

252 ratings
Pantheons of the Void
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27 Aug, 2021 @ 4:24pm
14 Jun, 2024 @ 9:20am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Pantheons of the Void


Foreword & Credits

This mod was originally created by Complex[], but he chose to step away from the project to focus on other mods which he has been developing, such as Expanded Gestalts: Forgotten Queens. If you wish to show your appreciation for his efforts to deliver quality mods to the Stellaris community, you can do so by visiting his Patreon and giving him a donation.

If you want to discuss/make suggestions for the mod, or offer your assistance in the mod's development, join this Discord server[] and ping 'TheBigE' (the lead developer for Pantheons of the Void) in the #complex_mods channel.

Current Stage: Public Release 3.12.*

In Pantheons of the Void, you will gain access to a number of religion-themed features to add greater depth to the game, in terms of population management and interactions with other empires.

- You will now be able to chose a preferred system of belief for your starting population in the Empire Creation screen. This selection will determine what your empire supports as its de facto 'state religion'. Belief systems that are available include the following: Atheism (belief that the supernatural does not exist or has no relevance to the material world), Agnosticism (lack of belief or conviction toward any paticular faith), Monotheism (belief in a single, usually all-powerful or all-knowing, deity), Polytheism (belief in a plural of deities within a single pantheon), Animatism (belief in an impersonal force or power not ascribed to any one being), and Animism (belief in innumerable spirits which inhabit and influence nature).

- Having pops that believe in other religious systems will cause some pops to start abandoning their work posts to start preaching about their faith. These 'Heresy Preachers' will consume their base costs and provide attraction towards their preferred belief system. Your empire's faith attraction values can be examined in the new Faction window. One preacher job is added for every 10 heretic pops on a planet, up to a maximum of 10 preachers, so be aware that having them on your worlds will cause a cascade effect over time.

- The 'Council of Faiths' window gives players the necessary tools to deal with heresy and determine your empire's official Religious Doctrine. Players will be able to choose between two doctrinal paths, the Flexible and the Dogmatic, and use their influence to progress down either path. It is also possible to bribe the council in order to get greater support from the religious masses, and get some extra influence in dire times.

- The purpose of the Flexible path is to work towards understanding of different faiths and being tolerant of other forms of faith. By doing so, you can levy taxes on heresy preachers, create ominist forums to add amenities from preachers, or even get some new casus bellis against dogmatic empires. <- [THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY REMOVED DUE TO MULTIPLE ISSUES WITH THE SYSTEM CURRENTLY IN PLACE. IT WILL BE RE-INTRODUCED ONCE THE ISSUES HAVE BEEN FIXED, BUT I CANNOT GIVE A RELIABLE TIMETABLE FOR THIS]

- The purpose of the Dogmatic path is to allow you to remove the threat of heresy and doctrinal deviancy as the ruler of your empire commands. By doing so, you can ban heresy preachers from practicing their deviant beliefs, purge them with a purifying flame, or brainwash the blasphemous beings into the light of your one true faith.

- With the Dogmatic path, you will also be able to send Missionaries to rival empires that do not share in your own empire's primary system of belief. Missionaries will add a lot of attraction towards your faith system in a random planet of the selected rival. If you send a missionary to an empire with 55% of its pops already following your religious system, they will be forced to change their system and their ruler will have to abdicate.

- Regardless of which path you choose to take, at the end of either path will be the option to exercise a Total war casus belli. Dogmatics will be allowed to purge the infidels of enemy empires, while Flexibles will be able to compel the dogmatics to embrace and accept new ideas. <- [THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY REMOVED DUE TO MULTIPLE ISSUES WITH THE SYSTEM CURRENTLY IN PLACE. IT WILL BE RE-INTRODUCED ONCE THE ISSUES HAVE BEEN FIXED, BUT I CANNOT GIVE A RELIABLE TIMETABLE FOR THIS]

Be aware that only regular vanilla empires are supported by this mod. Game balance is always open to change according to what is deemed necessary through play-testing and player feedback.

Mods that modify the UI will most likely conflict with this mod, specifically if the mod makes changes to the 'Policies and Edicts' and 'Factions' tabs in-game, as well as the 'Government & Ethics' tab in Empire Creation.

UI Overhaul Dynamic compatibility patch by Orrie here: [CURRENTLY OUTDATED]
Ethics and Civics: Bug Branch compatibility patch by /sci/ MonkeysInSpace here: [CURRENTLY OUTDATED]


We will NOT create separate compatibility patches to reconcile problems between this mod and others (your best course of action in this case would be to either A: make it yourself and inform me when the patch is uploaded so I can post a link to it here, or B: contact someone else with experience in modding who is willing to make and upload it on your behalf).

If you are even a mildly experienced modder and you wish to see this mod grow further in scope and depth, or you simply want to make it fully compatible with your favorite mod(s), I highly encourage you to join the development team for this mod and work with me to add fresh new content for everyone to enjoy.

DO NOT POST SUGGESTIONS IN THE MAIN WORKSHOP COMMENTS PAGE. I have pinned a suggestion thread that you can dump all your ideas into. If you post suggestions in the main comments page, they will be deleted. Our development team will also, from time to time, post development ideas in new threads (collectively referred as the 'Council of Direction') for the community to read over, so that you can give your feedback and criticism of the ideas before we begin implementing them.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
19 Jan @ 4:43pm
PINNED: Suggestions for the far future (maybe)
9 Apr, 2023 @ 1:52pm
2nd Council of Direction - Religious Integration and Religious Victory Points
4 Jan, 2022 @ 2:17pm
1st. Council of Direction - Doctrinal Policies
Barak Yisrael 19 Jan @ 4:29pm 
is there a way to change the pantheon ingame?
TheBigE  [author] 25 Oct, 2024 @ 11:28pm 
Only if the mod breaks as a result of any updates that drop, and even then it depends on how much spaghetti code I have to deal with. Right now, the mod is 100% working still as far as I can see.
The Cyber Skunk 17 Oct, 2024 @ 11:23am 
Out of curiosity, are there any plans to update this any further than 3.12?
xenodragon54 29 Sep, 2024 @ 1:26pm 
Wow someone updated it the day after I asked. lol. But would the comparability patches for Bug branch still work?
TheBigE  [author] 14 Jun, 2024 @ 9:22am 
New band-aid fix has dropped. Now watch Paradox release an update soon that once again completely alters the user interface for the edicts and factions tabs.

Man, do I hate UI modding.
xenodragon54 13 Jun, 2024 @ 9:48am 
Please, someone make a update of this one
烤面豹机 4 Jun, 2024 @ 8:53am 
if this mod been given up?
ivan727k 12 Jan, 2024 @ 7:51pm 
here is my suggestion after read: plz update
emerald10005 15 Nov, 2023 @ 5:42am 
This mod looks extremely awesome and i only found it recently. I hope for you to feel well enough so that it may be enjoyed once more
Frogdiver 5 Sep, 2023 @ 9:52am 
absolute legend for that stelaris read 101