Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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L4D2 Shotguns
Items (17)
Overly Cool Animation - Pump Shotgun
Created by iiopn
The release of my Overly Cool series. Replaces the Pump-shotgun, on Mossberg 500 from Insurgency. I'll be releasing the next ones on my YT channel first. If you want, you can check it there first on what I'm working on. https://www.youtube.com/c/IIopnWorks...
Remington 870 Modular Combat Shotgun (Chrome Shotgun)
Created by Agent Hachman
Remington Model 870 in a Modular Combat Shotgun (MCS) configuration. Replaces Chrome Shotgun Credits: - Remington 870 MCS model: Luchador - Animations: Cele - Firing and handling sounds: Navaro - Pump sounds: NMRIH Team - Materials: 8sianDude - Port, Riggi...
M1897 Trench Gun Dragon Breath From KF2 For Pump Shotgun
Created by Hex To Max
Playing WW2 background games like BFV and COD:WW2, Winchester Model 1897, aka Model 97 attracted my eyes and I found Lt. Rocky's amazing work. but I wanted pump shotgun version so I ported to it and changed animations. Custom sound is not necessary Credits...
MW2019: M680
Created by mav
Reliable, well rounded 12 gauge pump-action shotgun. The M680 in The Hush blueprint. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance ...
Duke Nukem's Shotgun
Created by Lt. Rocky
The shotgun from Duke Nukem Forever Mighty Boot's its way into Left 4 Dead 2 and your heart. Replaces the pump shotgun on Arby26's animations. See the Chrome Shotgun version here. Credits: Thunderwolf05 - Idea & concept Jason278 - UV correcting; the UV map...
QBS-09 Military Green (SPAS)
Created by Vilinsecto
A modification of the QBS-09 mod by Lt. Rocky in military green color. Replaces the SPAS. Includes new firing sounds. If you like it, please rate it. All credits to the original author of the weapon, Lt. Rocky, that can be found here: https://steamcommunit...
QBS-09 Autoshotgun
Created by Lt. Rocky
Its the Chinese QBS-09 shotgun from Battlefield 4, decked to the world of Left 4 Dead. Replaces the Spas Shotgun on my L4D1 Autoshogun animations. Credits: Battlefield 4 - Shotgun Battlefield 3 - Audio Killing Floor 2 - Audio Insurgency - Flashlight SaInT ...
【Ⅱ】HQ SPAS-12 (Unfolder Stock) Reanimated
说明 · KAC SR-25 Silenced+smaller muzzle fire · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:UnChild 、Azhe · Upload:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 请参考原MOD 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Striker 12 (SPAS-12)
Created by Cele
Credits: Striker: Crytek kyiv Sound: Navaro Animation: Cele...
Remington 870-Spas12
Created by Jimmakos
Features new model,textures,shaders,firing and reloading sounds. Replace the Spas12 autoshotgun. Detailed credits: My mate Crash - Model,textures Yogensia - Shells model,textures Paysus - Animations Lt. Rocky - Compile FlyAwayNow - Video preview Jimmakos -...
Created by Zaeryn
Replaces the SPAS-12 shotgun with Pete's model on arby26's SPAS reanimation. Credits: Pete - model, textures (gun) Snark - model (rack/shells) Giz, Stoke, Vertthrasher - textures (rack/shells) Kimono - model, textures (flashlight) DMG - model edits (flashl...
SPAS-15 (SPAS-12)
Created by Eliza
In memory of empty/Deprive3D (2003 - 2023) (THIS GUN MOD IS A REUPLOAD. I DID NOT MAKE THIS MOD AT ALL AND ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR, WHO GRANTED ME PERMISSION TO REUPLOAD IT) The less-recognized, successor of the famous Franchi SPAS-12. The ...
Auto Shotgun Reborn
Created by Zaeryn
The default "auto shotgun"/Benelli M4 Super 90 gets a new model, textures, sounds and arby's edited autoshotgun reanimations. Compiled on Kruku's Benelli M4 model equipped with Rafael De Jongh's awesome shells. No particles. Credits: arby26 - animations Do...
Created by T4
Killing Floor 2 - M4 Shotgun | Autoshotgun
Created by Leepc12XD
→→Victoria skin version←← Use it to find a new home for zombie's head. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1755817165492972382/BE7B37B76E98721E5DEE8704AB454E1ED5D2480A/ Features Inspect weapon animations | Original sounds & animations Good news:no l...
Remington Defense 590 Autoshotgun Black & Brown
Created by Vilinsecto
A modification of the Remington Defense 590 Autoshotgun mod by Lt. Rocky. Replaces the autoshotgun. Includes new colors, textures and firing sounds. If you like it, please rate it. All credits to the original author of the weapon, Lt. Rocky, that can be fo...
Counter-Strike 2: XM1014
Created by ihcorochris
TRS Left 4 Dead on Source 2 The Benelli M4 Super 90, now known as the "XM1014", returns from previous CS games. It is the most expensive shotgun in the game, but it is also the weakest, doing less damage per pellet than its competitors and shooting six pel...