Portal 2

Portal 2

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Chamber Bus
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10.253 MB
5 Jun, 2021 @ 10:00pm
5 Jun, 2021 @ 10:14pm
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Chamber Bus

wafflez  [author] 8 Jan, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
Also, I have not been particularly interested in creating another one of these experiences as I have since discovered you can simply save before and after the skill jumps which ruins the tension.
wafflez  [author] 8 Jan, 2023 @ 3:49pm 
Thank you for the feedback Starry Mic, I wanted the lasers to push you around and be a general nuisance and I had hoped that players would not notice the jump in the monotony of the chamber and fall in forcing them to restart. i have made another map called "Distrust 2". Sadly, I forget the differences between the two chambers but I believe that the lasers are more aggravating. I once again appreciate you for playing my creation! :)
Starry Mic 8 Jan, 2023 @ 3:14pm 
Truely an erotic and emotional journey all the way through. To see such beauty is to be trapped with it long enough to get a sense of the pride and effort shown by it's author in this piece.

Though... as much as I can praise this level... I feel there could be improvements. Only having 1 skill jump makes it easy to skip some of the beauty of this level. Having lasers that can't hurt you if you jump into them or stay airborne makes some areas feel unfinished, like a stain on a shirt that you can't unsee.

You see... I desire more. I desire something better. What you have made is a great starting point, but isn't nearly the end of this journey.