

145 ratings
Abyssal Warsuit
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3.218 MB
7 May, 2021 @ 5:39pm
29 Jun, 2024 @ 5:55am
30 Change Notes ( view )

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Abyssal Warsuit

Yup. You guessed it. Not a replacer
"Fear not the creatures of the abyss, for they also can bleed"
Europa changed: Deep caves, multiple outpost have lost coms, nightmarish roars from the depths. Adapt or die, this is how life goes. And this we did, the Coalition has developed their own line of combat suits and even started looking at MarineCorps as corrupt and traitorous. I've heard the stories of their dictatorship... just... Regardless, captain. This transmission holds the blueprints for a new, upgraded version of the Warsuit... can you imagine I can't call it Abyss anymore??? Outrageous. But, it's either adapt or die, this is how life goes. So captain, have you made your choice?
  • An endgame combat suits which grants full pressure protection, along side high tier defenses. Consumes energy out of custom made B-Rods (also known as battery rods). Can toggle lights on or off, turning on consumes more energy. The suit can be crafted whole, or divided in two pieces: Body armor and helmet. You must wear them both to have the pressure protection, also the helmet has intelligent oxygen depletion, which means it will only deplete oxygen when you are in a non oxygenated environment.
  • Battery rods, the heart of your suit. There are 5 variants: 1 is the basic rod with no special bonuses, the other 4 are upgrades of said rod which can increase your speed, defenses, anti-psychosis, and anti-paralysis resistances.
  • Helmet containers. Keep your suit's helmet on this place-able container. (Can be wired to charge the oxygen of your helmet's tank)
  • Custom icons for everything
What changed from the previous update?:
  • Reworked energy rods! Instead of all being a linear upgrade, they now provide unique bonuses one from the other. Plan your strategy and select the desired rod respectively, or simple choose the one that fits your own playstyle!
  • Re-balanced suit, although it is still better than any other vanilla suit, it is now much less durable, making you closer to a grunt (If you ever miss the tankyness of the previous version, you could always try a T.I.T.A.N. Warsuit unit)
  • The full suit is now craftable from the get go! Simply get all the composts at a fabricator, a couple of steel, one rubber, and get crafting!
  • Translations are now possible.
  • Reduced the amount of energy used and normalized it across the board.
  • Lots of tweaks and fixes! (Check the change log for details)
How do I craft it?:
  • Get one of each suit (regular diving, combat, and abyss). And turn them into compost in the fabricator
  • If you are looking for the full suit version, use said composts for the recipe, if not then:
  • Deconstruct your compost to receive the needed materials. Each compost grants one material for the suit and for the helmet
  • Fabricate the suit and helmet using those materials at the fabricator
  • You can always switch between full suit and pieces by deconstructing a full suit, or in the fabricator combining both pieces.
Energy usage reworked!
*Light consumes it's own resource 'lantern' energy, represented by the suit's condition.
*When the suit is powering and recharging lights it uses 0.05/s energy from a battery rod
*When the suit is in the water it uses 0.1/s energy from a battery rod to power the pressurizer
*Passively, the suit consumes 0.05/s energy from a battery rod to power basic systems
*Helmet uses redundant energy, which means it consumes nothing from the rod nor the suit (For the non-Full suit version only).
*Total energy consumed when all the systems are active is 0.2/s (for comparison, a diving mask consumes 0.5/s oxygen)
*Full suit version can't separate helmet light from arm light, meaning both will have to be toggled using the box (as far as I know, this is a technical issue I haven't been able to work around)
*PD: Lights are not automatically turned off when they run out of power. Be mindful of this and turn them off yourself or your suit will deplete energy without any payoff. Micromanagement of the suit is key for its effective usage
*WARNING: Battery rods now power the pressurizer, if you run out of power while in the water, you will be crushed in seconds. Keep your rods handy at all times. If this becomes annoying I'll change it.

T.I.T.A.N. vs A.B.Y.S.S. which one's better?: The Abyss is much better as a modular purpose warsuit, granting good protections that not even the (vanilla)abyssal diving suit provides, however the Titan double downs on these defenses and grants a much higher bleed resistance. In comparison, a Charybdis will still make you bleed to death while wearing an abyss while the titan will protect you from it. The Titan can only be charged from it's dock however, making it much more of a 'ultimate' kind of resource. Not to mention, while on ground the Titan slows down your movement

Now with Polish translation! Thanks to Kaofan . Go check them out!
And a Russian translation made by iErr0r32 . Thank you very much, it is appreciated.

Something you want to share? Curious on what I'm currently doing? Join my workshop's discord [] and share your thoughts!Still a wip discord server, not much to do other than getting news about my mods
Havel L. Krik 1 Mar @ 8:19am 
Getting a "invalid damage modifier" in the console for the suit, "Damage", Husk Infection, Ration Sickness.
Yak'All  [author] 1 Feb @ 5:03pm 
@Havel L. Krik
I did a quick check and I couldn't find the issues you said about the limbs. I suppose the torso does look ever so slightly misaligned, but it is so subtle that you have to be very zoomed in and looking for it to find anything out of the ordinary; as for the B-rod bug, yeah I've known about it for a while and tried a few things to make it work before, but sadly to no avail. With my limited time it is unlikely that one will get patched any time soon
Havel L. Krik 1 Feb @ 4:48pm 
Also, the Energized B-rod does not give any speed boost.
Havel L. Krik 1 Feb @ 4:44pm 
From what I can remember on the spot, the torso looks like it has been moved down and to the left. When you hold a weapon and aim up, you can see the arm holes.
Yak'All  [author] 1 Feb @ 3:44pm 
Hey, sorry for the very long silence. I was and still am a bit busy but got some time to answer a few things:

@Blackrock executive - The mod still works fine. I did a few rounds recently and didn't have any issues on its own with the current patch
@Havel L. Krik - I didn't find anything bad with the limb alignment, is there anything in particular you are referring to?
Havel L. Krik 21 Jan @ 9:02am 
Would you be able to check on the limb alignment for both the A.B.Y.S.S. & T.I.T.A.N. suits? I don't know what the devs did, but I think they did something funny.
Havel L. Krik 21 Jan @ 9:01am 
@Blackrock executive
Blackrock executive 26 Oct, 2024 @ 6:39am 
Does this still work fine?
Havel L. Krik 21 Sep, 2024 @ 1:58am 
Can you take a look at the light for the suit again? It is behaving weirdly, it tries to shine like a Flash Light but the middle of its beam is cut out.
Havel L. Krik 11 Sep, 2024 @ 6:09am 
I am not positive, but I don't think the Stimulated B-rod gives it said effect.