Unique Solar Panel Arrangement! If this base is installed correctly (to the double-white bury-line), the solar panels appear to be separate from the base, with grass growing around and between them. Of course, they are part of the base, connected with underground "arms" that can be partially exposed if installation terrain is not perfectly flat.


* Primary Solar Power - 12 advanced solar panels supply enough power to power the entire base (it will completely maintain a charged shield, even in battle)
* Backup Power - Small generator, solar backup. Provides enough power for everything but shield charging.
* Charging Power - Large generator for shield charging & advanced power needs


* Accessible - Level 12 base with Tier 2 CPU
* Practical - Heavily armed and shielded but can run everything on solar power. Engineered and organized for easy entry & so that 100% of base facilities can be accessed from the main living space.
* Amazing 360-degree views - Everything above-ground was made with great views in mind
* Easy entry - 360-degree ground-level access doors
* Great parking - Larger SV landing pad can hold very large SV's and even a small CV. The deck-railing around the living level can easily hold small SV's like jrandall's 'Mite' craft. See screenshots. There's lots of parking.
* Survivable - everything important to the base's survival is UNDERGROUND, including generators, fuel tanks, O2 tanks, shield generator, ammo storage, core, solar batteries, and CPU extenders.
* Strong gun complement - 8 vulcan turrets & 4 flak cannons
* Battle-Tested - Can take waves of enemy drone attacks without a noticeable effect on shields.


Use PGUP/PGDN to lower the base so that the bury-line (white double-line) is JUST BARELY above ground level. This will ensure that (a) the only area with dirt inside is the utility room, and (b) the solar panels sit properly on top of the ground.

After installation, you can dig out the utility room with a hand-drill in <5 minutes. However, if you don't feel like digging or have no intention on ever visiting the utility room, you can safely leave all that dirt in place. Just fill Fuel/O2/Ammo via the Base UI.


Power management uses both the SIGNALS and CUSTOM section of the base UI panel:

* CUSTOM: SentryGuns, AAGuns, ExteriorLights, LandingPadLights, RepairBay, Constructor
* SIGNALS: LowPowerGen, HighPowerGen


1: Open Base UI ('P' key)
2: Turn on Large Generator (HighPowerGen)
3: Turn on Shields
4: Watch power usage via Base UI: When charging, kW usage will go up to a large number (about 25kW). When charging is complete, kW usage will drop back down to a maintenance level (about 1.1kW)
5: Turn off Large Generator (HighPowerGen)
6: (optional) If solar energy is sufficient, also turn off Small Generator (LowPowerGen). If you are producing more solar power than you consume, the base will run shields indefinitely on solar.


Eight (8) gatling turrets, four (4) flak turrets, eight (8) sentry guns


The base works fine in Reforged Eden, but needs two more CPU expanders to be CPU compliant with the configured loadout. I imagine all the guns are eating up CPU. Space has already been allocated for more CPU extenders in the utility room. Look behind the existing CPU modules: there are 6 frame blocks serving as placeholders for additional CPU extenders. You can easily stack 3 improved/advanced CPU extenders.

Changing the build to make it Reforged Eden compliant will raise the base level to 20 and significantly increase the cost of rare materials for everyone, so I'd rather leave it at level 12 and let Reforged Eden players make their own modifications for now.


Each of the two Container Contollers holds 72K, which is a far-cry from the 320K maximum but that's hard to reach when base size is a prime consideration. For now, I've added a lot of additional containers to the flight deck and living quarters, and named them uniquely to make the Logistics (F4) menu easy to read. This is how they show up in the Logistics menu:

- Container Controller, Ammo
- Container Controller, Left
- Container Controller, Right
- Elevator Cargo, Top Left
- Elevator Cargo, Top Middle
- Elevator Cargo, Top Right
- Elevator Cargo, Bottom Left
- Elevator Cargo, Bottom Right
- Flightdeck Cargo 1
- Flightdeck Cargo 2
- Flightdeck Container 1
- Flightdeck Container 2
- Fridge, Left
- Fridge, Right
- Main Level Floor Cargo
- Personal Locker


* A handful of screenshots were taken with specific SV's (and in one case, a CV) parked on the roof. If you are interested in those vehicles, check out the Buryline Base Collection -- it has all the vehicles I included in screenshots.
WollieG 29 Apr, 2022 @ 10:53am 
ahh thanks for the info, i will build an advanced constructor.
dirkdjently  [author] 29 Apr, 2022 @ 10:23am 
@WollieG I did a little looking. You can make Optonic Bridges yourself, but you have to do it on an Advanced Constructor for the blueprint to show up.
dirkdjently  [author] 29 Apr, 2022 @ 10:16am 
They are craftable items, as of Alpha 11. See https://devtrackers.gg/empyrion/p/8c7ac5e2-alpha-11-5-refinements

Also, you can get them at specific POI's and Ultra-rare loot containers, but I understand the drop rate was super low, which is why they implemented them as craftable items in A11. Not sure what you have to unlock to be able to build them.
WollieG 29 Apr, 2022 @ 1:35am 
Hi, i really want to built this base but cannot find the last item on the list to build it. Its the "Large Optronic bridge" x 2.
I have no such item that i can build.
I play vanilla game.