

146 ratings
Warden job
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19 Dec, 2021 @ 6:55pm
29 Jun, 2024 @ 5:53am
52 Change Notes ( view )

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Warden job

The Warden is here, and no monster is safe

After many weeks of research and development, The warden is now finally able to join the fight! Using three of my previously posted mods, this one makes sure you get the most out of each item.
The warden is a powerful fighter, capable of sustaining and dealing damage while buffing the crew who comes along on the trip. They make for poor maintenance routines though.

The warden is a new job, with three special trees:
Wardens swear an oath to protect their crewmates, whatever faction they find themselves working for. Boosts your and your crew's defenses.
Fighting is as common as breathing in Europa, Wardens have found their own way to be more efficient at both. Specializes your style of combat.
Injuries are a part of life, knowing how to not quell to them is crucial. Learn ways to stay in the fight for longer.

For more detailed information on the talent trees, check the discussions.

The warden also has different stats:
High //~45
Med. // ~30
Med. // ~30
Low. // ~7
Low. // ~7

What changes?
This mod overrides the other 3 required mods to balance them around the job.
The most notable changes are that most items are no longer purchasable nor craftable (without a recipe). Meaning the warden is needed to obtain these.

The wardens can also start new custom dialogues with the crew. New dialogues provided by mcbone_kenney. Go check their stuff out!

There are also many new additions to the job, most of them being job-exclusive items and decorations, such as trophies.

How do I hire a warden?
At the start of a campaign, you begin with 1 warden. And that's it. Without this mod, wardens can't be hired. The reason why it is a different mod is that This is an override to Cities, Outposts, and Military locations. Meaning it may interfere with other mods, and are necessary if you want to make a custom job hireable. If you want to hire the warden, go for that mod, if not, take care of your starter.
If you play in multiplayer, then you can just select a warden as you would any other job
Something broke...
Jobs are a very new en devour to me, if you see your console with errors please take a screenshot and post it in bugs. I'll do my best to fix them as quickly as possible.

Thanks to the people on my discord for the help and being part of the closed beta, and special thanks to:
Shogun, D3f4ult612, DTownmex

Now with Polish translation! Thanks to Kaofan . Go check them out!
And a Russian translation made by iErr0r32 . Thank you very much, it is appreciated.

New in the last update
-Balance changes adjusting the genetic material found in ruins (no more, big chains. But they should still be worth the exploration). As well as allowing 'marksmanship' to increase lacerations by a small amount so melee weapons and turrets are included. Competing talent tweaked to compete.
For detailed info, check the change notes (below the mod icon at the top of this page).

If you had the talent "Weapons expertise" AND not "Submarine Warfare" before this latest update, you'll be presented with a bug where you cannot continue leveling up until you've spent a total of three talent points (or use console commands to grant you the talent givetalent warden_second5). I tried everything I could but I just can't find a way to grant a talent in any other way. If someone has information on this, it would be much appreciated.
Popular Discussions View All (4)
30 Dec, 2023 @ 2:24pm
Bugs and other issues
23 Mar, 2023 @ 2:37pm
10 Feb, 2023 @ 7:34pm
PINNED: Talent trees REWORK
vojogda97 26 Jan @ 12:29pm 
Please tell me how to turn on the shield
GodEmperor 24 Oct, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
Can this be added mid playthrough?
Bolitrian 21 Jul, 2024 @ 10:40pm 
how the Protegee mechanic works?
Blu 4 Feb, 2024 @ 11:05pm 
Is the sealed supply crate supposed to "unseal" when you deconstruct it? In my case I didn't find out how to turn it into the "unsealed" version at least.
NOTGAGE 20 Jan, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
Help my friend grammerly_dave has been making fun of me lately for being too "power hungry". This mod has made a power complex in our sub. Is there any way to make it so this job is more powerful so I can stop his yapping? And maybe add, I dunno, a nuclear hand grenade. Thank you.
AGrimmlock 19 Jan, 2024 @ 12:20am 
Thats quite a contradiction, especially since this one is focused on team play
grammerly_dave 18 Jan, 2024 @ 9:28pm 
help my friend uses this class in our baro save and he tortures us with his powers. Why couldn't he just be happy with the security job....I hate everything he has become he hasn't been the same since this mod was added it has changed him for the worst.
BOOMAN 28 Oct, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
Could you make one with just the class and none of the items that are required because it seems a little OP
Yak'All  [author] 26 Oct, 2023 @ 6:38pm 
It is, and I've thought about doing it with one issue stopping me: If something was to break, I would need to update both versions, I already have trouble keeping up my schedule and doing projects and my fear is that if I make two things, keeping track of when updates arrive to patch won't happen or won't be consistent due to my own fault.
I probably am overthinking it tho, and the one-in-all pack might happen at some point in the near future.
Xiivait 25 Oct, 2023 @ 8:53pm 
Is it possible to combine all the mods and prerequisites into one content pack?
The jobs, the suit, the weapons, etc.