Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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Items (453)
Created by ViviVinya
Making a long-awaited return from Super Mario Bros. 2, it's Tweeter! This lively little bird will follow you around anywhere! I wonder what secrets lie behind that mask... This buddy is compatible with Shy Guy's alternate skins! If you enjoy this buddy, pl...
Tweety Bird (REUPLOAD) Buddie
Created by CWSKB
I Taw a Taw a Puddy Tat I Did I taw a buddie i'm now your buddie puddy tat this got remove for some reasons sprites from tweety bird game for sega genesis https://www.spriters-resource.com/genesis_32x_scd/sylvestertweetycc/sheet/45229/...
Twilight Cliffs [Yuurand]
Created by SphericalCube
Twilight Cliffs from the game Yuurand, an impressive and expansive randomized Metroidvania built in an archaic engine based off of Zelda 1 for the NES. As this is my first stage, feedback is appreciated....
Twinkle Mart (Super Paper Mario)
Created by Super Isaiah
"Welcome to Twinkle Mart! If we're not closed, we're open!" Twinkle Mart is a shop located in the Outer Limits of space in Super Paper Mario, Chapter 4-3. This store is run by a pink version of Howzit. The Aether version of this stage has space mechanics....
Twinkle Park
Created by Spamite
Fight within the royal resort known as Twinkle Park! Cute Couples get in free. https://i.imgur.com/a8udZ3N.png Music: Twinkle Park Hammer Drop (Music by NitroAnilin) Bingo Highway (Remix Ver.) Starlight Carnival Casino Night Pinball Credits: Publisher - Sp...
Typing Outside
Created by elektricPunk
Welcome to the beginner level! Typing Outside is a sprite revamp of the outside level from Mario Teaches Typing. Part of the Mario Teaches Typing pack....
Created by TheKrazyStew
The Wandering Space Merchant Uhfo has arrived! He's not looking for a fight; he just seems here for the show....
U.A. High
Created by LUCKYRiCK
Battle it out on U.A. High School from My Hero Academia! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music used on this Stage: Track 1 - You Say Run V2 (Blast Processed) My Hero Academia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJs...
Ui Goku
Created by DLshadows
Yes it's him, Mr.Ultra Instinct himself. But he's no meme, this is a fully made character ready to fight a..mostly fair fight. With full 32 alts and support for several fellow workshop creations. Ui goku is a combo heavy glass cannon with plenty of flashy ...
UIC (Buddy)
Created by Yosi
Universal Ice Climbers mod, but a buddy. - Projectiles don't spawn in the correct location and may not always have the correct velocity - Visual offset bugs with Zetterburn Up Special and Maypul Tether Up Special Why do the double hitboxes hit twice someti...
UI Simon v.1.30
Created by T-squared
Simon has mastered UI...
Ultima Thule (Endwalker Spoilers)
Created by Scruff0
The final area from Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The stage will occasionally spin to the other side, changing the perspective and moving the platform across the stage. Default music track is "Close in the Distance". Crossfades to the vocal version on last...
Ultimate Chimera
Created by PK_King544
If you run into a red, huge-mouthed Chimera, do absolutely NOTHING to it. Got that? I've warned you....
Ultimate Dirk
Created by Bucketman
Dirk Strider's Ultimate Self, having acheived command over every iteration of himself, joins Rivals of Aether! Literally just busted Dirk. If you're here to have fun don't download him. He's for taking stress out on Ronalds. He can ko Boss!Zetta, Cosmic Ro...
Unable to sync files
Created by PROPLAYEN
Steam was unable to sync your files for Rivals Of Aether with the Steam Cloud...
Umbra Clock Tower
Created by FuZZ_lol
Umbra Clock Tower from BAYONETTA! Features 4 Vocal tracks from the Bayonetta series: -Mysterious Destiny -Tomorrow is Mine -Red and Black (Pachislot) -Scent of Love (Pachislot) Cupcake by Buttercup: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21...
Under the Bridge
Created by Notakin
Duke it out in Big Band's home stage, Under the Bridge!...
Underground Aqueduct
Created by VVizard
From the launch titile for the GBA, comes a stage based on the very underrated Castlevania Circle of The Moon, enjoy the beautiful renditions of new classics and soak in the blood fountain here in RoA Includes the following tracks: - Awake - Clockwork - Fa...
Created by Hoodie
A Battle Ground Under The Surface (Sprites Ripped By Random Talking Bush On Spriters Resorce & Underground Remix By Rifti Beats On Youtube)...
Underfell Sans
Created by Mr. Happy
Everyone's favorite angst skeleton makes his way into Rivals to watch you fight from the sidelines, and even maybe cheer you on. Simply because he's too lazy to fight himself, why do all the dirty work when he can have the 'PLAYER' do it right? Made this w...
Underswap Papyrus
Created by Mr. Happy
Pap decided to join Rivals on the sidelines? Why? He's lazy. But maybe he'll cheer you on as you fight, not having to do the dirty work sounds pretty good. Made this with help from a friend, and it's obviously based on Classic Underswap....
Underground Zone
Created by Spamite
Some would consider this to be the only zone of Sonic 2, and considering the rocky caves, painfully persistent lava streams, and so on. Yeah, we see why. Music List: Underground Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Game Gear) Rusty Ruin Zone - Sonic 3D Blast (Mega...
Undertale - Last Corridor
Created by NyxTheShield
Directly from Undertale, Last Corridor makes an appearance in the world of Aether, with a custom fully animated background and parallax effects! Music and Background FX by NyxTheShield! Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nyxtheshield...
Underworld stage from the game The Messenger...
Created by srPerez
Undyne from Undertale is here! Use your spear to wrack up damage on your enemies and throw projectiles to annoy them to DEATH!...
Unfamiliar Place Again
Created by hyuponia
The reddest RoA stage yet. Boss arena of the character Miru, from Rabi-Ribi. also known as Warp Destination. Theme 'M.R.' by Triodust. if it's too red or too nauseating (this is not as a mockery, i understand how it feels and i often think about it when i ...
Unfinished Magolor
Created by Frost Falcon
Everyone's favorite backstabbing traitor from Kirby's Return to Dreamland has arrived. This rendition of Magolor is a zoner with strong mobility and projectiles, however he also has some fancy tricks you can take advantage of to get the upper hand. Neutral...
Created by Dr. %NaN%
E S C A P E https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1871805410106612423/8247B14FE709B7D0AD471A8A020030AAD18EA079/ Shaped like ancient text characters, it is a mystery as to which came first, the ancient writings or the various Unown. Unown's special abi...
Unrecognizable Tower
Created by tictactø
Said to be the origin of the A3-Y55 compound, this tower stood out as one of the first labaratories and towers in all of Aether. Now, all that is left of the once glorious tower is a husk......
Unregistered HyperCam 2
Created by Dr. %NaN%
Helo evry1 and welcom 2 my rivals of ether tuotrial https://i.ibb.co/ssJWP8F/uhc-overview.png Built by an unknown engineer with a heavy sense of nostalgia, this little camcorder-robot is more than combat ready, boasting a mechanical arm, a razor-sharp saw,...
Untitled Goose (Old)
Created by RuberCuber
Here is a copy of old Untitled Goose as of 22 September 2020. The current Untitled Goose had a major rework/reprite, check it out here: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1894361290...
Untitled Goose Buddy
Created by izzi :3
The goose is on the loose! Featured on Failboat's video!...
Created by DirtAccent
Usopp was born and raised in Syrup Village, serving as captain of the Usopp Pirates and being Kaya's close friend. After working with the Straw Hats to defeat Kuro and the Black Cat Pirates, he was invited to join the crew. Despite his normal cowardice, Us...
VA-11 Hall-A
Created by Endarp
"Time to mix drinks and change lives." -Jill Stringray VA-11 Hall-A bar from VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Music: Friendly Conversation Hopes and Dreams Every Day Is Night You've Got Me Aether mode has a screen effect if you don't want to have i...
Valley of the End
Created by Lockon
Do battle in the iconic valley, where bonds were broken and friendships are forged....
Valley of the End - Actual Pillars Edition
Created by The Dunk Master
Added more platforms basically. Walk on water. Become Jesus....
Created by MDL4848-
It's Vegeta from DBZ. Sprites taken from hyper dragon ball z indigo...
Created by DLshadows
The prince of all saiyans has finally arrived to show kakarot who's boss! Vegeta is all gas, rush in with an Air Dash and start pummeling your foes. And if base form isn't cutting it for you, you can go ssj or even ssblue to really do some damage. Just be ...
Vegeta 2.0
Created by MDL4848-
This is the new version of Vegeta from DBZ. This Vegeta is like the old one, but he has extra attacks, like a grab and shoryuken-style move. Some moves have also been altered, like jab. Because this is so different from before, I have uploaded it as a sepe...
Vegetable Valley
Created by Shmepppppp
World/Level 1 of Kirby's Adventure for NES. Basic mode has a gap on the either side of the stage, so Sylvanos is allowed. Aether mode however is walk-off so make sure to switch to Basic if you use Sylvanos....
Vegetable Valley
Vegetable Valley from the game Kirby's Adventure...
Created by Ice Fox of Camelot
A vicious little fly, they'd try and bite your opponent but this one has been especially trained not to. Vengefly is an enemy from Hollow Knight and the second buddy I've made. I'm still in the process of learning RoA modding but there's still more buddies...
Verdant Forest
Created by HeadAdmiral
Tranquil forest map built with assets by edermuniz14...
Created by D The Hedgehog
It's just a literal video tape. how funny. (April Fools!) Taunt to hear it boing!...
Created by Funky Studios
La La La La- oh what fun! Whoops! That was close. Vib-Ribbon is now in Rivials of Aether!...
Viego (League of Legends)
Created by Dozr
Viego, from League of Legends comes to Rivals of Aether! Once the king of Camavor, Viego's wife died of illness. In his despair, he created the Ruination from his black and broken heart. He's in a finished state and I hope you enjoy playing him!...
Vile Stage
Created by JustRaisins
Made to reflect boss battles from the Mega Man X series, such as Godkarmachine O Inary. Special features: - You can wall jump consecutively without touching the ground. - Wall jumps restore double jumps. - You die if you're launched into a wall with enough...
Created by BagelBoy
A large-petaled flower Pokémon that spreads poisonous pollen anywhere it goes....
Created by logope44
I'm still VILGAX....
Created by LUCKYRiCK
Battle it out on Vinewood from GTA! ----------------------------------------------- Music used for this Stage: Track 1 - GTA 3 Theme On Higher BPM! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7-EZQRKzlc&t=100s&ab_channel=ReduxSound Track 2 - GTA Vice City Theme https...
Village Ruins
Created by VVizard
Based on the Japanese Masterpiece, a stage from Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, enjoy the CD quality of the tracks and breath taking visuals from the original game right here, in Rivals of Aether It features the following tracks: - Divine Bloodlines - Cross a...
Created by Pollopp
Have a villager watch you fight!...
Virgo_V.V.T.Z.(Old version)
Created by Owenglendor
Heretics of Aether, be warned. By the will of the Holy Queen, you shall be purified! The eponymous anti-heroine of Virgo vs. the Zodiac makes her way into Aether. Virgo is a heavy weight character who uses a large array of weapons forged from stardust pluc...
Virtua Beach
Created by Dimpsuu~
A stage taken from the original Virtua Fighter, this beach is the home stage for Jacky Bryant. Thanks to Tiniest Turtles for ripping the sky, and Deor for a Ringout System (not yet implemented)....
Virtual Boy
Created by Barney
"Dan, we've run out of blue and green!" "I don't care, I need this stage released by friday!" Introducing a virtual boy themed stage! This is a much more standard mod than what you might be used to me making, so there's not going to be too many gimmicks he...
Created by Jetie
Vivillon is a butterfly. This flying bug type can fly around the place and that's cool She has 12 jumps not including wall jumps Uspecial goes a shorter distance for obvious reasons Her moves can do stuff. Somehow can roll and wave dash... don't even try t...
Created by Reiga
The Phosphorescent Potionist VISSELLE emerges from the mysterious deep sea into the world of Aether, bringing a slew of alchemical concoctions for Another Workshop Jam! Visselle has dominion over potions and brews, and fights in an unorthodox manner due to...
Vlad's Castle
Created by DeddyTavis
From spelunky 2 best game...
Once a small leech in Dracula's pond, Hendrik von Vlamprey has grown in power and size! Can you beat him and his baby minions? Being a vampire, Vlamprey must avoid the sun. Hiding under platforms or inside his curtain will allow you to avoid taking sun dam...
Created by CGP
Voggers, based on The Duane. The face of VinnyBatz, https://www.twitch.tv/vinnybatz...
Created by the void stranger
The void from the PTHQ RPG(real!!!!!11!!!1)...
Created by Jsaur
Voltick is here as the eighth buddy in the Creatures of Aether buddy pack, and the final buddy of wave 2. It comes with full pallet swaps with Wrastor, and animations based on its appearance from Creatures of Aether. I'm going to be taking a break from mak...
Created by BestBuilder101
Voltorb strikes back! Voltorb was made for the ExW Pokémon Jam, meaning he was made in a month. He classifies as a Rushdown, being a fast, close-range attacker. Gimmick: Static Voltorb gains Static by charging Rollout (F-Special) and cancelling the attack ...
VR Mission (MGR)
Created by webbtail245
A program used to train the minds of Cyborgs. I'd like to thank Hideo Kojima, Konami and Platinum Games for Metal Gear Rising, and SuperRhys217 for helping me with this addon! DISCLAIMER Custom fighters shown in screenshots are not included in this addon. ...
VVVVVV Battleground
Created by Elomavi
VVVVVV is a precision-platformer developed by Terry Cavanagh and composed by Magnus Palsson in 2009. This custom stage takes "Swoop" from Space Station 2 and puts into Rivals for a (hopefully) nostalgic experience. If you have any questions about the stage...
Created by chickenkitchen44
Wadafak join Rivals, he comes with a full moveset! "Most of those willing to work with flesh always had a hard limit. Work only with detached flesh, or the flesh of the dead, preserved so that it will not rot. However, one such 'scientist', if we can call ...
Waffle House
Created by cookiecaker
all in the title, again! an even weirder fun fact this time! i looked up "waffle house music" and apparently there are multiple albums dedicated to waffle house! of course it's all country music but i thought it would be fitting to use nonetheless. let me ...
Waiting room
Created by MasherZN
ssf2 stage in rivals...
Wall Runner Bastion
Created by Modeling-Clay
Featuring Kragg Eurobeat by Delta Parallax! As well as their work on the visual and very painful features of both the normal and Aether version of the stage. The Wall Runner Bastion is one of the many settlements the rolling wall defenders live in, and in ...
Created by Reiga
WAH! Waluigi, the purple-clad lanky cheatster from the Mario series, makes his grand surprise entrance into Rivals of Aether, after years of spinoff roles! Waluigi is snappy and quirky, at a moment’s notice shifting between various props and gadgets from h...
Walter Buddy
Created by Mr. Happy
Nelson, AKA Walter joins Rivals of Aether as a buddy to join you in your battles and express his love not only for you, but fire trucks and monster trucks as well. Best friend and I had this small idea and wanted to put it together so enjoy fellas....
Created by Jessica
Waluigi has decided to give up on smash and join rivals of Aether. use his long legs to beat your opponent to a pulp! ...
Wander (WIP)
Created by OzyVector
Wander is a character from the Shadow of The Colossus video game. He is the central protagonist. Code is from the Marth character mod....
Waluigi Pinball
Created by Murph
Inspired By Waluigi Pinball from MarioKart DS! My first stage and a very much W.I.P. Enjoy! Thanks for 1000 Subs!! V 1.2...
War Bord
Created by YoshifanJordan
War bird has decided... he will defeat you on the battlefield! Take a wip description without images cause I'm dumb lol Gimmick: THE SEEDS At the beginning of every match, you start with 5 seeds. With the max being 17 seeds without recharging. Many moves t...
Created by Spamite
Alright chumps, listen up! It's a-me, Wario, stealing the spotlight in this so-called "Aether". Bah, a real aether would have a lot more gold! (P.S: Wario's Stage here: https://steamoss.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2512198471) Overview Wario is a "Ru...
Wario (Wario Land 4 Style)
Created by TMF48
(Wario Land 4 Style) Wario Praises His Achievement Wario Is Owned By Nintendo And The Sprites Ripped By A.J. Nitro, Skink, Ragey And Robbydude. Workshop Supports: -Miiverse -Dedede Arena -PAC-MAN (By Techpack)...
Wario (MOD)
Hio everyone! Here is my first custom character, Wario (Master Of Disguise Version). Despite the name, he has moves from the Wario Land games as well. He is currently playable but is missing a lot of sounds and transformation smoke for when you change betw...
Wario Land 4 Title
Created by Louca
Sprites ripped by Linkin800 But um, look guys, look, one of my greatest achievements; Wario Land 4 on the Steam Workshop...
Wario Ware
Created by ShrUg
A variant of the Wario Ware stage from the Super Smash Bros. Series...
Created by squid boy II
wah christ. it's wario. hit your opponent THREE times in quick succession to gain WARIO MANA. spend THREE WARIO MANA to unleash a powerful attack by holding special and attack in a direction (or while holding them with ur neutral special) theres no downwar...
Water Rings
Created by CHAOKOCartoons
Hey so do you remember those weird bootleg water ring games your parents would get you at fairs pizza parlors?...
Created by Roman Flour
Weegee comes back from the past, bringing the memes of classic youtube poops into Rivals!...
Weaverling - Buddy
Created by Orsa
The Weaverling, from Hollow Knight, makes its debut into Rivals of Aether as a buddy ! Unfortunately, he won't help you in battle, but isn't he so cute ? This mod was developed by the ZP Mods team. We are also currently making a Hollow Knight mod. If you'r...
Weegee's World
Created by Roman Flour
The Domain of the dreaded Weegee....
Week 1
Created by EnriCooler
fridoy noght funke!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw the graphics were made by the friday night funkin's team artist i think so yeah. just pointing that out. songs that will play (composed by kawai sprite): -tutorial -bepobee -fresh -dad battle...
Western Jungle
Created by TrippyJr
Created by Hoodie
Westopolis... Once A Normal City Now Turned To Rubble By The Blackarms Aliens (Sprites By Quagmirefan1)...
Wet Dry World
Created by Flophawk
Wet Dry world from SM64, complete with negatice aura. Will you be at the top of the town, or turn the tides into saltwater?...
Created by Triplestar
Totaly normal buddie mod whith nothing wrong at all...
Whitburn Tower
Created by Hatsune Darkrio
Battle on a small roof of the Whitburn Tower, named after the most powerful resident of Estronia! Art done by lucky07trainer ( https://twitter.com/LuckyLucario4?s=09 ) Stage builder stuff done by mvl666_Darkrio ( https://twitter.com/mvl666_Darkrio?s=09 )...
White Space
Created by sauce
"Welcome to White Space. You have been living here for as long as you can remember. Anything fun is just a distraction from how much the world actually sucks." Enjoy this faithful recreation of White Space from Omori as a Rivals of Aether stage!...
Wario Land Item Shop
Created by Louca
Map rip by -Peardian-...
White Space more OST
Created by Nao
Welcome to White Space. This is an edit of an existing stage by sauce and Orbital to add more OST from Omori into the stage Songs Included - My Time (Omori Version) WHITE SPACE Theme WHITE SPACE Theme (Piano Version) OMORI (Final Boss theme) Link to Origin...
Whomp's Fortress
Created by DinoBros
This is a level in the Cult Classic Nintendo 64 game, Super Mario 64....
Why 2
Created by Oprague
why. just why the second coming...
Wide Buddy
Created by Snolid Ice
Makes your character 2x times as tall with 4x the width! With hitboxes just as big and strong. Used code from VVizard's size modifying buddies. VVizard's size modifying buddies: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2181553798 https://stea...
Wigglytuff's Guild
Created by Pacster
“North of Treasure Town, this first-rate guild is the main hub for Exploration Teams training to become first-rate!” Wigglytuff’s Guild from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky! Pokémon Mystery Dungeon has always had some fantastic look...
Wilhelm Scream Buddy
Screw with your friends with this absolutely hilarious buddy that plays the classic Wilhelm Scream whenever you land a spike or kill an opponent....
Wii U Gamepad
Created by LUCKYRiCK
BATTLE IT OUT INSIDE THE WII U GAMEPAD! (This stage is in fully playable condition but not finished yet!) Wii U Sprite by BLUEamnesiac: https://www.deviantart.com/blueamnesiac/art/Nintendo-Wii-U-GamePad-443538331 Music used for this stage! Wii U Menu Theme...
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
Created by theextralife
Fight on Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia!...
White Wafers
Created by CircleGuy
This stage is based off of the snow world from Kirby's Return to Dreamland, titled White Wafers. The Basic form of it has a biplat layout, while the Aether form adds a ceiling and the wind hazard from the game. You can crouch or use moves with super armor/...
Windmill Island
Created by Cauix
Windmill island from the popular music video Feel Good inc - Gorillaz Aether Mode: We see Aether mode as kind of a casual thing, so it has collision on the lighthouse and no easy recoveries :P Basic mode: Added scaffolding for normal recovery options, stil...
Wily's Castle
Created by ac5
Every ones favoirte stage from mega man...
Created by MyntyPaws
The stage in Wandersong where Audry slays the overseer of winds. I just had to get some Wandersong representation in this game. This is my first stage so I'm sorry if things are a little janky.. Lemme know if anything needs to be fixed or made better. Yes,...
Wing Gundam (W.I.P)
Created by Zessoh
The protagonist Gundam from classic anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is here to do battle in the world of Aether! Very unfinished, but pretty proud how far I got within 3 days! Preview image is temporary and will most likely have daily updates....
Windows XP
Created by SKWLMC
Thought this would make a cool stage....
Created by WinzorMancer
Winzor Descends into battle! The fallen knight protector from the kingdom of Aronaia, Winzor dominates the stage with his impressive range and Stage Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Wip-san Dojo
Created by keroberry
One of many dojos under construction in Pezziottiate's mountains, Fernet thought a construction site is more exciting for battles than a finished one!...
Witch Rosalina (Buddy)
Created by BatLing
Witch Rosalina from Mario Kart Tour will follow you around as you battle! Sprites by saidFayad5 on spriters resource....
Created by IronYacker
The white wisp from Sonic Colors joins as a buddy! this is my very first addon, not just for rivals but for anything ever, really. I used Zwataketas Remilia bat buddy as a reference, primarily to see how to make him fly. I know it needed to be type 1, just...
Created by 1 floppy moth boi
planes cry from him. the broken tank that is...
Woah Zone
Created by Spamite
Few have escaped this graveyard of space. A Pure Heart lies within this deep space....
Created by 79Oofie
(DISCONTINUED) Update 2.1: -New jank final smash -Added slightly more compatibility for other items in the workshop -Decreased Pratfall speed -New Victory Theme -New Down Special Sound Effect --------------------------------- Editor's Note - So in true Lan...
Wolfenstein 3D
Created by gabii
Get Psyched! The Id software classic and grandfather of the FPS makes its entrance into the world of Rivals of Aether! NOTE: This stage obviously contains some touchy imagery. If you aren't into that, then probably stay away from this mod. Music List: -Get...
Wood Man Stage
Created by mrPorkchop
Left this offline for a while, cool to see another one of these go up recently though....
Wood Man's Stage
Created by Cancel the Eat
A custom stage based on the nice >:] robot master Wood Man. Credits -Backgrounds are from Super Mario World and a custom graphic made by an unknown artist. Originally for SMBX. -Tiles are from Mega Man II -Music is from Mega Man II and Super Smash Bros. Ul...
Wood Man's Stage
Created by s/o doomer
Wood Man's stage from Mega Man 2 Theme : Wood Mand theme arranged ©Capcom By Warlon...
Created by garebear
woop woop mothertrucker All spritework done by Flophawk Preview Art done by Spam...
WoodMans Stage
Created by Hoodie
Sprites ripped by ryan914 on Spriters resource Music posted on youtube by NewBrawlgamemusic2...
Created by Potatox09
Play as Woody from Little Fighter 2 (with some changes)...
Woody Woodpecker (Pica-Pau)
Created by Sotcliff
Bica-Bau pistola f#da-se kkkkkkkkkkkkk Um forte abraço a todos os BR que amam o melhor personagem cartoon de todos os tempos. Obrigado amigos, vocês são uns amigos English: This is my first attempt at creation in RoA, the character is a little broken in sk...
Woop Troop HQoop
Created by garebear
Woop de woop de poop de scoop. New Stage for Quagsire! Spritework done by Flophawk. Remixes done by BobTheGUYYYYY, Flophawk Other songs from the Pokemon Company and Way Forward...
Created by Nabbit66
Wooper is BACK baybee Play as the iconic Pokemon originating in generation 2. Decimate the competition with a brand new moveset, new and improved sprites and the same Handy charm! Surf around the arena and smack, smash, and wash away your opponents! This w...
Wooper Buddy
Created by Zorusion
Have the famous Pokemon, Wooper, as your buddy! A wonderful addition for Quagsire!...
Wooper Trooper
Created by garebear
wooper trooper scooper looper All spritework done by Flophawk Preview Art done by Spam Wooper Trooper design by Zamsire...
World Martial Arts Tournament Arena
Created by Krankees
The famous World Martial Arts Tournament where fighters from around the world compete to earn the title of Champion. Engage in intense battles against other challengers while trying to stay on the stage. Tracks from Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure will play...
World Cup [Minecraft Themed]
Created by Rubyboat1207
Fighting in a trophy in the sky in minecraft......
Created by MegAmi24
The most overmade level in Super Mario Maker - now in Rivals! Watch out for the bottom blastzone! Song List: Overworld Theme Underground Theme Athletic Theme (SMM2) Desert Theme (SMM2)...
World Martial Arts Tournament Arena
Created by Beedrill
The World Martial Arts Tournament Stage...
World of Nothing
Created by Spamite
There's nothing left......
World Taste
Created by RadicalOne95
"Of course, it only makes sense... this place was built with her emotions. She's the second owner of this place..." The Wilfmension demands souls for sacrifice into its infinite maw. The flesh hell as seen in The Frollo Show and in Smash Bros Lawl comes to...
World Tournament
Created by Muno
Goku's home stage! Basic form = tiny FD Yoshi's Story cloud. Aether form = walk-off but the grass kills you....
Wrastor tornado
Created by Goivoni
avenger's asemble....
Created by EikiStan
WiggleWaggleNightCock. The Lowest effort mod ever created watch the tiny fookin bug fly around you she does stuff I tried to make this in under an hour sprites from Touhou 13.5 preview from touhou 8...
Wublin Island - My Singing Monsters
Created by Hesei
This is my 1st time making a stage so dont except perfection lol also enjoy this poorly constructed version of wublin island -------------------------------------------------- “Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Big B...
Created by baasket
The least work put in a buddy. Anyway, this is x. She is a good girl. She has no animations because she is a x. X is the worst letter. ...
X & [B] 2
Created by DinoBros
X&B are missing textures yadda yadda yadda You've heard this one before, but this time there is a bit of a twist. Down B is a bit different. Reminds me of a certain character from Smash Bros Ultimate I would say. Merry Halloween Everyone! X & 1 can be foun...
Created by Spamite
At last, the vast void that is space has been reached! Music List: X-Zone - Sonic Advance True Area 53 - Sonic Advance 2 Dr. Eggman - Sonic Battle Cosmic Wall - Sonic Adventure 2 Terminal Velocity - Sonic Colors/Sonic Colours ...
X-Factor buddy
X-Factor from Marvel vs. Capcom 3! Press both normal and special attack buttons at the same time to activate it. It levels up every time you lose a stock, up to 3 times! Upon activation you will gain an extra jump and temporarily gain a limited turbo mode....
Xenorg Bomb
Created by TheOverallSalt
A buddy from the Stardrop pack. Don't worry, it won't blow up... we think. Special thanks to Starturbo for testing, graphics, polishing, and providing the sound effect for the taunt. The Stardrop Pack status Item Status Space Junction OUT Xenorg Bomb buddy...
Created by rileyNIKO
Xi! The sister of Nothing. Who is Nothing? Yeah my friend is procrastinating on art so who knows lol....
Xiao Xiao 3
Created by Popkoji
We needed a proper stickman fight arena....
Created by Starman
"Shouldn't we try to capture a specimen?" Xen, in all it's Xen-Half-Life-y glory. Music: Diabolic Adreniline Guitar Drums and Riffs Nuclear Mission Jam Credits Closing Theme ...
Xiu Buddy (Bonk! Edition)
Created by KURO
the xiu buddy, but combined with the bonk buddy's effect! because xiu said so. bonk buddy: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2126403346 xiu buddy without bonk: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2397256784...
XX Zone ( Sonic )
Created by PHKT
Enter the XX Zone for a legendary battle! Don't hesitate to follow me, more content is coming!...
Created by CoolBoyo_Dev
Yamcha but bad...
Created by Hu-kun
Polearm gang with a Guandao(Big Chinese polearm) Far reaching attacks, projectiles, and also combos to boot. Now you get to FEEL like a Dynasty Warrior. Gimmick: =Any attacks with the Guandao you hit will build up a meter that boosts your attack, and give ...
YandereDev (Cum Chalice Taunt)
ORIGINAL BY: Tryhard_Sam YandereDev codes his way into Rivals of Aether! I have no intention of making another version of this dude. He's got no alt colors, so don't get surprised. Almost all his attacks are just stock images, only four attacks are referen...
Yold Desert (Super Paper Mario)
Created by Super Isaiah
Yold Desert is an area in the outskirts of Lineland, from Super Paper Mario Chapter 1-3. This area was a bit simple in the original game so I tried to spice it up a bit with layers....
Yoshi Egg
Created by Shmepppppp
A basic Yoshi Egg Buddy....
Yold Town (Super Paper Mario)
Created by Super Isaiah
"See this little guy in my pocket? He's got something to tell you. Know what he says? WATCH IT!" Yold Town is a small village located on top of Mount Lineland in Chapter 1-2 of Super Paper Mario. It usually has many inhabitants out and about, but the fight...
Yoshi Gaming
Created by Dakota
keemstar echo buddy...
Yoshi Island Forest
Created by PHKT
The Forest (Fall) from Yoshi Island 2 Thanks to Nemica who ripped the sprites from the game, and to Cyrolis for his help! This is the first time I tried to create a custom stage, hope you like it. Don't hesitate to follow me, more content is coming!...
Yoshi's Story
Created by NyxTheShield
Directly from Super Smash Bros Melee! Fully Animated, includes Shy Guys and our dear friend Pak E. Derm! (Sorry Randall) Original Spritesheet by Daniel Bernal! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nQDJXK Adaptation, Animations and Music by Your Truly Support...
Yoshi's Island (Super Mario World)
Created by KBorg
Duke it out in front of the home of the lovable Yoshi! Includes: +Custom graphics from Super Mario World. +Aether form - Walk off with 2 platforms on the side and the top of Yoshi's house as a usable platform. +Basic form - Same as Aether form but with a s...
Yoshi's Island: Above the Clouds Stage
A Yoshi's Island Inspired stage - Just a simple stage consisting of 2 solid pipes and 2 semisolid cloud platforms. - Have fun dunking your friends into the abyss bellow!...
Youmu Konpaku
Created by Cyctorn
Celebrating two #1 popularity polls in a row Youmu is a half-human master swordsman from the Touhou Project series who fights in tandem with her phantom-half, affectionately dubbed Myon. Rush down your opponent, send Myon flying at them, and you're sure to...
Created by Miyaku
This stage is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends...
Yoyle Needy
Created by Power
Welcome to Yoyleland! Please enjoy your stay. We hope you will be careful when you use our local tourist attraction as a battle arena. Watch BFDI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL24C8378F296D Music: IDFB Theme by IceCreamCake and 111robloxdude: htt...
Created by Chmmr
Yoyo, from the popular stick fighting series RHG on Youtube, maDE his grand entrance in the world of Aether! What you're seeing is the ORIGINAL launch build of Yoyo! This is NOT suited for tournament play, and if you for whatever reason have stumbled upon ...
Yu Narukami
Created by levi
Yu Narukami from Persona 4 with repurposed moves from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. I did my best to make him fit the feel of how Rivals flows but I'm sure there are some tweaks I could do to make him feel more fun No alternate colors at the moment but I'll be ...
Yu Narukami [W.I.P.]
Created by Orphus
The Sister-Complex Kingpin of Steel, not much here. most likely going to update him at some point. Animations aren't as smooth as id like. I've got to add some lag to some moves, and some moves need to be outright replaced (like U-Strong) so he is far from...
Created by ShrekGaming69
I am still working on this character and i it will be finished soon...
Yuyuko W.I.P
Created by Postoapocal_Master
Hi! I'm creating Yuyuko from Touhou project for Rivals of Aether. I thought, why not post and update what I have at the moment, so that everyone who is interested can watch the process. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/55661424...
i have entered rivals ...
Created by soma12
Play as Zangief the russian pro wrestler known from Street Fighter. Special Mechanics Just like in SSF2T Zangief has a super meter that can be filled by hitting the opponent or by using special moves. You can also generate meter by taunting. If your super ...
Zelda II Town
Created by Tevlev
A stage that takes inspiration from the multiple towns from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for NES....
Zero - Katana Zero
Created by Missed the Beat
Zero is the main protagonist and a playable character in Katana Zero. Zero is a capable and deadly assassin who has improved his abilities to an almost inhuman peak. Throughout the game he is able to dispatch hundreds of enemies using only a Katana and thr...
Megaman Zero DX
Created by SussyShart
added a DSPECIAL to Megaman Zero's moveset The dspecial known as shield boomerang is a weird counter, when pressed you enter a loop window you cant get out off unless you press attack which makes you throw the boomerang, dealing damage. If you touch the op...
Zeterburn Fire Buddy
Created by Redna
This buddy puts fire on every attack....
Created by bluehax6
Zetterburn but Incineroar I literally bled making this over the course of several weeks All sprites are just base game sprites edited by me The alts are somewhat-mostly inspired by the Smash Ultimate alts, but I have made them very customised respawn platf...
Created by ladymoog
Hey look, I'm making a self insert. Why? Because I can. Now not as strong as Sandbert!...
Created by jen
welcome to zombo.com...
Zone 0
Created by MGG
An Empty Warehouse. It's the Home of The Judge....
Created by Cactus Companion
HIP HIP ZOOMBIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Zoombinis are friendly creatures, and this one is no different! This little creature will stay by your side until the very end...so long as you don't mistreat him. he's a bit big but i hope ye dunnae mind Edit: I ...
Zone Map
Created by Spamite
Several pocket dimensions fused together as a result of one of the Doctor's many diabolic schemes. Sonic & Co. traveled across these dimensions in order to stop Dr. Eggman at one point. Music List: Special Stage - Sonic Advance Knuckles Boss - Sonic Advanc...
Created by Laska
Monkey explorer beyond the sky. Defy gravity and master the character's omnidirectional movement. - Nspecial lets you enter Zero-Gravity. While in Zero-Gravity your airdodge turns into an airdash that alters your momentum. You can even cancel attacks with ...
Created by DirtAccent
A master of Santoryu, Zoro is among the four most powerful combatants of the Straw Hats, alongside Luffy, Sanji and Jinbe. His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world, in order to honor a promise he made to his deceased childhood friend Kuin...
[AM] Hallowflame
Created by Archytas
Venture to the town of Hallowfame - where remnants of a crisis resurge as a new reign takes hold of the Fire. This is an example level for the Adventure Mode API - a toolset to help with creating longform levels. Want to make your own adventure? Check out ...
Created by Spider Boi
The Static Shocker wanders into Aether! Zip into battle with Lightning Boosts, but be careful to not Short Circuit! Ztatic gets weaker over the course of the match, but he can buff himself using Lightning Bursts. Be careful though, because when the Burst w...
[megaman] Air Man Stage
Created by la creatura
Up in the sky, ten miles high... Air Man's stage from the Genesis version of Mega Man 2. Use the side platforms to go deep for early kills, or take advantage of the low top blast zone. The floor floats like Air Armada's, so be careful recovering....
Zygarde Core
Created by Zessoh
The defender of the ecosystem is here as a buddy! After making Natu I got super into making more buddies. Every sprite here is entirely from scratch. I hope you enjoy my favorite Pokemon! Maybe we'll be seeing em more in the future wiggly eyebrows...
[OLD] Lognes
Created by Lognes
==Moveset== Lognes is a rushdown character able to blitz around the stage stupendously fast. Lognes is also able to switch between two states: Red and Blue -Blue has double the damage output red does but deals a lot less knockback -Red has much higher knoc...
[NES] [Kid Icarus] Pit
Created by Dinoavatar
Everybody's Favorite Angel! Soar (or not) with Pit, from the NES classic "Kid Icarus"! Sprites ripped by Mister Mike....
[OLD] Marisa Kirisame - Touhou Challenger Pack 1
Created by buskerdog
Marisa Kirisame joins Rivals as the first character of my Touhou Challenger project. She has a stage too - don't forget to download Forest of Magic! https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1942638009 Marisa is an aggressive character who's c...
Created by fakejoker180r
================↓Skin description↓================== A magician's skin that seems to be monitored all the time in a distant place Those with this skin will grow flowers every time they walk =============== ↑=======↑=========== ===================↓Overview↓...
[SSL] Smash Landbert
Smash Landbert is here! While this was originally designed as a template, there is now a more reliable one. You can get that at https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2623121649 Credit to Pejota for the template for the template. Special th...
雪花 Xue Hua
Created by Lukaru
Steam deleted the original Xue Hua :( Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/7672331...
AABL Arena
Created by CHAOKOCartoons
Duke it out in the Air Armada's new sky high sports arena! The ring posts will wall you off from getting out of your match too easy, at least as long as you can't take to the sky like the rest of our competitors! Our eyes in the sky are not only streaming ...
Ambrosia Night
Created by Reiga
Fight in Ambrosia City! A bustling new metropolis off the east of Canada, which skyrocketed economically after it suddenly became infested with paranormal activity 15 odd years ago. Atop this jaggedly levitating chunk of street debris, you're high in the a...
Agent N
Created by SAI
A brother of Nolan An agent under Oboama, Agent N can froze anything he touch in time. He have 5 knives each stock that will return after use, unless they get destroyed by opponent or used for Knife Laser Adding codec: /// ///codec nname = "character name"...
Alex Ashikaga
Created by SAI
Another one from the Ashikaga bloodline, Big brother to Mayu, a forest ranger with burning spirit. His name is Alex, He speak for the trees Respect the nature, or he'll break your knees Alex is a forest ranger of Midorija Forest and is overral a nature lov...
Created by SAI
Masked fighter with puppet control ability. You can hitfall grounded normals Summon clone with Dspecial, the clone will copy your specials and strong attacks. Strong can be use to move clone. moving while holding down Nspecial move the clone with you Clone...
Bat Bat
Created by SAI
Thanh Soun, a batter , descendent of certain lineage, have power over... balls? Nah she will never be ballin. ==Moveset Breakdown== Nspecial summon a baseball, can be charged up to 2 levels. the balls interact with all Bat Bat attacks. Other Specials: Trig...
Big Yoshi
Created by SB-2749
The infamous Big Yoshi from Super Mario RPG has decided to finally get up and step on the battle after serving his duties as a buddy. Big Yoshi - or Beeg Yoshi, Fat Yoshi, however you know him as - is a typical heavyweight fighter with subpar mobility and ...
Created by SAI
Just the embodiment of common grasses, don't expect much, she's here to mow some insignificant lifeforms. Make base on the Plantoid species from steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2006712792 Got a lot of help from the creator Azezel...
Birgil Covilia
Created by SAI
A crippled Pigeon Drifter. Copyright-free character from a certain Dark Slayer to be use in Heatwave tournament. ==== Short Bio ==== Birgil was once an arrogant fighter, he was unstopable in his quest for power, until a fight went so bad he barely made it ...
Created by SAI
From the world of Undertale, The Ancient Human, The Lunatic First Fallen, carry both the long lost strength of ancient mankind and their malice. The NSpecial pop up an attack gauge that will increase your damage when you hit people when the bar is close to...
Created by Spider Boi
A recently escaped test subject, Chimera is out for blood, tearing through the combatants of Aether. Chimera can build up his Blood Rage meter by landing blows to empower his specials and strongs, but it comes with a heavy percent gain. Those who can manag...
Created by Opengunner
Short Background / Summary A descendant of the powerful SL Wolves and half Water Dragon, Daora is a fighter in the resistance from Clarien's timeline. Loxodont destroyed her village, her family, and her life. Now she will get her revenge, no matter what. G...
Created by Spider Boi
Drosera was made for the Vs plantoid event . She is heavily based on Slyvanos and Byleth She is a mix between a venus fly trap and a sundew (update to the recent news, drosera is no longer a plantoid, shes part of my own personal plant species. i DO NOT CO...
Cerberus Chamber
Created by Fennie
"You got nothin’ and nothin’s got you" "I can see your fear it surrounds you" "Built with strife and insight but it’s not enough" "I’ll defeat and discreet your every move" This is the entrancce of the Temen-Ni-Gru and the place when the first actual bossf...
Elice Vuris
Created by SAI
Daughter of the old King of Ice, nothing much to say, she's .. well, cool. also have Dio alt that have road roller and knives, maybe a jotaro or sakuya alt in the future idk....
Created by Mawral
Epinel is an aerial grappler who can combo opponents high into the air. Inheriting knowledge of the Rock Wall's foundations, he is sought by those who would use his secrets for their own causes. Wielding power over inertia, he is able to raise gravity-defy...
Chad's Gym
Created by DinoBros
GET PUMPED AT CHAD'S GYM! WEAK? GET STRONG! EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE? CAN'T HELP YOU! ALRIGHT MAYBE WE CAN SQUEEZE IT IN AFTER LUNCH. Basic: 1 Platform that rises and falls every 15 seconds Aether: 3 Platforms that rises and falls every 15 seconds If your char...
Fuki Fujisaki
Created by SAI
A young Kensei of an eastern Dojo, you could say she is a... Novice Master. Have an unorthodox way of dealing deadly blows. When in Black stance, your Black attacks receive penalty and White attacks doesn't. The opposite apply in White stance. On match sta...
Friday Night Funkin'
Created by Spider Boi
Fight in the middle of a rap battle between boyfriend and many different foes trying to claim his girl. This stage features over 30 different opponents to fight made by many different creators. These range from friday night funkin characters all the way to...
Created by SAI
He a strong man. Deluxe skins: - Minos Prime (8) - Ultra Instinct Drip (11) - Senator Armstrong (15) - Personalized (green screen, will have to use codename)...
Huang's Dojo
Created by SAI
The place which belong to Sai Huang, the mysterious caligrapher. The BGM is a remix of Chaos King - Deltarune. Made by Hyuman. https://www.youtube.com/c/Hyuman...
Created by Chmmr
Incineroar from Pokemon Sun and Moon joins the battle! Taking heavy inspirations from their moveset in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Incineroar is a slow-moving heavyweight grappler with fast, large, powerful attacks. NSPECIAL is Run The Ropes. This move has...
Katie Helga Vladimir
Created by SAI
Rend the sky red and set the screen ablaze with Katie. A living, walking asernal of superior fire power. Deluxe alts wit extra effect include: - Dante - Isabelle - Doom Guy (Doom Slayer) Not featuring Dante from Devil May Cry (DMC) series...
Kura-Kura Stream Hub
Created by Lukaru
No Straight Roads is awesome lmao https://youtu.be/LQboZNoMd0c Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steamuserimages-a...
Created by EquinoxDoodles
Kris 2 Update Coming Soon (tm) The legendary human lightener joins the fray! Entering from the Dark World, and into the Land of Aether, Kris, from Deltarune, is ready to face any challenge that comes in their way. Kris is a rushdown fighter. While they can...
Created by SAI
Switch stances, Swap familiar, Find your prefered pace. ==Moveset Breakdown== From the character select screen, you can determine 2 stances that going to be used in battle. Nspecial: Switch stance with a shine-like hitbox that could lead to combo Luna: All...
Created by VVizard
Maverick https://imgur.com/fR3iK1I.png Maverick - The Whirlwind Warrior has joined RoA! Use Maverick's powerful attacks to keep your opponents at bay and control the battlefield with his Whirlwinds. Maverick's power is the use of whirlwinds. Once in a whir...
Created by SAI
The database manager of Scorp. out here for some stretching, perhaps? FNF( Friday Night Funking ) mode is up taunt. this is my character for the workshop jam, no, they're not a fox, and they're not 100% accurate to the jam's theme, but.. YOu Know what lol ...
Mayu Ashikaga
Created by SAI
The gang leader of the Intercity Highschool Roleplay Club and also the Student President of her school. Mayu's coming with a storm of fury slashes. To play her, just be sticky, always at your opponent face, get 5 successful hits to gain your SwordHalo™, in...
Fumo Reisen
Created by SAI
Reisen Fumo from touhou. new portrait made by SpiderBoi...
Mystia Lorelei
Created by Oligarchomp
This is Mystia Lorelei, the stage 2 Boss from Touhou Imperishable Night. Mecanics: Hitting an opponent with a sing-based move will blind them. In and of itself, it doesn't do anything, but if you catch them with a grab (Uspecial, fspecial or Dair) they'll ...
Nolan Dolal
Created by SAI
A worker of a certain fast-food joint who got assigned some missions in Aether, maybe beating up people is their new marketing strategy? There is no Ronald McDonald here, the identity of his boss is an absolute secret. +++ Taunt in golden alt for pure fast...
Created by SAI
Nullan, the third brother of N-hamster family. Nspecial is the core of the move set, summon the abyss eye and hit it to create explosion ...
Created by SAI
The president from a far land stumbles upon this realm due to a wormhole caused by a green dinosaur's gigantic tax fraud, originated from Obama's Obama....
Created by SAI
The speedy janitor from animation series, he will put on a shocking display. Henry Stickmin? Yoyo? Umbrella? and who even are Ronald and the % Foxes? Dude lets just go back to the old day with good ol Shock's Mr.Red. anyway Hyun dojo is a cool place. I hop...
Created by Harbige12
(This was made for a contest) Regigigas, the legendary Titan from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, slams into battle! Regigigas retains his signature Slow Start passive, which lowers speed and attack for the beginning of the battle. Once Slow Start wears off, hi...
Created by Harbige12
The rogue general of the Fire Capitol fights for glory! Gimmmick: Rykenburn can coat opponents with soot with any move that has smoke. Once the opponent is covered, grabs will deal extra damage. Moves: NSPECIAL - CARGO GRAB: A grounded move that allows Ryk...
Created by SAI
The calligrapher of Fate. Fight with untold, complex power under their brush. A proclaimed Historian who wanders around Venam's Edge. If it wasn't for their works, history and events happened before 'Hell Impact' would be lost or become a vague folktale. =...
SAI - m
Created by SAI
The calligrapher of Fate. Fight with untold, complex power under their.. fists?. This is Melee version of sai that got seperated from regular Sai, have the physics and frame data akin to Fox and other species like Falco. play 100% different from regular Sa...
Saji Sakamoto
Created by SAI
A ghost from the past, brought back by the force of VoidArt. Character made for VS-SAI (yeah, me) and clocked at 5 days and total 22 hours of making. Nspecial is projectiles Fspecial go forward Uspecial go up Dspecial? Eh I dont know what Dspecial do eithe...
Syrie's Mansion
Created by SAI
Vergil Sparda
Created by SAI
Son of Sparda, on his prized throne. ==Moveset Breakdown== Vergil specials cost meter to use, but while in Devil Trigger (Nspecial) state, the cost is free. Vergil strong are super move that are easily interrupted but very large and deal hefty damage, use ...
Created by SAI
Uza Ckater's codename is Xenovessel and is a feared for the capability of dealing massive blows and have versatile reposition techniques ==Moveset Breakdown== The Stamina Bar Have max 3 charges and quickly fill up when not doing an attack or crouching, req...
Zetta Ashikaga
Created by SAI
Zetta Ashikaga, the slashy Miko of Midoriyama Shrine. Slice and dice opponents with her flashing blade. She has a sharp set of abilities that get even sharper if you play precisely. Zetta have 5 taunt. Normal taunt and taunt + special/attack/up/down Taunt+...
Anglara (Legacy)
Created by KASU HEARTS
ATTN: THIS BUILD IS THE OLD OUTDATED VERSION OF THE CHARACTER, PLEASE HEAD OVER TO HER DEFINITIVE EDITION HERE: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2661141982 Anglara joins the Rivals of Aether in a bid to return a sacred relic she was o...
The Edge of Light
Created by KASU HEARTS
A shipwreck graveyard of a small fire nation fleet. Regina Links Join the TLC Dev Group discord Follow me on Twitter...
Created by Tengia
An goat like entity that rivals Tengia, oppose of their nemesis style of blood and brawn, Sleven keep opponent at bay with stronger zoning tools and floatiness. Nspecial create a Divine Barrier. that interact will all other specials, but you deposit 10% of...
Created by J4C
My first character!.... technically. Should've been released a long time ago, but he's out now with much more polish to boot. The fastest tiger this side of Aether, Torren struggles to kill normally but makes up for it by being able to literally fly after ...
Created by webbtail245
NOTE: This mod is very low effort, please do not make a video about it lmfao Just another Mario recolor. Hello, Rivals Extended Workshop Discord :) webbtail145 - https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2726662870 W245 likes to get close and ...
Created by ricE_ECD
AiAi from the Super Monkey Ball series rolls into Rivals! ----- AiAi’s moveset is fairly barebones in Rivals, with nothing too gimmicky in his normals. Use the Monkey Ball to attack your opponents by placing it down onstage and using it as a projectile, ro...
Agent M
Created by SAI
Mike Jackal, short name MJ, code name Agent M. What can I say, he is a smooth fighter. in honor of Michael Jackson, King of Pop. No Morbius! It's not morbing time....
Created by KASU HEARTS
Late April Fools 2022! An Anglara Echo! Guess what it is lol. Regina Links Join the TLC Dev Group discord Follow me on Twitter...
Pick a side and protect your intelligence on this iconic location from Team Fortress 2: ctf_2fort, or just 2Fort if you will! With thanks to Hyuponia for the template, you can choose between 4 different tracks from Team Fortress 2's library using the c-sti...
Created by CHAOKOCartoons
NOTE: AÑI IS OCCASIONALLY UPDATED WITH NEW ITEMS WITH NEW ABILITIES, THIS DECREASES THE ODDS OF EACH ITEM AND ADD MORE THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR. Check back every now and then to see what’s new! And think twice before adding or removing her from a tournament ...
Another Dimension
Created by Spamite
This unreal fantasy-like dimension first appeared in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and has enforced its presence to Kirby throughout the latest games... Its a battle to the finish here! FULLY CREATED AND DRAWN BY CLAY Music List - Another Dimension - (Super...
Created by RuberCuber
With the once inpenetrable rock wall now crumbling, the forest seeks to expand once again. This is one of its many creations. Arboris is a plant-based lizard, spawn of the forest, with a heavy emphasis on rewarding good spacing with powerful tipper mechani...
Created by Scruff0
"The main warden of Hell. Basically prevents anyone from unlawfully escaping. He's so good at it that nobody ever attempts to escape anymore. Now he's stuck devoting his entire existence (eternity) to this pointless job. At least the pay is good." TLDR: Hi...
AS Player
Created by Inf1n1teSp1r1t
https://i.imgur.com/kzMoxT8.png The Player from a Roblox game known as Adventure Story joins rivals of aether! As he fights, his SP meter will grow which allows him to do enhanced versions of his previous attacks! Gimmick: SP Meter AS Player's main gimmick...
Ayaka Kinoshita
Created by Ambi
Credits Animation - SleP16 Base Sprite - Bar-Kun Coding - BernardO and I Overview Hailing from the port town of Waveridge in a distant world, Ayaka Kinoshita takes the stage! With her trusty handaxes, arcane abilities and unbreakable will, she’s ready to e...
Bailey Rosworth
Created by RandoChris
Bailey Rosworth Bailey Rosworth crosses over into Rivals of Aether, where she looks to help her friend Chris as well as establish herself as this world's Ace! With her repertoire of wrestling know-how along with some help from some tables, ladders, and cha...
Baba is You
Created by daycircus
A stage based on the hit indie game by Arvi Teikari. On Aether mode, Baba will occasionally change the rules of the level, toggling different platforms and the dangerous skulls. Possible sentences: - Rival is You: You play as a rival. This text is never mo...
Mega Man
Created by Lood
After a long time coming of almost no new updates since June, I can finally present: Mega Man: This is my first workshop character and I had fun with designing everything. Feedback for balance changes and whatnot is greatly appreciated !! Some alts crash n...
Bat Bat Junpei
Created by SAI
Thanh Soun but with Junpei gimmick. Dspecial burn your score. --- Baseball meter explanation: Hit with non-bat moves, parrying = 1 ball Hit ball or enemy with bat moves, getting 4 balls = 1 base (squares) same as above but with all 3 bases active = 1 run (...
Big Forest
Created by Spamite
A modernized version of the second world of Kirby's Dream Land 2. You'll even see various cameos from time to time! Stage fully created by Clay and made for the Dream Collection! ___________ Music List - Big Forest (Kirby and the Rainbow Curse) - Coo's For...
Created by Inf1n1teSp1r1t
https://i.imgur.com/7QR0Gth.png Blast joins Rivals of Aether! Blast heavily relies on their bombs to get explosive kills. All normals can move the bombs around Fspecial throws the bomb, hold it to increase bobm strength & size. press up or down to change t...
Boss Butch
Created by BestBuilder101
A mish-mash of final battles from Kirby history, Boss Butch serves as a fitting home-stage for the top-participating boss in the Kirby series. The stage music is a medley, and thus does not have selectable music. Medley includes the following tracks: -"Fin...
Created by SAI
Time to fight Boss Obama, wonder how many phases does he have?...
Brinstar - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
The rocky caverns of Planet Zebes' Brinstar awaits! Based on the first area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Brinstar is where famed bounty hunter Samus Aran began her journey! Basic Mode features a large platform while Aether Mo...
Created by Wattmelon
Bupmelon finagles his way into Rivals of Aether! Bupmelon is a wacky take on a stick figure, complete with Microsoft SAM for a voice, spindly limbs, and a strange obsession with Snow Miser? (I can't even explain that one tbh lol) He's a rushdown grappler w...
Broom Hatter
Created by ricE_ECD
Broom Hatter from the Kirby series joins Rivals of Aether! ----- Broom Hatter’s moveset utilizes her trusty broom to attack her enemies. She also takes inspiration from the Cleaning Ability in the Kirby games. Swing and sweep your broom around the battlefi...
Bandana Dee
Created by Spamite
BANDANA DEE SPEARS AHEAD INTO RIVALS OF AETHER BANDANA DEE'S STAGE (WADDLE DEE TRAIN TRACKS): https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2825513239 Overview He's not just a Waddle Dee with a hat, he's the spear-throwing Bandana Dee! With his ra...
Battle of Sprites
Created by webbtail245
A stage dedicated to the sprite animation series Battle of Sprites, created by SpacePea. Two locations have been included. Battle of Sprites - https://youtu.be/lOXV02WFwf8...
Butter Building
Created by GrucYord
LEVEL 3 BUTTER BUILDING Rise to the challenge on Butter Building, from Kirby's Adventure! It's inspired by its appearance in Kirby Fighters Deluxe. The Basic form has a simple layout with a single high platform,. The Aether form takes its layout straight f...
Created by The Great G.B.A
Card Slickmin, a gambler of fate, a menace of luck and a rascal of chance! Mr Slickmin joins the never-ending battle in the Aether. Card is a stickman zoner that specialises in using his name choice of weapon to hit his opponents from afar. And also gettin...
Careless Safety Notice Woman
Created by Reiga
Allow adequate room around you during game play. A modern take on a classic Wii figure, the Careless Safety Notice Woman who was first seen in Nintendo Switch Sports has come to kick the curb and switch things up with her trusty, if slightly faulty, joycon...
Castle Lololo
Created by GrucYord
STAGE 2 CASTLE LOLOLO Make way for Castle Lololo from Kirby's Dream Land! The Basic form has 4 platforms in a circle formation. The Aether form has a layout inspired by its appearance in the Kirby Fighters series. Enter the doors at the edges of the stage ...
Chaos 0 (SSL)
Created by Bar-Kun
https://imgur.com/J6kpj2I.png DISCLAIMER: I DON'T WANT ANY OF MY SPRITES USED FOR OTHER GAMES, IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM, CONTACT ME. It's Chaos from the hit 1998 game Sonic Adventure for the Sega Dreamcast. He is very slow and very heavy, a complete powerho...
Chillydip Cove
Created by Jonah
from Starfy, Chillydip Cove! Schlanvlcore asked in the form if i could make this stage so i did! so all credits go to Schlanvlcore! The music is Chillydip Cove From Starfy (duhh) Base stage is a normal final destination With one wide platform one block tal...
Chozo Ruins (Chozodia/Crateria) - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
The remains of an ancient people... the Chozo. Based on the second half of the final area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, ancient Chozo Ruins bridge the gap between Chozodia and Crateria. Basic Mode draws from the ruins found in...
City Trial
Created by Spamite
With the help of various creators, we have ourselves a gamemode turned stage! But this isn't just a regular stage, for if you were to use the Aether Form you get the full City Trial experience with all kinds of Power-Ups! Collecting a Power-Up isn't an ins...
Created by Harbige12
I'm a chuckster! NSPECIAL: CHUCK Chuck the opponent away! Use the directional stick to aim your throw! Up throw is funny! FSPECIAL: CHUCK Chuck the opponent away! Use the directional stick to aim your throw! Up throw is funny! USPECIAL: CHUCK Chuck the opp...
Created by Jsaur
Cloala from Creatures of Aether makes its fighting game debut as a character in the Rivals of Aether workshop! Based on Jigglypuff's playstyle from the Super Smash Bros. series as well as its appearance in CoA, Cloala is a floaty character that can pack a ...
Created by Flophawk
Cofagrigus crawls out of the sandy crypts of Unova and into Rivals of Aether! This floaty heavyweight has massive range, but big potential to be combo food! Watch out though, let your guard down and you'll fall prey to it's Mummy's Curse! This character wa...
Cloudy Iceberg
Created by BestBuilder101
The midpoint of two locations from Kirby's Dream Land 2 & 3, Cloudy Park and Iceberg. Music Toggle Options, given Dream Land 3's robust soundtrack, are: - Cloudy Iceberg (BestBuilder101) - Grass Land 1 - Sand Canyon 1 - Ripple Field 1 Credits: Hyuponia for...
Connect 4
Created by Lukaru
Connect 4 Play Connect 4 in Rivals of Aether! Song: Rude Buster · Toby Fox Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steam...
Conkdor (from mario)
Created by Flophawk
I cant believe they put Conkdor (from mario) into my videogame! this is just a buddy don't get your hopes up lmao BUT IT'S A DAMN GOOD BUDDY! STUFF USED IN SCREENSHOTS -Chuckya by Fighting Polygon Team -TTYD Battle Stage by Justzach -Bird Guy by Gourami...
Crateria - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
The barren surface of Planet Zebes! Based on the third area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Crateria covers the surface of Planet Zebes, along with the watery caverns beneath! Crateria also serves as the landing site for Samus' ...
Dan Backslide
Created by FelixBlobDev
Dan Backslide, the former sneak of Roquefort Hall, coward bully cad and thief, and arch-enemy of the Dover Boys, squanders his misspent life into Rivals of Aether... Dan Backslide from the Dover Boys, now in Rivals for April Fools! Dan is an unorthodox cha...
Dan Furnace
Created by Jsaur
It's Dan. Dan Furnace. Oh yeah, and make sure to check out my Twitter page and my workshop Discord Server to get updates on any more stuff I'm making. I'm also currently working on a collection of buddies based off Creatures of Aether, so check that out if...
Darc Sharc
Created by Wattmelon
Darc Sharc warps into Rivals of Aether! Darc Sharc, the unorthodox gambit, is a floaty staff-wielding zoner with a variety of tools to wall the opponent out, balanced out by a low weight, poor options in disadvantage, and a lackluster recovery. His main gi...
Crewmate Army
Created by Orsa
Get your own army of Crewmates buddies! Every Crewmate that spawns is randomized, with their own color, hat and role. You start every match with 3 Crewmates, kill your opponents to get more! Your Crewmates can also get hit, and will die if they take too mu...
Dark Castle
Created by BestBuilder101
The cloud-ridden fortress that rests on a mountain, shrouded in Dark Matter: may a hero come, to save its past master. TRACK LIST: Dark Castle (BestBuilder101, originally by Hirokazu Ando) Dark Matter (NitroAnilin, originally by Hirokazu Ando) Hyper Zone (...
Dark Matter
Created by Artist of Seer
Matter Most Dark has emerged onto the battlefields, declaring a war upon Aether. With a blade forged by hate, the Abyss is a joke compared to it. ----- Dark Matter is a powerful floaty zoning character who specializes in controlling a ton of ground with hi...
Devil's Palm
Created by tacoki
The Devil's Palm as featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 7: Steel Ball Run. This map and its assets were made by tacoki and jamie. Music: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle: Tusk, GO! GO! ZEPPELI!, They Are All Those Of Justice JoJo's Bizarre...
Dynamite Anton
Created by poob
IT'S HAPPY HOUR! Play as Boiler City's own DYNAMITE ANTON! Anton acts as a one-man wrecking crew, using his Mighty Hammer to break down anything in his path. All the same, he’d rather be doing anything else right now. Anton's special moves are as follows: ...
Dutch the Angel Dragon
Created by Scruff0
An angel taking the form of a dragon. Carries out divine authority. Might be from the Netherlands. Who knows? Moveset: Fspecial fires a spinning wheel that will slow down over time. Will spawn an Intertial Bubble when it ends. Nspecial freezes/unfreezes th...
Dive to the Heart
Created by DLshadows
Have a final showdown on this simple and clean stage, based off of both Sora and Roxas dives to the heart. Featuring 4 tracks, Simple and Clean - (Ray of Hope). Rage Awakened. Heart as One. Link to All. A second Dive to the Heart has been made, get it here...
Created by roboshyguy
Duster rejoined your party! Remade from the ground up, here's my second take of this character! Duster is a fast all-rounder hailing from Mother 3, now with a new gimmick: 16-Hit Combos! If Duster times his attacks correctly 16 within a time limit, his 16t...
Created by leopaof
He's going to relentlessly chase you The extraplanetary multiform mobile identifier (or E.M.M.I for short) is finally here, discover a new way to play rivals with the new wall climb mechanic, make your opponents fear you with the incredible radar and unlea...
Created by turpix
Ekko from the hit series ARCANE ( and also league of legends :/ ) joins the fight! This character was made for the BHM Jam! Moveset: - Gimmicks - https://i.imgur.com/8olqwAp.gif Certain moves will slow down opponents. Hitting opponents in this state will a...
Eva & Jasper
Created by George Seinfeld
Victory theme is Ghost riders theme from UMvC3 ------------------------------------------------------------- Eva and Jasper, The demonic duo are here to have a good time in Rivals Of Aether. Two characters in one, this duo consists of the agile brawler Eva...
E.M.M.I. zone
Created by leopaof
This place is scary Small gimmick, if you play on this stage with the emmi character a static effect will appear for extra spookyness, also the music will change with the awareness of the emmi Credits: Code: DarkDakurai Spriting: Hemuth and Joshyboi Other ...
F-69 VTOL (Stage)
Created by webbtail245
Just a STAG VTOL from Saints Row 3. Thanks to Volition for creating such an amazing game. DISCLAIMER I do not own anything in this stage. Saints Row belongs to Volition and Deep Silver. Any assets used here belong to them only. Any custom fighters shown in...
Fallen City of Grams
Created by Welsh Dragoon
The once mighty City of Grams from Dragalia Lost. Originally the capital of the Ilian faith, it is now destroyed by the might of the demon Satan....
Flappy Bird
Created by Lukaru
Flappy Bird is here! Play Flappy Bird on the Lukastar Engine that is currently in development! This game is a test of the capabilities of the engine so far. It works online btw Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed th...
Created by Auvrey
Fallen Angel, Flonne is playable in Rivals of Aether! I hope you all enjoy and big thanks to those who helped me in the RoA Extended workshop Discord server. Down special is a healing aura that increases movement speed and heals 1% for each move you hit yo...
Final Destination 3D
Created by Lukaru
Lukastar only No items Final Destination 3D code adapted from VMan_2002's Concrete Cubeness >> Please check their works out!! << Song: Super Smash Bros. Melee - Final Destination (GSV Remix) Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If ...
Friendly Field
Created by ricE_ECD
Friendly Field from Kirby: Star Allies appears in Rivals of Aether! This is Broom Hatter’s home stage in Rivals. The stage has two medium sized platforms near the edges of the stage, similar to Spirit Tree’s layout in base game Rivals. No real gimmicks her...
Created by KASU HEARTS
Frostine is a fallen queen, betrayed by the fire empire in her thirst for power in the ice kingdoms. She relies on zoning and ice weapons to defeat her foes. Revenge fuels her quest, her cold status causes enemies to take additional damage! https://i.imgur...
Fire Emblem Church
Created by kdavis3030
Garrag Mach Monastery's church from Fire Emblem Three Houses...
Final Destination
Created by SAI
Blackhole go funny. Also this is a Stamina Type 3 with a twist Special thanks: Karu for emotional support lol...
Created by DLshadows
The king of darkness has arrived! And he's got a lot of tricks up his sleeves to make sure he reigns over all. Ganondorf isn't the same as his smash bros version, while he may have some familiar moves he also comes with a bunch of new ones. So let's go ove...
Galactic Nova
Created by Smash_Bash
From Kirby Super Star, Galactic Nova is here to grant a wish! When a player has this buddy equipped, everyone can gather power stars as they fall past the stage. Attack enemies to take their stars until you have all seven, then summon the comet by landing ...
Galactic Crisis (Kirby Super Star Ultra)
Created by FelixBlobDev
The arena from Kirby Super Star Ultra where you fight Galacta Knight! In Aether mode, the stage becomes a wide walk-off, just like in the original game. Also, if no one is playing as Galacta Knight, he will appear in the background of the stage! Get Galact...
Created by Jetie
Gardevoir The Embrace Pokemon. She has the power to predict the future. Her power peaks when she is hugging you in Rivals. Gardevoir from Pokémon: Type Wild. Edits by Jetie. Like maybe over 200 thousand. Original Mod: Sana (by BagOfPINGAS) Ralts Stage Here...
Created by TOMMY Attacks!
“Beware the man who speaks in hands…” The Mystery Man hidden within Undertale, most widely known as “Doctor W.D. Gaster,” has escaped from the void and into the world of Rivals! Use his unique aerial movement, unusual attacks, and deadly setups, to corner ...
Geese Climbers
Created by RuberCuber
Geese was never an option. New stuff: USPECIAL becomes stronger when both geese are near each other. DSPECIAL switches between geese. Second goose might be janky due to rivals code limitations especially when interacting with other character's hitboxes, th...
Gideon Graves
Created by Lute
GIDEON GORDON GRAVES, THE 7th EVIL EX Thank you for 1000 Downloads! And an EXTRA special thank you for 4000 downloads! Can't believe I got this far on my first character! And yes, bug fixes and balance patches are in the works while I work on some other sp...
Created by JRbullfrog
Goomy from Pokemon X/Y is here as my entry for the Pokejam! Gimmick - Slime. Slime makes the opponent faster, but also lowers their ground friction. Up to 3 slime can be applied. Nspecial - Sludge Bomb. Applies 1 slime on hit. Fspecial - Poison Tail. If th...
Gogeta Blue
Created by LTSaim
You guys seemed to like Perfect Cell, so here is Gogeta! He's got a meter and hit-cancellable normals, so you guys should have some fun with this one. Specials: NSpecial: Mega Ki Blast FSpecial: Multiplex Afterimage (tap for beam, hold to cancel) USpecial:...
Green Greens (Melee)
Created by Spamite
Above skies of Popstar lies these nostalgic grassy fields, and a stubborn tree. Stage created fully by: JustZach and made for the Dream Collection! Music Track - Green Greens ...
H.W.C. Laboratory
Created by GrucYord
"Just look at this planet. Clean air, fresh water... There is a wealth of natural resources to be found here. But all of you who live in this world take that wealth for granted." The Haltmann Works Company Laboratory invades Rivals of Aether! This scientif...
Hidden Leaf Village
Created by Doctor Flux
The Hidden Leaf Village from the Naruto series Credit to Dimps for Stage idea from theirs naruto stage there is Music selection at countdown of a match on Right analog stick: Left: The Rising Fighting Spirit Up: Strong and Strike Down: Rock Lee's Theme Rig...
Hatsune Miku
Created by DinoBros
Hatsune Miku is a leek-wielding sword-user with a Negative Edge Clone. Her normals, strongs and aerials are based off of Lucina rather than Marth so there are no tippers. I'm not a big fan of tippers so I hope you all can understand my decision despite her...
Hunny Queen
Created by Jetie
Hunny Queen is a bee. A fuzzy bee. She is calm, charming and soft. If I had words to describe her, she would be cute and bee. Always remember, bee happy. Specials and Gimmicks Pollen: She has a limited amount of pollen. Remember to keep track of it. When s...
Ice Cap Zone
Created by SoN1c2001
A zone from Sonic 3 that's fully made for Rivals of Aether! This is at least one of my first mods that's actually been able to be finished so I'm proud of it for that reason! What's included: The stage itself Menu assets 3 songs...
Isolated Clock Tower
Created by Tengia
The Tower Clock where fates clash. BGM: Boss of Nova Credit Sai for their camera codes...
its morbin time
Created by Jonah
its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time, its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time. its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time! its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time its morbin time its morbin ti...
Created by Spamite
Gooey stumbles into Rivals of Aether! CLOUDY ICEBERG: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840241998 ----- Gooey’s moveset is heavily based around tounge-twisting action and classic Copy-Abilities. From Tounge-Whipping, Tounge-Twisting, ...
Created by roboshyguy
holy ♥♥♥♥... jerma. Jeremy Elbertson Nine, also known as Jerma985, joins Rivals of Aether for a second time! Jerma is fast Captain Falcon based rush down with a twist, he has a meter (shocking, really) and is fully voiced! Hit enemies to gain viewers, but ...
JoJo All Star Battle Announcer
Created by webbtail245
OPEN THE GAME! Okay to be honest I tried to find good sound clips from ASB but it was hard. Oh, and I think like one sound is actually from the anime rather than the game. Original Buddy by Hyuponia (used as a template). Please go check out the buddy as we...
Job Bot
Created by Jonah
Job Bot From Job Simulator Works his way into rivals! His Stage: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=2802395941 Thank you Epicshanner for making the base and helping out on a giant part of the design and moveset of job bot, and...
Job Museum
Created by Jonah
The Job Museum From Job Simulator! This Is the stage for job bot so download him too because why not Basic stage is a normal final destination, Aether version is A normal flat stage. Music is ripped straight from Job simulator's office job when you beat it...
Jungle Island
Created by ricE_ECD
Jungle Island from the Super Monkey Ball series appears! This is AiAi’s home stage in Rivals. The stage has two medium sized platforms on both sides of the stage. No real gimmicks here. Grab AiAi here: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
Created by Bidolf
You know who Ken is. I made this character because i wanted to play a real Ken and because I was stuck animating another character Im making. This is NOT a Sandbert clone. The spritesheet I used: https://spritedatabase.net/file/5185 Unique attacks In most ...
Created by Bar-Kun
https://imgur.com/J6kpj2I.png DISCLAIMER: I DON'T WANT ANY OF MY SPRITES USED FOR OTHER GAMES, IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM, CONTACT ME. Keqing, The Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing from Genshin Impact is wished into Rivals of Aether! Keqing is a swords-woman wieldin...
"King from Cave Story in Rivals of Aether...I don't know. Just play along with it." - Amber --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙉𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨 ----------------------------------------------...
Created by SAI
The general of Hu Hou's fold-timeline, corrupted by the Void Gems, seeking the destruction of other worlds. Definitely not related to Thanos or Morbius the new Marvel hit movie. How to gain the Gems? One on Kill, One on Death, And One on Time. How to do Po...
Created by Inf1n1teSp1r1t
https://i.imgur.com/yk61kw9.png Kaiero, the hardlight brawler, joins Rivals of Aether! Kaiero is an all-around character with quick normals and great stage control. Using his specials on tandem can put the enemy on edge! Specials (seen from picture above) ...
King Dedede
Created by Harbige12
King Dedede steals the show! (Mt. Dedede: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842918769/) Dedede will feel familiar to those who've played Smash Bros, as most of his moves are taken from Brawl/PM/Ultimate. Even if he is slow, his hammer...
Kingdom of Tantal
Created by JPEG Warrior
Fight on the upper layer ruins of the Kingdom of Tantal, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Home stage of Zeke & Pandoria. Includes two songs currently, Tantal and Tantal (Night) from Xenoblade 2's OST. Download Zeke & Pandoria here: https://steamoss.com/s...
Created by Spamite
Kirby joins Rivals of Aether! (CITY TRIAL: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839813438) ----- Kirby’s moveset is mostly intact from the Super Smash Bros. series, although with some adjustments made to better represent Kirby’s series a...
Kirby Fighters Buddy
Created by GrucYord
The Destined Rivals of Aether. Features: This buddy turns Rivals of Aether into something resembling Kirby Fighters. Try out new battles in an entirely different style! This buddy gives you a health bar. The total amount of health scales based on the amoun...
Kitara the Spirit Flame
Created by Esri
Kitara is a playful kitsune with the main ability of flame control. They have an immense amount of hidden power but almost never get serious enough to use them, so even they don't know the full extent of it. They also hide their powers completely when not ...
Created by Renlira
KOFFING!!! Theres a Koffing in your mailbox!! Koffing is a Floaty Lightweight Trapper able to create smoke clouds with his Neutral Special, to then detonate them with any Fire or Explosive move in his kit. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1851555...
Created by Lognes
Lognes is a hyper aggressive rushdown character with a stance change mechanic. Switch between Blue and Red to combo and kill respectively. He can also throw kunais to help weaponize his stance switching or to dash towards it. ==Gameplay== Lognes' central m...
Limbo (W145)
Created by webbtail245
A mysterious alternate world that is connected to ours. Demons reside here, but on top of those pipes (basic form only) you should be fine. To learn more, watch this playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm9tqOZ6J2NFsOUmK3kNcXPF5_2YIkpwD DISCLAIMER I...
Kraid's Lair (Brinstar Depths) - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
Enter the lair of the fat dragon! Based on the first boss area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Kraid's Lair is known by a few names. It's simply known as Kraid in Zero Mission but is also known as Brinstar Depths in other games....
Luigi Floating on an Egg Over the Sea
Created by Geno
Hey Mario! I'm gonna ride an egg over the ocean Mario! I heard there was a secret over the ocean Mario! Tracklist e g g s t h e t i c s - Luigi Floating on an Egg Over the Sea VLDC9 - Abstract Map...
Created by Lukaru
Where the heck are we!? Play Lukarune in Rivals of Aether! Fully programmed solo by Karu (me!), embark on this exciting hour-long adventure inspired by DELTARUNE! A one-shot RPG game... inside Rivals!? It seems like there's some magic around here... Fight ...
Lor Starcutter
Take your foes for a spin in this intergalactic ship of Magolor's home stage: Lor Starcutter! Featuring an asymmetrical layout and walls in Aether mode, this stage is a real joy ride. With the help of Hyuponia's music selection template, you can select one...
M.A.D Piano
Created by SussyShart
M.A.D Piano TUNES Into Violence!! Mad Piano is a heavy grappler that utilizes gravity in a weird way. Gimmick - 64 Hitstun Gravity When hit by a special(Besides Up-Special) you apply the opponent with a gravity debuff that makes them floatier while in hits...
Mad Mechanism
Created by Spamite
This surreal machinery filled area from Kirby Canvas Curse has a nice style to it, don't you think? The Aether Form transforms the stage into a walk-off with a rising platform! Stage fully created by Clay and made for the Dream Collection! ___________ Musi...
Magolor https://i.imgur.com/5jiYx7p.png Bravo! The stellar deceptor, Magolor from Kirby's Return to Dream Land, joins the fray with a plethora of tricks up his sleeve! Make the stage yours with portals, explosive gem apples, and magic attacks of all sorts ...
Mad Mechanism - No Platforms
Created by Spamite
This surreal machinery filled area from Kirby Canvas Curse has a nice style to it, don't you think? Without Platforms though. This surreal machinery filled area from Kirby Canvas Curse has a nice style to it, don't you think? The Aether Form transforms the...
Mantis Lords Boss Fight
Created by RuberCuber
"Leaders of the Mantis tribe and its finest warriors. They bear thin nail-lances and attack with blinding speed" Fight the leaders of the mantis tribe in this faithful recreation of the Mantis Lords boss fight from Hollow Knight! Play in Basic mode for the...
Created by Jetie
Maractus is a cactus and he likes to dance, and has instruments like Maracas and he likes to have fun with music. He is a cool pokemon Info Specials & Gimmick Gimmick Rhythm: He has to time things correctly to get a better output on a bunch oh his moves Pa...
Created by SleepyPlayer16
Also known as The Guardian of the Skies, Marisa is finally here, After 2 years of development! h̶e̶l̶l. Marisa was originally planned as an echo figher of Liz, but eventually she ended up being her own character with different mechanics and stuff. Marisa's...
Matt from Wii Sports
Created by Elias
Matt from Wii Sports, with a moveset inspired by the Wii-series of games!...
Metal Harbor
Created by JackXBL
From Sonic Adventure 2, Metal Harbor! Sonic's second stage, this level takes place in the middle of the ocean as Sonic evades capture from GUN, culminating in hitching a ride from a rocket! Songs used: That's the Way I Like It (Metal Harbor) Won't Stop, Ju...
Metal Madness
Created by Enzio
The Final Stand between all the heroes, and the Metal Overlord Song List: "vs. Metal Madness" "What I'm Made of" "vs. Egg Emperor" "Crazy Robo - E-101 β"...
Mirai Trunks
Created by Oersted_LAL
Mirai Trunks is here to save the future! With your Sword of Hope, cut down the many foes you have in Rivals of Aether! Trunks is a versatile attacker with many alternative skins and such. As my first full character in quite some time, I wish you enjoy him....
Metallic Madness
Created by Emeraldman13
The final zone in Sonic CD, now as a playable stage! I made this stage because one of my friends wanted Metallic Madness as a stage. I wanted to add some sort of time travel feature, but I lack the skill to do something like that at the moment. Enjoy! Spri...
Created by George Seinfeld
Victory theme is the victory theme from third strike ------------------------------------------------------------- "You have no dignity." Maurice, the crustaceous champion, is here to get rid of the gutter trash in rivals of aether. Heavily inspired by Dud...
Monado Clairen
Created by Barney
She's broken now! Introducing Clairen with Monado Arts! This is a skin mod for Clarien that gives her the ability to use Shulk's Monado Arts from Smash Ultimate. Monado Arts replaces Clarien's neutral special, but they can be activated while you're in any ...
Mushroom Kingdom II
Created by Grumpuss
Collect Turnips o' Plently in the Super Mario Brothers 2 magical Smash Bros Level! WAHHHHHOOOOOOOOO...
Mushroom Melee
Created by Pacster
“Did you know? to unlock Luigi, the player must clear the Mushroom Kingdom Adventure level with a two as the second digit of the seconds portion of the clock.” A stage based on the first level of Super Smash Bros. Melee’s adventure mode! Feedback and criti...
Mushroom Gorge
Created by Ballistic Boo
To celebrate Wave 2 of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pack, Mario Kart Wii's third course of the Mushroom Cup appears as a stage to fight on. In Basic mode, it is a rather large stage that features a flatter layout with three platforms, with the to...
Mr. Molecule
Created by Kimoi479
Huge thank you to m30w for doing majority of the balancing and helping with visual changes What does Mr. Molecule look like? https://i.imgur.com/oxDGyuj.gif What are Mr. Molecule's stats? Offense: 118 Defense: 97 Speed: 18 Guts: 5 Hit Points: 280 HP PSI Po...
Naruto Uzumaki
Created by Doctor Flux
https://i.imgur.com/NYO53er.png Believe it!! Naruto Uzumaki From The Naruto Manga/Anime joins Rivals of Aether as a playable character his moveset draws inspiration from Super Smash Flash 2´s But with Custom Sprites and some tweaked moves & new moves like ...
Created by Tengia
NeO is a jumpy wolf with control over time flow. Nspecial pause your current action and retain momentum like a certain game! Also make your opponent in hitpause slowdown by half! Fspecial consume a bar to project yourself as projectile Uspecial is a omnidi...
Created by o_626_o
No stranger to frequently falling into other dimensions, Neptune crash lands into aether! With a plethora of combo options, and devastating specials such as Cross Combo and Victory Slash to really Nep any enemies up! Although not without flaws... with poor...
Net Battlefield
Created by Dimpsuu~
Where all Net Battles take place in the world of Mega Man Battle Network. It's the Net Battlefield in Rivals of Aether!...
Nikensho: The Red Persona!
Created by JRetrioX
Overview After 2 years of development, Nikensho finally releases to Steam Workshop! We hope it was worth the wait! Nikensho is a homage to the NES era. His main gimmick involves him and his partner Plux! Launch her at your foes and she will throw them back...
Noelle (Snowgrave)
Created by BoneJackGlitz
"...HER? YOU'RE STILL TRYING TO HER!?" Take control of the lost girl from the Snowgrave route, Noelle. Noelle wears the Thorn Ring, an item that makes her spells more potent, at the cost of her health. She will take damage over time, to a maximum of 80%. T...
Norfair - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
Do you dare to brave the fiery depths of Norfair? Based on the second area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Norfair is more dangerous then Brinstar and known for its overwhelming heat and lava lakes! While Basic Mode's lava does ...
Created by slugcat
From OMORI The first in a series of stages based on various areas from OMORI...
Olimar (but he is 1 inch tall)
Created by leopaof
Olimar is really small, he's only like, 1 inch (or 2 centimeters for people like me who don't use imperial units) so he dies to basically anything, but you can use your size and your enormous amount of pikmins to wreak some havoc gimmicks (this character i...
Outside Merlee's Mansion (Super Paper Mario)
Created by Super Isaiah
The location in Chapter 2-2 of Super Paper Mario. "Believers, open the door! Non-Believers open it NOW! --Mysterious Magical Merlee"...
Created by Yukari Takeba
The City portion of the Pac-Land stage from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Songs used: PAC-MAN'S PARK / BLOCK TOWN - Super Smash Bros. Wii U Psycho Soldier Theme - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Working for the Weekend - Loverboy...
Created by NerdiestAlpaca
Paprika, the Champion of Foenum's Highlands from Them's Fightin' Herds, joins the fight in Rivals! Paprika is a middleweight, somewhat quick bruiser. She has a good set of relatively hard-hitting moves, and quite the handful of ways to string them together...
Mt. Dedede
Created by Spamite
The Castle of the Mountain King, Mt. Dedede! Fight during the sunset or night depending on which form you choose to fight on. FULLY DRAWN AND CREATED BY CLAY Music List Basic - Clash! Mid Boss Tower (RtDL King Dedede Remix) - Represents - Clash at Castle D...
Pastelle (Legacy)
Created by Kocakup
Hai there! This is the Legacy version of Pastelle, my first ever character that I created for the workshop! If you are interested in checking out the Definitive Edition instead, then here is the link for it. Thanks! https://steamoss.com/workshop/file...
Created by Hemuth
The Two-Ton Terrestial Terror •PEAT SUMMARY• Archetype: Giant, Grappler Good qualities: Deceptive mobility, burst damage Bad qualities: Slow, large hurtbox, linear recovery Once a normal run of the mill mole in the ground; after a chance encounter with a m...
Created by doo1213
Shoots peas at the enemy. DSPECIAL: Torchwood • Plants a Torchwood. • 5-second recharge. • Torchwood has a lifespan of 30 seconds. • Peas that pass through Torchwood gain double damage and increased range and speed. • Shooting a pea through Torchwood decre...
Po & Gumbo
Created by roboshyguy
You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice? It's Po & Gumbo (AKA, Pumbo, if you're feeling lazy)! For reference, Po is the shrimp and Gumbo is the Alligator. These two were inspired by the Creole/Cajun style of cooking, as well as Louisiana culture. Gumbo ...
Pepsi Man
Pepsi Man has arrived to give the people Pepsi. Use your fast-paced normals and Pepsi Cancels to keep the pressure on your opponents! "it's like Captain Falcon, but with a Sex Kick" - Toma_ ------------------------------------------------------------------...
Created by Dr Oshawott
The Keeper of the Hammer, Poppy, from League of Legends stumbles upon Rivals of Aether during her (pointless) quest! May as well see if anyone here is the hero she's looking for. Specials: Neutral Special: Poppy throws her buckler and if it hits an opponen...
Project M Stamina Type 3
Created by Barney
It's a real fighting game now! Introducing stamina mode from Project M in Rivals of Aether! This buddy changes blastzones so that you now wrap around the screen instead of immediately dying, and also adds a visible HP value to your UI. Players die when the...
Relic Castle
Created by Flophawk
Relic Castle from Pokemon Black and White, and home stage of Cofagrigus. It's course and rough, and it gets everywhere!...
Reckless Swordsman
Created by RuberCuber
That's not how you use a sword... Master of the Mordhau swordfighting technique, taken to the extreme. This wacky swordfighter follows no rules but his own, with a diverse moveset split across 2 stances. Gimmick: Stance change Reckless Swordsman is a stanc...
Created by Inv3rted
Reuniclus, the Mindbending Brawler from Unova, makes their way into the world of Aether! Reuniclus is a zoner/grappler hybrid who can either keep their opponents at a distance with large, disjointed normals and numerous projectiles, as well as utilize vari...
Ridley's Lair (Lower Norfair) - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
Only those foolish enter the lair of Ridley for none have ever returned... Based on the second boss area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Ridley's Lair is one of the most dangerous parts of Planet Zebes! Known as Ridley in Zero M...
Rin Kaenbyou
Created by JustJerome
Rin Kaenbyou the Stage 5 boss of Touhou 11 Subterranean Animism enters Rivals of Aether. Rin is an extremely high APM mobile rushdown who boasts a heavy powerful punish game through a plethora of cancels but can struggle to get in due to limited range, a l...
Created by Jonah
yes really, the entirety of r/place is now playable in rivals of aether! r/place is an april fools event on the website reddit, it kicked off and today (when this item was uploaded) was the last day of r/place. Because of the amount of stuff on here, i can...
Created by Opengunner
Gameplay Description Roekoko is a medium-light spacie archetype with a Forsburn clone inspired gimmick. Her clone is designed to deceive opponents and to land command grabs that allow for powerful follow ups from the real Roekoko. This character is heavily...
Created by RuberCuber
This isn't the droid you're looking for... R2-D2 from Star Wars joins ROA workshop! This little astromech droid has a bunch of tools at their disposal, especially their ability to cover the entire stage and opponents with oil, and ignite them using fire at...
Rustboro city
Created by Sylv1
STAGE : - Rustboro city from pokemon ruby / sapphire / emerald =========================================================================== STAGE MUSIC CREDITS : - pokemon R/S/E trainer school by Go Ichinose - pokemon R/S/E wild pokemon battle by Junichi Ma...
Sammer's Kingdom
Created by Catwish
Based on one of the 100 arenas you visit in Chapter 6-1 from Super Paper Mario. The stage is simple, but will require many players to rethink strategies and combos due to the roof the stage has. My first stage, sprites are made by me. If you wish to remove...
Sakuya Izayoi
Created by Krankees
Sakuya Izayoi, the head maid from Stage 5 of Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, has joined the battle. Sakuya is a strong zoner with pretty good normals. Her zoning tools allow her to use them for regular zoning or even combo starters in some cases. Th...
Samus Aran
Created by leopaof
The legendary bounty hunter Samus Aran is finally here Full character gimmick documentation: jab the third hit shares the same counter property as up tilt and fair (see those attacks for more info) dattack an initial burst with a shoulder bash that can lea...
Created by RhythmKoopa
Samson flutters in from Hammockton to bring on the hurt! (And hugs!) https://i.imgur.com/UKS6rU5.png Samson kit involves a hit-and-run playstyle with elements of the trapper playstyle. His main gimmick involves him spawning a jar of honey with his NSPECIAL...
Created by DonGT
gotsas go fest If you like this, consider leaving a thumbs up for support! https://i.imgur.com/77noCGA.png Overview Sanic is a fest fighter, he's insanely quick! Good luck catching him! Moveset https://i.imgur.com/LTzzcbv.png Neutral Special: Dorito™️ Toss...
SDM ~ Luna Nights
Created by Krankees
A Scarlet Devil Mansion stage based on the in-game version from Luna Nights. Song List: Flowering Night ~ Luna Nights Luna Dial ~ Luna Nights The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood ~ Luna Nights The Young Descendant of Tepes ~ Luna Nights Night of Nights ~...
Created by Buttlerr
I made this stage in support of Mr. White. Please donate now and save Walter White! Credits: -Assets from http://www.savewalterwhite.com/ -Sgt_Beenbag for the idea Music used: -Breaking Bad Remix (Seasons 1 and 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqdmqRgr...
Shattered Shrine
Created by Lukaru
What happened to the Shrine of Light? Song by Answearing Machine!! Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steamuserimag...
Shadow Moses SSBU
Created by Ziehen Freund
The Shadow Moses Incident occurred in 2005, when a genetically enhanced, renegade special forces unit, FOXHOUND, leads an armed uprising on a remote island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago. This island was code-named Shadow Moses and was the site of a nuclear w...
Created by Smash_Bash
Straight out of Dragon Ball, the eternal dragon Shenron is here to grant a wish! When a player has this buddy equipped, Goku's Flying Nimbus will travel across the stage carrying a Dragon Ball, which you can take for yourself. Attack enemies to take their ...
Scott Wozniak
Created by Super Isaiah
"Hey all, Scott here, and I'm in big trouble. Apparently I've picked up a real bad habit of getting sucked through portals and trapped in indie fighting games, and I can't find a way out. Well, while I'm here I may as well see what all the fuss is about wi...
Shitty Ass Atlanta WaffleHouse
Created by SussyShart
Small Battlefield
Created by Loafus
Battlefield from Smash but actually its PS2 and has crazy small blast zones....
Smart Recovery
Created by Smash_Bash
With this Buddy equipped, you will recover autonomously! This mod is meant to improve accessibility for new players by automating most of the recovery process, which could be difficult to memorise for those new to this genre of fighter. Compatibility issue...
Created by jade
Meet the Soldier from TF2 Rocketjump around as you master the art of free aiming! Tips: As Soldier, you only has 1 Special Move, being the rocket launcher. The rocket launcher can be aimed freely with the anolog stick allowing for 360 degree movement. But ...
Sir Kibble
Created by SB-2749
"What's inside that armor? Classified! Just like his golden blade, this guy returns to the fight again and again. Pluckiness is the best armor of all!" Sir Kibble, the recurring iron-clad foe from the Kirby series, has arrived at Aether! He's a lightweight...
Sky Tower
Created by Spamite
High in the skies of Nutty Noon! Based on a location from Kirby's Return to Dream Land. FULLY CREATED AND DRAWN BY BATIT Music List - Sky Tower (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) - Moonlight Canyon (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) - Sacred Square (Kirby Star All...
Solid Snake
Created by Aaron No. 893
Kept you waiting, huh? Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series finally comes to Rivals of Aether! READ FIRST: (05/06/2022) I am aware that this mod isn't as user-friendly as it could be. I am also aware that this mod has performance issues, and from what I'...
Created by DLshadows
After as long as KH3 took, Sora is finally in rivals! And while he doesn't have his buddies, Donald and Goofy, he does have his magic, limits and items. Sora is a slower floaty character, who is a master of air combos… and complex plot. You'll have to lear...
Space Pirate Mother Ship (Chozodia) - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
Can you sneak aboard the pirate mother ship undetected? Based on the first half of the final area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, the Space Pirate Mother Ship has landed in Chozodia atop the surface of Planet Zebes. With Mother ...
Specter Knight NERFED
Created by Captain!
Play as Specter Knight, the undead member of the Order of No Quarter. All sprites are from Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. All credit goes to Yacht Club Games What could be in that mysterious locket of his? I'm told it has the power to make someone invincib...
SSF1 Mushroom Kingdom
Created by webbtail245
The Mushroom Kingdom stage from Super Smash Flash 1, now with collision on top of Peach's Castle (Aether form disables it)....
Created by MasherZN
SSF2 Battlefield in Rivals of aether...
SSL Mega Man
Created by Dimpsuu~
The Blue Bomber gets a new coat of paint in this Super Smash Land style, featuring a new moveset as opposed to the one from the original fan game. Ground: A - = Mega Buster A -> = Break Dash A ^ = Mega Upper A v = Slide Aerial: A - = Mega Buster (Air) A ->...
SSL Drak Vuris
Created by SAI
NOTE: my own SSL roster had shared universal mechanics that make them incompatible to fight outsider SSL characters. They are more on par with normal character if anything. Drak Vuris, father of Elice Vuris. He is an icecream man. Formerly known as Ice Kin...
Sub Zero
Created by lewill
Mortal Kombat's Sub Zero joins the fight. His appearance and move set are partially inspired by several entries in the Mortal Kombat series, as well as Injustice 2. The alternate colour palette options pay homage to fellow Mortal Kombat characters, includi...
SSL Lucas Ashikaga
Created by SAI
NOTE: my own SSL roster had shared universal mechanics that make them incompatible to fight outsider SSL characters. They are more on par with normal character if anything. Lucas Ashikage, a nimble youngster from the Ashikaga family. Little brother to Fuki...
SSL Peter Griffin
Created by Lowinor
The Family Man from the hit TV Show Family Guy made by Seth MacFarlane now joins Rivals in SSL. Special Thanks for Rick DIO James for helping me with the Dash Animation Join the SSL discord for tournaments, releases, and more SSL Discussion! https://discor...
SSL Crustle
Created by Artist of Seer
It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land. When its boulder is broken in battles for territory, it feels unsure and begins to weaken. Crustle is a heavyweight fighter who specialize...
Super Mario Bros: W1
Created by Harbige12
A faithful recreation of World 1 from Super Mario Bros! You read that correctly, not just the famous 1-1, but the entirety of World 1! Test your skills in this game mode. Attacks will work on the enemies, but you can also stomp on them like the classic plu...
Susie https://i.imgur.com/lTaPyZM.png Say hello to Susie, reporting to work from Kirby: Planet Robobot! Using Science as her weapon of choice, get down to business and either rush down your foes with a flurry of high speed and ranged attacks, or tank them ...
Created by Pwnz
SuperDom64 Stumbles into battle!...
[Old] Sven
Created by trinkay
(There is a better version of Sven out now https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2930890186) It's Sven, The Hypogeal Horror, a monster from beneath the earth's surface. He is a lightweight with anti-zoning specials and odd attacks. Special...
Tetris (Playable Stage)
Created by Nito
The iconic puzzle game comes to Rivals as a dynamic stage! Overview While fighting on this stage you will have to adapt to the ever changing terrain. No two sessions will go exactly the same, so be ready to switch up your playstyle! Dropped Tetris pieces w...
The Backrooms
Created by SAI
No Clips?...
The House of Horrors
Created by Ghostabo
Invade the House of Horrors in this stage based in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, as part of the Dream Collection! Aliens pop out as platforms every few seconds, so don't get spooked! This goes double for the aether version, where the light can shut down, a...
Yep. That's right. Cappy towns know-it-all and Kirby's compadre is coming at ya in the world of Rivals of Aether!!! Also there is a Peter Griffin skin. I'm a Family Guy fan okay don't @ me Imagine making Escargoon couldnt be us. Credits: Rick DIO James( A ...
The Ninja Turtles
Created by lewill
TMNT's Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael have entered the battle. Special Moves: Neutral Special Launch Michelangelo forward on a skateboard, swinging his nunchaku in front of him. This move is useful for trapping enemies in a flurry of hits f...
Trans Buddy
Created by Lukaru
Made this in 5 mins lmfao Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/767233104381572951/...
Time Chamber
Created by The Shovel Crusader
Hyperbolic Time Chamber, from the DRAGON BALL Series. (room of spirit of time) Dbs Dbz Goku Vegeta Krillin Krillen Kakkarot Broly...
Tourian - Metroid: Zero Mission
Created by ATalksToSelf
Mother Brain awaits... Based on the final main area of Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original Metroid, Tourian is dark and eerie. It was once a Metroid breeding lab for the space pirates, but something broke the Metroids loose and now they're on t...
Too Slow (FNF)
Created by webbtail245
The first area in the Friday Night Funkin VS Sonic.EXE mod! CREDITS MarStarBro for making the Too Slow song Rightburst Ultra for directing the Sonic.EXE mod. Seriously, it's a good one. DISCLAIMER Any mods used in screenshots will not come with this addon....
Transcended Azure
Created by Lukaru
Song: Red Like Roses - Part II Socials Join the Shrine of Light discord Follow me on Twitter If you enjoyed this mod, please consider giving a like or favorite as that will really help this mod out! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/76723310438157...
Created by turpix
Turpix, the Chaos Powered Robot. Technically a metal golem powered by Chaos Magic. It's choice of weapon is a katana with Chaos affinity Chaos makes space unstable around your opponent, allowing Turpix to use Spatial Tricks. Hold Special to use Tricks Spec...
Valley & Death
Created by Spider Boi
A vessel for Death that didn't exactly go as planned, play as Valley & Death spreading their deadly fumes. Valley can place pockets of poison using fstrong, ustrong, uspecial, and dspecial (on hit). Use the clouds to enhanced her specials, allowing her to ...
Wally, The Narwhal
Created by PJ
Potemkin plus Tager gimmick! •WALLY SUMMARY• Archetype: Heavy, Grappler Good qualities: Breaking through offense, burst damage Bad qualities: Slow, large hurtbox, slightly linear recovery As a retired fighter of the underground fighting club complex in Wat...
Wall Ruins
Created by RuberCuber
The home stage of Arboris. As the Fire Capitol started to exert its influence over Aether, many species fell into its subjugation. The wall runners were no exception, many being enslaved for manual labour. With nobody left to maintain the wall, it fell int...
Created by webbtail245
NOTE: This mod is very low effort, please do not make a video about it lmfao webbtail245's evil clone has followed him to Rivals. webbtail245 - https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2609172344 W145's plan was to turn Earth into dark matter...
Created by KASU HEARTS
Wart arrives from the dream world, to terrorize mario and friends! With his hard hitting attack and unique offense using the tactics of subcon, will the mushroom kingdom be safe? Nspecial - Bubbles Hard hitting projectiles than go through the stage. https://...
webbtail 10-20-21
Created by webbtail245
An archive of the 10-20-21 build of webbtail245 https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2609172344 FINAL BUILD...
Whispy Woods
Created by Spamite
Whispy takes root into the Workshop! BOSS BUTCH: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2841536720/ ----- Whispy Woods is one of the heaviest fighters on the Dream Collection, only rivaled by the grace of King Dedede. While that may render ...
Whiterun Hold
Created by francesco734
"Hey, you. You're finally awake." Cross the borders of Skyrim and take your battles to the fields of Whiterun, with a view of the mountains, Dragonsreach and it's calm surroundings. I was listening to some of FamilyJules tunes and while I was listening to ...
Wii Sports Dog
Created by Elias
The dog from Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit!...
Wii Party
Created by Pacster
“It’s the Party of the Year!” Join the fun in this stage based on the 1-4 player party title WiiParty! All sprites used were made by myself. Feedback and critiques are much appreciated! Songs Included: ‘Title Theme’ from Wii Party ‘Main Menu’ from Wii Part...
Created by Lukaru
UNO! Play Uno on the Lukastar Engine that is currently in development! This game is a test of the capabilities of the engine so far. https://i.imgur.com/6sxmuc8.gif It fully works online, and even has desynced cams to hide your opponent's cards!! Rule Vari...
Winter Horns
Created by Flophawk
Winter Horns from Kirby and the Forgotten Land comes to Rivals! Specifically based on Northeat Frost Street, this stage is part of the Kirby's 30th anniversary pack! https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839841187 TRACKLIST: -Battle Of Bl...
Waddle Dee Train Tracks
Created by GrucYord
All aboard! From Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Waddle Dee Train Tracks runs in! Make sure to stay clear of the reckless runaway train! Special thanks to Ghostabo for creating the sky background!...
World 2
Created by SleepyPlayer16
Cute plains...
Wondaria Park
Created by Spamite
WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO WONDARIA PARK! FULLY CREATED AND DRAWN BY CLAY Music List Basic - Welcome to Wondaria - Circuit Speedway - Beginner Treasures - Plundering Beast Battle - Magolor Race 1 Aether - Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams - Faded Dream of a Psychom...
Wuhu Island
Created by Elias
First appearing in Wii Fit as Wii Fit Island, Wuhu Island is the homeland of the Miis. It as since appeared in games like Wii Sports Resort, Mario Kart, Pilot Wings Resort and Super Smash Bros.!...
Created by Flophawk
The Spirit Pokemon Yamask comes out of the catacombs to cheer you on!...
Yold Ruins (Super Paper Mario)
Created by Super Isaiah
The location of Chapter 1-4 in Super Paper Mario. Play on Aether mode for the hazardous spiky tromps to appear!...
Zeke & Pandoria
Created by JPEG Warrior
Party formation has changed... Zeke and Pandoria from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 find their way onto the Rivals of Aether Workshop. Pass your weapon back and forth between two characters and overwhelm your opponents with the chaos this Driver and Blade duo has...
Zooming Down Elevator
Created by Ness
The elevator malfunctions and starts to accelerate rapidly, as the rivals descend deeper towards the bottom-most floor of a Ptolemaic Army base from Metal Slug 5, the 5th installment in the world renowned run & gun series made by SNK. Watch out for the Wal...
Created by Scruff0
Zander, The Shining Justice, full name Zander von Ephemeris. Claims to be a prince exiled from his world for playing too much Xenoblade. He is the strongest being in the universe (source: himself). The only thing bigger than his sword, dubbed ''Worldrazer'...
Created by Wabbles
SECOND UPDATE: Sorry about the lack of updates for X and Zero recently, got big things planned for both of them but idk when it'll be ready In the meantime I buffed Zero a bit hopefully he's funner to play now NEXT UPDATE: - an idle animation - idk we'll s...
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Contains 950 items
In 5 collections by Katt
Everything on the Workshop
978 items
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