Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Eine Welt im Krieg [1.14.5]
Items (20)
(Player Only) More Non-Core Manpower
Created by Andreizabo
This mod adds 3 decisions which allow you to get more non-core manpower (25%, 50% or 100%) Only the player can take those decisions so the AI will not benefit in any way from this mod. Each decision lasts for 99999 days in-game time, so you can only choose...
+2 Research Slots
Created by Scarabaeus
+2 Research Slots Compatible with 1.12.* Does exactly what it says. Only the player country is affected. To trigger the event manually open the console (^) and type: event Researchslots.1 I can and will not guarantee that my mod will work well together wit...
50 Construction Slots - Cheaper Construction Costs
Created by MrBlazzar™
This mod makes the maximum number of building slots in a state 50 instead of 25. It also makes it so you can build 40 of a factory instead of just 20. Also I doubled the amount of starting slots for each state type. So cities use to be 6 now they are 12. I...
Air Reskin - Paint the Planes
Created by ADLER
Paint the Planes - Total Aircraft Reskin (1.15.+) Fully compatible with all DLC & Vanilla. Mod remodels & reskins all aircraft in the game to historically accurate war-paint/camouflage & markings of the period. Over 160 reskined aircraft. 112 Models, Germa...
Better Sounds
Created by Ellis
BETTER SOUNDS This mod replaces the vanilla sounds for battles, units and planes with new ones The mod is ironman and achievement compatible. FEATURES: Infantry attack sounds Mechanized infantry attack sounds Artillery attack sounds Tank attack sounds Tank...
Civilian Industrial Complex
Created by Iye
Are you sad that you cannot use a Military Industrial Organization (MIO) to research Indsturial or engineering technologies? Fear not, rescure is here! Features Adds a "Civilian Industrial Complex": Functions as a Research Company for: Industrial Research ...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - New sharp and modern borders What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Made from scratch. - Hand-made. - The country borders is split between 1 big border to indica...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make the textures ingame look better. What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Citylights now have a sharp new texture. If you like the mod, feel free to give a...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make completely new textures that is realistic and good looking. What this mod offers: - New textures with matching normal maps for correct depth and light reflection - ...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 There is another mod that also change the watercolor, altough it completely removes the reflections, the way it's done doesn't boost the performance mind you. This mod alters the wate...
Instant War
Created by DJCarAlarm
Updated for 1.15.1 - ironman incompatiable (no achievements) Mod should be compatible with any other mod Allows a new wargoal that allows justifying in 1 day Still keeps government rules for war IS IT BALANCED? lol, no anyone still using an older version y...
Lebensraum 4 Reupload
Created by byxa
reupload adds new occupation laws and core state button recommended to use with: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3185377491...
More Volunteers Decision
Created by RyansPlace
More Volunteers Decision This mod creates a More Volunteers decision which makes the following changes: - Removes restrictions that prevent players from sending volunteers to countries at war - Adds 100 Divisions to the maximum volunteer force size - Reduc...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.15 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
Radio Red China
A music radio mod that mainly plays nostalgic revolutionary communist/patriotic Chinese songs from the 1920s to 1970s. 红色歌曲电台,收录了四十几首自二十世纪早期至七十年代的红色歌曲与爱国歌曲。 如果有想要收录的歌可以留言,本mod的初衷是收录一些离HOI4时代较近的歌曲,版本选择上也会偏向革命战争时期、建国早期的风格。 喜欢这个mod的话请给它点个赞吧! _________________...
School for leaders
Created by PanzerHundCZE
IF YOU WANT TO HELP UKRAINE HERE ARE SOME LINKS WHERE YOU CAN DONATE TO THEM: https://www.unfpa.org/donate/Ukraine-a https://donate.unhcr.org In this mode you have a lot of decisions to improve any part of your country from construction speed through agenc...
The Ultimate German Radio Collection
Created by xRMGx
Presenting the Ultimate German Radio Collection: An ironman compatible mod that adds four stations that include over 36 hours of civilian content with its 730 historical time-accurate songs, along with news events and speeches (not included in the count). ...
Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
Created by iHavePopcorn
Current Version: 5.0 THE OFFICIAL DISCORD : https://discord.gg/Knzc7MtMv9 With over 2600 new icons this mod extends the tech tree timeline tinto the 90s while also introducing realistic unit icons, names and a immersive experience for those who wish to pla...
Thick Cities - 2025
Created by Glasg0
Do you want simplicity yet immersion? This is for you. No new states.. Just provinces Ambitious project, but well within my reach. Right now in Beta Version All suggestions will be taken into consideration discord here https://discord.gg/PtpgsDyE3g Cities ...