Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

324 人が評価
Enhanced Dynasty Tree Viewer
386.106 KB
2021年3月17日 18時11分
2024年3月15日 20時28分
17 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Enhanced Dynasty Tree Viewer

A few enhancements to the standard Dynasty Tree Viewer to make finding houses in the tree easier.

This mod is basically just 2 enhancements to the Dynasty Tree Viewer

1. The founders of Historical houses now show up like in-game creators of Cadet branches. Specifically, the coat of arms of their house shows up below them and there is a blue background around them and their descendants

2. There is a hideable section on the left of the screen that lists all the houses of the dynasty, with buttons for the house founder and the house head if they exist. Clicking the buttons will pan to those individuals in the tree. Also for Dynasties with more than 2 houses, there is a right arrow button for each house where you can display the parent and child houses for that house.

Ideally, I would like to sort the list of houses by date founded, but I haven't figured out how to sort the houses. So now the order is pretty random, sorry.

Note: The Parent/Child House functionality of the House list does not work while in observer mode. I haven't tested it in Multiplayer, but I would expect there could be issues with it if multiple players are looking at the same dynasty tree.

Mod Compatibility:
Any other mod that also changes the Dynasty Tree Viewer will not be compatible with this mod.
76 件のコメント
blazeknave 2024年11月30日 19時05分 
@Conan1001 I made another compatch - this one for Dynasty Bloodline Tracker:
Conan1001  [作成者] 2024年9月30日 12時04分 
@Extinrebok Vanilla didn’t make any recent changes to the dynasty tree gui window, so as far as I know this mod is still compatible with the latest Vanilla version.
Extinrebok 2024年9月30日 3時49分 
Should we expect a mod update in the near future?
Conan1001  [作成者] 2024年5月28日 9時29分 
@childofdragons as far as I am aware it works with the latest version
childofdragons 2024年5月27日 11時42分 
Does it need updated?
Mycelia 2024年5月13日 2時42分 
Pls update
Friedrich II von Hohenzollern 2024年3月11日 6時37分 
plz update 1.12
PhazezGova 2024年3月6日 3時57分 
I'm not sure if it works with the new patch
Conan1001  [作成者] 2024年1月17日 11時21分 
@Mydraor I agree that it would be great to get rid of duplicates in the tree, but that is beyond my abilities to implement in a mod, sorry.
Mydraor 2024年1月13日 7時23分 
Maybe not exactly the point of this mod, but I thought you could maybe have an idea if something like this would be possible? One point I hate is when my dynasty gets bigger dynasty members always start to marry each other and so the children pop up several times in the dynasty tree which gets worse and worse until one person is like a dozen times in the dynasty tree. Do you think there would be a way to show this people only once in the tree (either always under the father or for matrilinear marriages/bastards under the mother) so the tree doesn't always get so unneccesary big because the same people are in there over and over again.