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Hearts of Iron IV

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Lebensraum | A Submod for Road to 56 |
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Lebensraum | A Submod for Road to 56 |

This is a submod for the extensive and popular "Road to 56" you can find on the workshop. This mod does a number of things, but most especially it address what i believed was a lacking of features and events for ending the conflict on the Eastern Front. With Road to 56's extensive rework and their addition of a new civil war focus tree for the soviet Union, i thought this would work extremely smoothly as a dependent for this mod.

What Lebensraum does:

- Adds the option for GER-SOV armistice

This will be much the same as the Hoi3 "Bitter Peace", in the sense you can send a conditional peace offer when playing as Germany to the Soviet Union. Once Germany has occupied Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and a number of other key cities and the Soviets are 90% to capitulation (and the baltic states do not exist), it can send a offer to the Soviet Union through a decision which the Soviets can accept or reject. If accepted, Germany will annex all land west AA line,, and all axis states will have their cores returned (Finland will also annex parts of Karelia and Romania will get parts of Ukraine). A white peace and Non-Aggression pact will also come into effect.

In addition, I have also added 2 new reichskommissariats: Reichskommissariat Moskowien and Reichskommissariat Kaukasus. The territory for the existing Reichskommissariats have been also changed somewhat in order to be more similar to the borders laid out in German post war plans. There is also a decision to get AI Finland to join the war against the Soviets, which i find in vanilla and Rto56 is very hard to do even after the winter war.

- Soviet Civil War

If the peace deal is accepted, soon after officers angry with the decision to abandon European Russia, will rise up in revolt and in the process Stalin will be killed and replaced by Ivan Konev. Later, Japan can fund a fascist faction in the Russian civil war lead by the exiled Russian fascist leader Konstantin Rodzaevsky, and the central asian republics of the Soviet Union can declare independence while the civil war goes on.
Depending on the outcome of the civil war, (and using the great civil war tree of Rto56) the tsar could come back, the government can turn fascist, democracy can come to Russia or the Soviet Union can continue and eventually appoint Khrushchev as the new premier.
Japan in the midst of the civil war will have the option to occupy Russian Manchuria and the Kamchatka peninsula too.

- GER-UK Peace in 1940 if Halifax is Prime Minister.

If Halifax is Prime Minister of the UK and Germany controls France and the low countries (and Vichy exists), Germany can send a offer to the UK to end the war. If accepted by the UK (AI is 50/50 on the decision) a Non-Aggression Pact will come into force. Germany will gain control of Poland, Czechoslovakia and its French Cores. Additionally, the Low countries will become satellite states of Germany and Northern France will remain occupied until Vichy demands its return. Italy will also be gifted Mediterranean islands like Corsica and parts of Greece as well as British/French Somalia.

Meanwhile, Free France will fight on and form its own independent faction.

- Other small features

Fix to the US joining the allies in 1940 sometimes that can happen in Road to 56. Especially on historical, it should be very difficult for the USA to join the World War. Now they wont join till the Japanese declares war on them.

Integrated puppets and puppets have the same colour as their overlord (but not dominions or satellites).

Also a personal pet peeve of mine was when integrated puppets gave me their units which often sucked compared to mine. I got rid of that feature so they now operate as normal puppets do but with the better bonuses on trade/factories etc.

This is my biggest attempt at a mod yet, i hope this gives people some added flavour to Hoi4 and im open to any suggestions for additions to this Submod!
Popular Discussions View All (2)
26 Jul, 2021 @ 5:41pm
5 Dec, 2021 @ 5:46pm
Bug reports
QBall 8 Feb @ 10:03am 
No longer works - causes crash
pcloadleter 2 Aug, 2024 @ 4:37am 
does it work with rk+?
USA 27 Jun, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
looks great but I'm gonna wait for the update before trying it
Oxxxincu 2 Jun, 2024 @ 8:20am 
update pls
bevisroberson179 19 Apr, 2024 @ 11:49pm 
update please
Madyan236 29 Mar, 2024 @ 10:28am 
this mod is dead
!FASHUST_NAXER 19 Mar, 2024 @ 10:37am 
update pls
LanbytesUSA 28 Feb, 2024 @ 12:17pm 
now, how do I kill the USSR?
Lord Xir 23 Feb, 2024 @ 3:24pm 
Futti_Pajamas 18 Feb, 2024 @ 11:28am