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Crusader Kings III

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The Catholic Trinity: 1.14.3 "Traverse"
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2022년 1월 24일 오전 9시 27분
2025년 3월 1일 오후 10시 01분
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The Catholic Trinity: 1.14.3 "Traverse"

Uber님의 1 모음집
The Kingdom of Heaven Mod Suite
아이템 5개

The Catholic Trinity
is a mod that originated as simply another module from The Kingdom of Heaven mod that has evolved into an independent and standalone mod for your CK3 games. The Catholic Trinity aims to expand your game-play by increasing the depth and flavour of Catholicism by introducing mechanics like the College of Cardinals, Investiture, Sainthood, and Anti-popes - all while now allowing you to play as the Papacy!. Overall these features come together to provide a truly unique Catholic experience for all players.

Over time, this mod intends to expand by introducing even more mechanics, more events, and more decisions, to eventually become the central mod for everything Catholicism (and perhaps even Christianity). Within my discord and in many posts from the PDX Forums and Reddit people have already suggested hundreds of incredible concepts - concepts that I hope to one day bring to life within this mod for us all to enjoy - If you have some ideas or thoughts, join said discord!

  • Investiture
    Investiture is the formal installation or ceremony in which a person is given the authority and regalia of a high office. Throughout the Middle Ages, Investiture was used to refer to the ability to choose and install bishops. The question of who has the right of Investiture has been hotly contested throughout the medieval period by the Church and secular powers. Within Catholic Trinity, there are two levels of Investiture: Papal Investiture and Free Investiture. These laws decide who has control over things such as the succession of your theocratic vassals and the appointment of Realm Priests. Having Papal Investiture allows the Pope control in return for some higher opinion of the player, while Free Investiture allows the player far greater control over these matters (along with a hefty tax boost from theocratic vassals). However, users of Free Investiture beware - the Pope may not approve of your disregard for his alleged right.

  • To help players distinguish what type of Investiture realms may have, Catholic Trinity comes with a brand new map-mode! Found within the Investiture Tab on the Faith Screen, this map-mode will display realms with Free Investiture as orange while realms with Papal Investiture are white.

  • In the many conflicts between the Papacy and secular rulers, none were as severe than the question of the legitimacy of the Bishop of Rome. When a Pope has their election disputed or qualifications challenged, their opposition may go as far as to hold up another as the true Bishop of Rome. This contender is known as an Antipope - a person who, in opposition to the elected pope, makes a significant attempt to occupy the position of Bishop of Rome and leader of the Catholic Church.

  • The new Anti-pope mechanics, made in collaboration with the modder Amur4ick, introduce a new way to navigate the game of religious politics in Europe. When appointed, the Anti-pope acts within your realm as if he was the true Pope in Rome. Foreign rulers wishing to excommunicate any player with an Anti-pope may find an issue - as they need to convince your Anti-pope versus the sitting Pope in Rome. This applies for every religious character interaction, such as request gold, divorce spouse, request claim (so long as the desired claim is within your overall realm), repent sins/indulgence, etc.

  • However what if an appointer of an Anti-pope wants to do even more? Maybe they wish to extend the power of their Anti-pope and install the Anti-pope as the true Bishop of Rome? Fear not! Such ambitious characters can take a decision to begin a war with the Papacy to install your Anti-pope as the true and legitimate Vicar of Christ.

    The College
  • A Cardinal is a senior member of the clergy of the Catholic Church, immediately behind the pope in the order of precedence. Collectively, they constitute the College of Cardinals, and are appointed for life. The College advises the pope about church matters and attends various functions as a matter of protocol, however their most important duty is the election of a new Pope in the event of the death or resignation of the former Pope. The College is comprised of 21 Cardinals who are automatically appointed by the Pope from among the clergy. Whenever a current Cardinal dies (or ascends to the position of Pope), their replacement is determined by whoever has the greatest "Cardinal Score" among all the Catholic clergy.

    The Praedictus
  • The Praedictus is a term used to describe the clergyman most likely to be appointed a member of the College of Cardinals. Upon the death of a Cardinal or the accession of one to the Papal Throne, the Praedictus is immediately inducted into the College as their newest Cardinal while the election for the next Cardinal begins anew.

  • Secular rulers can have a role to play in the appointment of the next Cardinal. Through investing gold in increments of 50, rulers can boost their candidate's Cardinal Score in hope of making them the Praedictus. Please do note that the Pope himself cannot have a candidate.

    The Papabile
  • The Papabile is a term used to describe the Roman Catholic man, in practice always a Cardinal, who is thought a likely candidate to be elected Pope. For Catholic Trinity, the Papabile signifies the character who will become the next Pope and is the Cardinal who has the highest Papal Score, with Papal Score being essentially the same as Cardinal Score but without the ability for rulers to invest gold. The Papabile Cardinal will inherit the Papacy upon the death of the Pope and another Cardinal will be appointed to the College in his stead.

    Playable Pope
  • Catholic Trinity comes with the ability to play the Pope in Rome! Along with simply having the Pope as a playable character, Catholic Trinity includes a variety of new content to experience as the Supreme Pontiff such as new events, decisions, Crusade interactions, and more!

  • Using the current systems for the College of Cardinals mentioned above, player Popes will have their titles be inherited by the expected Papabile upon their death and be able to play perfectly

  • Saints are persons in heaven, who lived heroically virtuous lives, offered their lives for others, or were martyred for the faith, and who are worthy of imitation. Sainthood is a mechanic I wished to introduce much like Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury, We wanted a way to reward dynasties and players who played piously and led a good Catholic Life.

  • Becoming a Saint creates a Tomb of a Saint within the capital county of said Saint, The Tomb of a Saint is represented with a modifier which is to bring great monetary benefits; showing insight into the travel of Pilgrims to the 'Holy Site' of the Tomb of The Saint, a religious location of the celebration.

  • As a ruler, you may Pilgrimage to these Saintly Tombs and visit the resting place of these great saints from the times before, and you will be able to personally name your children after these Saints with a newly provided button to name your children.

Kingdom of Heaven Discord Link
Expanded Series Discord Link

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인기 토론 모두 보기(7)
2025년 1월 19일 오후 5시 59분
2025년 2월 8일 오후 1시 40분
2024년 4월 9일 오후 12시 36분
Latin as a Court Language
댓글 1,217
tilarium 2025년 3월 8일 오후 2시 37분 
Probably a mod conflict. Any other religion mods or mods that alter the UI?
Johnny 5 2025년 3월 8일 오전 10시 21분 
Any idea why i cant find college of cardinals on the catholic screen?
Hypo(s) 2025년 3월 6일 오전 11시 14분 
Work on MP?
我滴个神啊 2025년 3월 6일 오전 12시 46분 
So when I unlock the ghw how can I declare it as pope? Muslims can wage jihad against me but I don't know the way to declare a Crusade. However, if I change my character to other temporal rulers the pope will declare it .
Uber  [작성자] 2025년 3월 5일 오전 9시 35분 
Working to fix that: but that decision wasn't to start a great holy war anyways.
我滴个神啊 2025년 3월 5일 오전 9시 28분 
The decision "Call a small crusade" doesn't work. My money decreased after I clicked it but nothing happened. So how can i declare a ghw as a Spiritual Heads of Faith?
Vovaloshka 2025년 3월 4일 오후 9시 30분 
At the beginning of the game, all countries accept free investiture. Nonsense
稠环芳烃 2025년 3월 4일 오전 2시 24분 
Is it normal that the pope cannot appoint court priests in the case of the papal mandate?
radwilly1 2025년 3월 2일 오후 12시 27분 
@無壹 I believe it's still being worked on; the files are there but it's not activated yet.
無壹 2025년 3월 2일 오전 3시 25분 
I haven't found that when i refused the pope